path: root/osdep/macos/remote_command_center.swift
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* osdep/mac: make mac naming of files, folders and function consistentder richter2024-02-281-214/+0
* mac/remote: simplify cover retrievalder richter2024-02-151-3/+1
* mac/remote: remove unnecessary nowPlayingInfo variableder richter2024-02-151-14/+7
* mac/remote: add album and artist infoder richter2024-02-151-3/+10
* mac/remote: add seek supportder richter2024-02-151-2/+14
* mac/remote: add chapter title infoder richter2024-02-151-2/+4
* mac/remote: add media-title infoder richter2024-02-151-3/+6
* mac/remote: add playback rate infoder richter2024-02-151-2/+5
* mac/remote: add duration and current position infoder richter2024-02-151-8/+21
* mac/remote: remove make current observer when stoppedder richter2024-02-151-0/+6
* mac/remote: replace command handler with generic handler function configder richter2024-02-151-15/+17
* mac/remote: simplify repeatable key logicder richter2024-02-151-6/+2
* mac/remote: move configs to initialiser for new MediaPlayer shorthandsder richter2024-02-151-53/+56
* mac/remote: move class local struct and enum definition to extensionder richter2024-02-151-1/+3
* mac/remote: use explicit struct instead of generic array for configsder richter2024-02-151-48/+31
* mac: remove runtime checks and compatibility for macOS older than 10.15der richter2023-11-091-4/+1
* cocoa-cb: generalisation of backend independent partsder richter2020-08-221-1/+0
* mac: fix media key support for libmpv usersder richter2020-02-221-9/+14
* mac: report playback state to the MediaPlayer Command Centerder richter2020-01-261-11/+42
* mac: add support for PLAYONLY and PAUSEONLY key codes to MediaPlayerder richter2020-01-261-3/+3
* mac: replace old event tap for media key support with MediaPlayerder richter2019-12-151-0/+159