path: root/waftools/checks/
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Diffstat (limited to 'waftools/checks/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/checks/ b/waftools/checks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 964546977b..0000000000
--- a/waftools/checks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-from waftools import inflector
-from waftools.checks.generic import *
-from waflib import Utils
-from distutils.version import StrictVersion
-import os
-__all__ = ["check_pthreads", "check_iconv", "check_lua",
- "check_cocoa", "check_wl_protocols", "check_swift",
- "check_egl_provider"]
-pthreads_program = load_fragment('pthreads.c')
-def check_pthread_flag(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- checks = [
- check_cc(fragment = pthreads_program, cflags = '-pthread'),
- check_cc(fragment = pthreads_program, cflags = '-pthread',
- linkflags = '-pthread') ]
- for fn in checks:
- if fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- return True
- return False
-def check_pthreads(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- if ctx.dependency_satisfied('win32-internal-pthreads'):
- h = ctx.path.find_node('osdep/win32/include').abspath()
- # define IN_WINPTHREAD to workaround mingw stupidity (we never want it
- # to define features specific to its own pthread stuff)
- ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['-isystem', h, '-I', h, '-DIN_WINPTHREAD']
- return True
- if check_pthread_flag(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- return True
- platform_cflags = {
- 'linux': '-D_REENTRANT',
- 'freebsd': '-D_THREAD_SAFE',
- 'netbsd': '-D_THREAD_SAFE',
- 'openbsd': '-D_THREAD_SAFE',
- }.get(ctx.env.DEST_OS, '')
- libs = ['pthreadGC2', 'pthread']
- checkfn = check_cc(fragment=pthreads_program, cflags=platform_cflags)
- checkfn_nocflags = check_cc(fragment=pthreads_program)
- for fn in [checkfn, checkfn_nocflags]:
- if check_libs(libs, fn)(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- return True
- return False
-def check_iconv(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- iconv_program = load_fragment('iconv.c')
- libdliconv = " ".join(ctx.env.LIB_LIBDL + ['iconv'])
- libs = ['iconv', libdliconv]
- args = {'fragment': iconv_program}
- if ctx.env.DEST_OS == 'openbsd' or ctx.env.DEST_OS == 'freebsd':
- args['cflags'] = '-I/usr/local/include'
- args['linkflags'] = '-L/usr/local/lib'
- elif ctx.env.DEST_OS == 'win32':
- args['linkflags'] = " ".join(['-L' + x for x in ctx.env.LIBRARY_PATH])
- checkfn = check_cc(**args)
- return check_libs(libs, checkfn)(ctx, dependency_identifier)
-def check_lua(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- lua_versions = [
- ( '52', 'lua >= 5.2.0 lua < 5.3.0' ),
- ( '52arch', 'lua52 >= 5.2.0'), # Arch
- ( '52deb', 'lua5.2 >= 5.2.0'), # debian
- ( '52fbsd', 'lua-5.2 >= 5.2.0'), # FreeBSD
- ( 'luajit', 'luajit >= 2.0.0' ),
- ( '51', 'lua >= 5.1.0 lua < 5.2.0'),
- ( '51obsd', 'lua51 >= 5.1.0'), # OpenBSD
- ( '51deb', 'lua5.1 >= 5.1.0'), # debian
- ( '51fbsd', 'lua-5.1 >= 5.1.0'), # FreeBSD
- ]
- if ctx.options.LUA_VER:
- lua_versions = \
- [lv for lv in lua_versions if lv[0] == ctx.options.LUA_VER]
- for lua_version, pkgconfig_query in lua_versions:
- if check_pkg_config(pkgconfig_query, uselib_store=lua_version) \
- (ctx, dependency_identifier):
- # XXX: this is a bit of a hack, ask waf developers if I can copy
- # the uselib_store to 'lua'
- ctx.mark_satisfied(lua_version)
- ctx.add_optional_message(dependency_identifier,
- 'version found: ' + lua_version)
- return True
- return False
-def check_wl_protocols(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- ret = check_pkg_config_datadir("wayland-protocols", ">= 1.15")
- ret = ret(ctx, dependency_identifier)
- if ret != None:
- ctx.env.WL_PROTO_DIR = ret.split()[0]
- return ret
- return fn(ctx, dependency_identifier)
-def check_cocoa(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- fn = check_cc(
- fragment = load_fragment('cocoa.m'),
- compile_filename = 'test.m',
- framework_name = ['Cocoa', 'IOKit', 'OpenGL', 'QuartzCore'],
- includes = [ctx.srcnode.abspath()],
- linkflags = '-fobjc-arc')
- res = fn(ctx, dependency_identifier)
- if res and ctx.env.MACOS_SDK:
- # on macOS we explicitly need to set the SDK path, otherwise it can lead
- # to linking warnings or errors
- ctx.env.append_value('LAST_LINKFLAGS', [
- '-isysroot', ctx.env.MACOS_SDK,
- '-L/usr/lib',
- '-L/usr/local/lib'
- ])
- return res
-def check_swift(version):
- def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- minVer = StrictVersion(version)
- if ctx.env.SWIFT_VERSION:
- if StrictVersion(ctx.env.SWIFT_VERSION) >= minVer:
- ctx.add_optional_message(dependency_identifier,
- 'version found: ' + str(ctx.env.SWIFT_VERSION))
- return True
- ctx.add_optional_message(dependency_identifier,
- "'swift >= " + str(minVer) + "' not found, found " +
- str(ctx.env.SWIFT_VERSION or None))
- return False
- return fn
-def check_egl_provider(minVersion=None, name='egl', check=None):
- def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
- if not hasattr(ctx, 'egl_provider'):
- egl_provider_check = check or check_pkg_config(name)
- if egl_provider_check(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- ctx.egl_provider = name
- for ver in ['1.5', '1.4', '1.3', '1.2', '1.1', '1.0']:
- stmt = 'int x[EGL_VERSION_{0}]'.format(ver.replace('.','_'))
- check_stmt = check_statement(['EGL/egl.h'], stmt)
- if check_stmt(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- ctx.egl_provider_version = StrictVersion(ver)
- break
- return True
- else:
- return False
- else:
- minVersionSV = minVersion and StrictVersion(minVersion)
- if not minVersionSV or ctx.egl_provider_version and \
- ctx.egl_provider_version >= minVersionSV:
- defkey = inflector.define_key(dependency_identifier)
- ctx.define(defkey, 1)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- return fn