path: root/video/out/vulkan/context.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* wayland_vk: rename start_frame to check_visibleDudemanguy2021-11-041-3/+4
* vo_gpu: vulkan: provide a helper to access device name optionPhilip Langdale2021-06-111-0/+3
* wayland: only render if we have frame callbackDudemanguy2020-09-211-0/+3
* wayland: add presentation timedudemanguy2019-10-201-0/+3
* wayland: use callback flag + poll for buffer swapdudemanguy2019-10-101-0/+6
* vo_gpu: vulkan: use libplacebo insteadNiklas Haas2019-04-211-1/+3
* vo_gpu: vulkan: generalize SPIR-V compilerNiklas Haas2017-09-261-0/+3
* vo_gpu: vulkan: initial implementationNiklas Haas2017-09-261-0/+10