path: root/waftools/
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Diffstat (limited to 'waftools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/ b/waftools/
deleted file mode 100644
index eef3b6f9e8..0000000000
--- a/waftools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-class ParseError(Exception):
- pass
-class AstOp(object):
- def __init__(self, op, sub):
- self.op = op
- self.sub = sub
- def __repr__(self):
- if len(self.sub) == 1:
- return self.op + str(self.sub[0])
- return "(" + (" " + self.op + " ").join([str(x) for x in self.sub]) + ")"
-class AstSym(object):
- def __init__(self, name):
- assert type(name) is type("")
- = name
- def __repr__(self):
- return
-Arity = { "!": 1, "&&": 2, "||": 2 }
-Precedence = { "!": 3, "&&": 2, "||": 1 }
-Tokens = list(Arity.keys()) + ["(", ")"]
-# return (token, rest), or (None, "") if nothing left
-def read_tok(expr):
- expr = expr.strip()
- for t in Tokens:
- if expr.startswith(t):
- return (t, expr[len(t):])
- if expr == "":
- return (None, "")
- sym = ""
- while len(expr) and ((expr[0].lower() >= 'a' and expr[0].lower() <= 'z') or
- (expr[0] >= '0' and expr[0] <= '9') or
- (expr[0] in ["_", "-", "."])):
- sym += expr[0]
- expr = expr[1:]
- if len(sym):
- return sym, expr
- raise ParseError("unknown token in '%s'" % expr)
-def parse_expr(expr):
- opstack = []
- outstack = []
- def out(sym):
- if sym in Arity:
- sub = []
- for i in range(Arity[sym]):
- if len(outstack) == 0:
- raise ParseError("missing operator argument")
- sub.insert(0, outstack.pop())
- outstack.append(AstOp(sym, sub))
- elif sym == "(":
- raise ParseError("missing closing ')'")
- elif not isinstance(sym, AstSym):
- raise ParseError("bogus symbol '%s'" % sym)
- else:
- outstack.append(sym)
- while True:
- tok, expr = read_tok(expr)
- if tok is None:
- break
- if tok in Arity:
- while len(opstack) and opstack[-1] != '(' and \
- Precedence[opstack[-1]] > Precedence[tok]:
- out(opstack.pop())
- opstack.append(tok)
- elif tok == "(":
- opstack.append(tok)
- elif tok == ")":
- while True:
- if not len(opstack):
- raise ParseError("missing '(' for ')'")
- sym = opstack.pop()
- if sym == "(":
- break
- out(sym)
- else:
- out(AstSym(tok)) # Assume a terminal
- while len(opstack):
- out(opstack.pop())
- if len(outstack) != 1:
- raise ParseError("empty expression or extra symbols (%s)" % outstack)
- return outstack.pop()
-def convert_dnf(ast):
- # no nested ! (negation normal form)
- def simplify_negation(ast):
- if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- if ast.op == "!":
- sub = ast.sub[0]
- if isinstance(sub, AstOp):
- if sub.op == "!":
- return sub.sub[0]
- elif sub.op in ["&&", "||"]:
- sub.op = "||" if sub.op == "&&" else "&&"
- sub.sub = [AstOp("!", [x]) for x in sub.sub]
- return simplify_negation(sub)
- else:
- ast.sub = [simplify_negation(x) for x in ast.sub]
- return ast
- # a && (b && c) => a && b && c
- def flatten(ast):
- if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- can_flatten = ast.op in ["&&", "||"]
- nsub = []
- for sub in ast.sub:
- sub = flatten(sub)
- if isinstance(sub, AstOp) and sub.op == ast.op and can_flatten:
- nsub.extend(sub.sub)
- else:
- nsub.append(sub)
- ast.sub = nsub
- if len(ast.sub) == 1 and can_flatten:
- return ast.sub[0]
- return ast
- # a && (b || c) && d => (a && d && b) || (a && d && c)
- def redist(ast):
- def recombine(a, stuff):
- return AstOp("||", [AstOp("&&", [a, n]) for n in stuff])
- if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- ast.sub = [flatten(redist(x)) for x in ast.sub]
- if ast.op == "&&":
- for sub in ast.sub:
- if isinstance(sub, AstOp) and sub.op == "||":
- if len(ast.sub) == 1:
- return redist(sub)
- other = None
- for n in ast.sub:
- if n is not sub:
- if other is None:
- other = n
- else:
- other = flatten(AstOp("&&", [other, n]))
- return flatten(redist(recombine(other, sub.sub)))
- return ast
- return redist(flatten(simplify_negation(ast)))
-# Returns (success_as_bool, failure_reason_as_string)
-def check_dependency_expr(expr, deps):
- ast = parse_expr(expr)
- def eval_ast(ast):
- if isinstance(ast, AstSym):
- return in deps
- elif isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- vals = [eval_ast(x) for x in ast.sub]
- if ast.op == "&&":
- return vals[0] and vals[1]
- elif ast.op == "||":
- return vals[0] or vals[1]
- elif ast.op == "!":
- return not vals[0]
- assert False
- if eval_ast(ast):
- return True, None
- # Now the same thing again, but more complicated, and informing what is
- # missing.
- ast = convert_dnf(ast)
- # ast now is a or-combined list of and-combined deps. Each dep can have a
- # negation (marking a conflict). Each case of and-combined deps is a way
- # to satisfy the deps expression. Instead of dumping full information,
- # distinguish the following cases, and only mention the one that applies,
- # in order:
- # 1. the first missing dep of a case that has missing deps only
- # 2. the first conflicting dep at all
- def get_sub_list(node, op):
- if isinstance(node, AstOp) and node.op == op:
- return node.sub
- else:
- return [node]
- conflict_dep = None
- missing_dep = None
- for group in get_sub_list(ast, "||"):
- group_conflict = None
- group_missing_dep = None
- for elem in get_sub_list(group, "&&"):
- neg = False
- if isinstance(elem, AstOp) and elem.op == "!":
- neg = True
- elem = elem.sub[0]
- if not isinstance(elem, AstSym):
- continue # broken DNF?
- name =
- present = name in deps
- if (not present) and (not neg) and (group_missing_dep is None):
- group_missing_dep = name
- if present and neg and (group_conflict is None):
- group_conflict = name
- if (missing_dep is None) and (group_conflict is None):
- missing_dep = group_missing_dep
- if conflict_dep is None:
- conflict_dep = group_conflict
- reason = "unknown"
- if missing_dep is not None:
- reason = "%s not found" % (missing_dep)
- elif conflict_dep is not None:
- reason = "%s found" % (conflict_dep)
- return False, reason