path: root/video/out/cocoa-cb/title_bar.swift
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Diffstat (limited to 'video/out/cocoa-cb/title_bar.swift')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/video/out/cocoa-cb/title_bar.swift b/video/out/cocoa-cb/title_bar.swift
index 8a7bf30f02..596a13ba7b 100644
--- a/video/out/cocoa-cb/title_bar.swift
+++ b/video/out/cocoa-cb/title_bar.swift
@@ -19,19 +19,17 @@ import Cocoa
class TitleBar: NSVisualEffectView {
- weak var cocoaCB: CocoaCB! = nil
- var mpv: MPVHelper! {
- get { return cocoaCB == nil ? nil : cocoaCB.mpv }
- }
+ weak var cocoaCB: CocoaCB!
+ var mpv: MPVHelper { get { return cocoaCB.mpv } }
- var systemBar: NSView {
- get { return (cocoaCB.window.standardWindowButton(.closeButton)?.superview)! }
+ var systemBar: NSView? {
+ get { return cocoaCB.window?.standardWindowButton(.closeButton)?.superview }
static var height: CGFloat {
get { return NSWindow.frameRect(forContentRect:, styleMask: .titled).size.height }
var buttons: [NSButton] {
- get { return ([.closeButton, .miniaturizeButton, .zoomButton] as [NSWindowButton]).flatMap { cocoaCB.window.standardWindowButton($0) } }
+ get { return ([.closeButton, .miniaturizeButton, .zoomButton] as [NSWindowButton]).flatMap { cocoaCB.window?.standardWindowButton($0) } }
override var material: NSVisualEffectView.Material {
@@ -52,24 +50,28 @@ class TitleBar: NSVisualEffectView {
- convenience init(frame: NSRect, window: NSWindow, cocoaCB ccb: CocoaCB) {
+ init(frame: NSRect, window: NSWindow, cocoaCB ccb: CocoaCB) {
let f = NSMakeRect(0, frame.size.height - TitleBar.height,
frame.size.width, TitleBar.height)
- self.init(frame: f)
cocoaCB = ccb
+ super.init(frame: f)
alphaValue = 0
blendingMode = .withinWindow
autoresizingMask = [.viewWidthSizable, .viewMinYMargin]
- systemBar.alphaValue = 0
+ systemBar?.alphaValue = 0
state = .followsWindowActiveState
wantsLayer = true
- window.contentView!.addSubview(self, positioned: .above, relativeTo: nil)
+ window.contentView?.addSubview(self, positioned: .above, relativeTo: nil)
window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
- set(appearance: Int(mpv.macOpts!.macos_title_bar_appearance))
- set(material: Int(mpv.macOpts!.macos_title_bar_material))
- set(color: mpv.macOpts!.macos_title_bar_color)
+ set(appearance: Int(mpv.macOpts?.macos_title_bar_appearance ?? 0))
+ set(material: Int(mpv.macOpts?.macos_title_bar_material ?? 0))
+ set(color: mpv.macOpts?.macos_title_bar_color ?? "#00000000")
+ }
+ required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
+ fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
// catch these events so they are not propagated to the underlying view
@@ -87,34 +89,34 @@ class TitleBar: NSVisualEffectView {
if action == "Minimize" {
- cocoaCB.window.miniaturize(self)
+ window?.miniaturize(self)
} else if action == "Maximize" {
- cocoaCB.window.zoom(self)
+ window?.zoom(self)
func set(appearance: Any) {
if appearance is Int {
- window!.appearance = appearanceFrom(string: String(appearance as! Int))
+ window?.appearance = appearanceFrom(string: String(appearance as? Int ?? 0))
} else {
- window!.appearance = appearanceFrom(string: appearance as! String)
+ window?.appearance = appearanceFrom(string: appearance as? String ?? "auto")
func set(material: Any) {
if material is Int {
- self.material = materialFrom(string: String(material as! Int))
+ self.material = materialFrom(string: String(material as? Int ?? 0))
} else {
- self.material = materialFrom(string: material as! String)
+ self.material = materialFrom(string: material as? String ?? "titlebar")
func set(color: Any) {
if color is String {
- layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(hex: color as! String).cgColor
+ layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(hex: color as? String ?? "#00000000").cgColor
} else {
- let col = color as! m_color
+ let col = color as? m_color ?? m_color(r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0)
let red = CGFloat(col.r)/255
let green = CGFloat(col.g)/255
let blue = CGFloat(col.b)/255
@@ -125,20 +127,21 @@ class TitleBar: NSVisualEffectView {
func show() {
- if (!cocoaCB.window.border && !cocoaCB.window.isInFullscreen) { return }
- let loc = cocoaCB.view.convert(cocoaCB.window.mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream, from: nil)
+ guard let window = cocoaCB.window else { return }
+ if !window.border && !window.isInFullscreen { return }
+ let loc = cocoaCB.view?.convert(window.mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream, from: nil)
buttons.forEach { $0.isHidden = false }
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = 0.20
- systemBar.animator().alphaValue = 1
- if !cocoaCB.window.isInFullscreen && !cocoaCB.window.isAnimating {
+ systemBar?.animator().alphaValue = 1
+ if !window.isInFullscreen && !window.isAnimating {
animator().alphaValue = 1
isHidden = false
}, completionHandler: nil )
- if loc.y > TitleBar.height {
+ if loc?.y ?? 0 > TitleBar.height {
} else {
NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(hide), object: nil)
@@ -146,14 +149,15 @@ class TitleBar: NSVisualEffectView {
func hide() {
- if cocoaCB.window.isInFullscreen && !cocoaCB.window.isAnimating {
+ guard let window = cocoaCB.window else { return }
+ if window.isInFullscreen && !window.isAnimating {
alphaValue = 0
isHidden = true
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = 0.20
- systemBar.animator().alphaValue = 0
+ systemBar?.animator().alphaValue = 0
animator().alphaValue = 0
}, completionHandler: {
self.buttons.forEach { $0.isHidden = true }