path: root/libmpcodecs/vd_qtvideo.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libmpcodecs/vd_qtvideo.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/libmpcodecs/vd_qtvideo.c b/libmpcodecs/vd_qtvideo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e37ca456e..0000000000
--- a/libmpcodecs/vd_qtvideo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of MPlayer.
- *
- * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "mp_msg.h"
-#include "mpbswap.h"
-#include "vd_internal.h"
-#include <QuickTime/ImageCodec.h>
-#define dump_ImageDescription(x)
-#include "loader/ldt_keeper.h"
-#include "loader/qtx/qtxsdk/components.h"
-#include "loader/wine/winbase.h"
-#include "loader/wine/windef.h"
-static const vd_info_t info = {
- "Quicktime Video decoder",
- "qtvideo",
- "A'rpi",
- "Sascha Sommer",
- "win32"
-static mp_image_t* mpi;
-static Rect OutBufferRect; //the dimensions of our GWorld
-static GWorldPtr OutBufferGWorld = NULL;//a GWorld is some kind of description for a drawing environment
-static ImageDescriptionHandle framedescHandle;
-static ImageSequence imageSeq;
-static HINSTANCE qtime_qts; // handle to the preloaded quicktime.qts
-static HMODULE handler;
-static OSErr (*InitializeQTML)(long flags);
-static OSErr (*EnterMovies)(void);
-static void (*ExitMovies)(void);
-static OSErr (*DecompressSequenceBegin)(ImageSequence *seqID,
- ImageDescriptionHandle desc,
- CGrafPtr port,
- /*GDHandle*/void* gdh,
- const Rect *srcRect,
- MatrixRecordPtr matrix,
- short mode,
- RgnHandle mask,
- CodecFlags flags,
- CodecQ accuracy,
- DecompressorComponent codec);
-static OSErr (*DecompressSequenceFrameS)(ImageSequence seqID,
- Ptr data,
- long dataSize,
- CodecFlags inFlags,
- CodecFlags *outFlags,
- ICMCompletionProcRecordPtr asyncCompletionProc);
-static PixMapHandle (*GetGWorldPixMap)(GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld);
-static OSErr (*QTNewGWorldFromPtr)(GWorldPtr *gw,
- OSType pixelFormat,
- const Rect *boundsRect,
- CTabHandle cTable,
- /*GDHandle*/void* aGDevice, //unused anyway
- GWorldFlags flags,
- void *baseAddr,
- long rowBytes);
-static Handle (*NewHandleClear)(Size byteCount);
-static void (*DisposeHandle)(Handle h);
-static void (*DisposeGWorld)(GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld);
-static OSErr (*CDSequenceEnd)(ImageSequence seqID);
-#endif /* #ifndef CONFIG_QUICKTIME */
-// to set/get/query special features/parameters
-static int control(sh_video_t *sh,int cmd,void* arg,...){
-// init driver
-static int init(sh_video_t *sh){
- OSErr result = 1;
- int extradata_size = sh->bih ? sh->bih->biSize - sizeof(*sh->bih) : 0;
- void *extradata = sh->bih + 1;
- if (!sh->ImageDesc)
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"sh->ImageDesc not set, try -demuxer mov if this fails.\n");
-#ifdef WIN32_LOADER
- Setup_LDT_Keeper();
- //preload quicktime.qts to avoid the problems caused by the hardcoded path inside the dll
- qtime_qts = LoadLibraryA("QuickTime.qts");
- if(!qtime_qts){
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"unable to load QuickTime.qts\n" );
- return 0;
- }
- handler = LoadLibraryA("qtmlClient.dll");
- if(!handler){
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"unable to load qtmlClient.dll\n");
- return 0;
- }
- InitializeQTML = (OSErr (*)(long))GetProcAddress(handler, "InitializeQTML");
- EnterMovies = (OSErr (*)(void))GetProcAddress(handler, "EnterMovies");
- ExitMovies = (void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(handler, "ExitMovies");
- DecompressSequenceBegin = (OSErr (*)(ImageSequence*,ImageDescriptionHandle,CGrafPtr,void *,const Rect *,MatrixRecordPtr,short,RgnHandle,CodecFlags,CodecQ,DecompressorComponent))GetProcAddress(handler, "DecompressSequenceBegin");
- DecompressSequenceFrameS = (OSErr (*)(ImageSequence,Ptr,long,CodecFlags,CodecFlags*,ICMCompletionProcRecordPtr))GetProcAddress(handler, "DecompressSequenceFrameS");
- GetGWorldPixMap = (PixMapHandle (*)(GWorldPtr))GetProcAddress(handler, "GetGWorldPixMap");
- QTNewGWorldFromPtr = (OSErr(*)(GWorldPtr *,OSType,const Rect *,CTabHandle,void*,GWorldFlags,void *,long))GetProcAddress(handler, "QTNewGWorldFromPtr");
- NewHandleClear = (Handle(*)(Size))GetProcAddress(handler, "NewHandleClear");
- DisposeHandle = (void (*)(Handle))GetProcAddress(handler, "DisposeHandle");
- DisposeGWorld = (void (*)(GWorldPtr))GetProcAddress(handler, "DisposeGWorld");
- CDSequenceEnd = (OSErr (*)(ImageSequence))GetProcAddress(handler, "CDSequenceEnd");
- if(!InitializeQTML || !EnterMovies || !DecompressSequenceBegin || !DecompressSequenceFrameS){
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"invalid qtmlClient.dll!\n");
- return 0;
- }
- result=InitializeQTML(kInitializeQTMLDisableDirectSound |
- kInitializeQTMLUseGDIFlag |
- kInitializeQTMLDisableDDClippers);
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG2,"InitializeQTML returned %d\n",result);
-#endif /* CONFIG_QUICKTIME */
- result=EnterMovies();
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG2,"EnterMovies returned %d\n",result);
- //make a yuy2 gworld
- OutBufferRect.left=0;
- OutBufferRect.right=sh->disp_w;
- OutBufferRect.bottom=sh->disp_h;
- //Fill the imagedescription for our SVQ3 frame
- //we can probably get this from Demuxer
- if (!sh->ImageDesc && extradata_size >= sizeof(ImageDescription) &&
- ((ImageDescription *)extradata)->idSize <= extradata_size)
- sh->ImageDesc = extradata;
- if (sh->ImageDesc) {
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG2,"ImageDescription size: %d\n",((ImageDescription*)(sh->ImageDesc))->idSize);
- framedescHandle=(ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(((ImageDescription*)(sh->ImageDesc))->idSize);
- memcpy(*framedescHandle,sh->ImageDesc,((ImageDescription*)(sh->ImageDesc))->idSize);
- } else {
- // assume extradata consists only of the atoms, build the other parts
- ImageDescription *idesc;
- int size = sizeof(*idesc) + extradata_size;
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, "Generating a ImageDescription\n");
- framedescHandle=(ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(size);
- idesc = *framedescHandle;
- memcpy(idesc + 1, extradata, extradata_size);
- idesc->idSize = size;
- idesc->width = sh->disp_w;
- idesc->height = sh->disp_h;
- }
- if (mp_msg_test(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V))
- dump_ImageDescription(*framedescHandle);
- (**framedescHandle).cType = bswap_32(sh->format);
- sh->context = (void *)kYUVSPixelFormat;
- {
- int imgfmt = sh->codec->outfmt[sh->outfmtidx];
- int qt_imgfmt;
- switch(imgfmt)
- {
- case IMGFMT_YUY2:
- qt_imgfmt = kYUVSPixelFormat;
- break;
- case IMGFMT_YVU9:
- qt_imgfmt = 0x73797639; //kYVU9PixelFormat;
- break;
- case IMGFMT_YV12:
- qt_imgfmt = 0x79343230;
- break;
- qt_imgfmt = k2vuyPixelFormat;
- break;
- qt_imgfmt = kYVYU422PixelFormat;
- imgfmt = IMGFMT_YUY2;
- break;
- case IMGFMT_RGB16:
- qt_imgfmt = k16LE555PixelFormat;
- break;
- case IMGFMT_BGR24:
- qt_imgfmt = k24BGRPixelFormat;
- break;
- case IMGFMT_BGR32:
- qt_imgfmt = k32BGRAPixelFormat;
- break;
- case IMGFMT_RGB32:
- qt_imgfmt = k32RGBAPixelFormat;
- break;
- default:
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"Unknown requested csp\n");
- return 0;
- }
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG2,"imgfmt: %s qt_imgfmt: %.4s\n", vo_format_name(imgfmt), (char *)&qt_imgfmt);
- sh->context = (void *)qt_imgfmt;
- if(!mpcodecs_config_vo(sh,sh->disp_w,sh->disp_h,imgfmt)) return 0;
- }
- mpi=mpcodecs_get_image(sh, MP_IMGTYPE_STATIC, MP_IMGFLAG_PRESERVE,
- sh->disp_w, sh->disp_h);
- if(!mpi) return 0;
- result = QTNewGWorldFromPtr(
- &OutBufferGWorld,
- (OSType)sh->context,
- &OutBufferRect, //we should benchmark if yvu9 is faster for svq3, too
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- mpi->planes[0],
- mpi->stride[0]);
- if (result) {
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"QTNewGWorldFromPtr result=%d\n",result);
- return 0;
- }
- result = DecompressSequenceBegin(&imageSeq, framedescHandle, (CGrafPtr)OutBufferGWorld,
- NULL, NULL, NULL, srcCopy, NULL, 0,
- codecNormalQuality, 0);
- if(result) {
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"DecompressSequenceBegin result=%d\n",result);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-// uninit driver
-static void uninit(sh_video_t *sh){
- if(OutBufferGWorld) {
- DisposeGWorld(OutBufferGWorld);
- OutBufferGWorld = NULL;
- }
- if(framedescHandle) {
- DisposeHandle((Handle)framedescHandle);
- framedescHandle = NULL;
- }
- if(imageSeq) {
- CDSequenceEnd(imageSeq);
- imageSeq = 0;
- }
- ExitMovies();
-// decode a frame
-static mp_image_t* decode(sh_video_t *sh,void* data,int len,int flags){
- OSErr result = 1;
- CodecFlags ignore;
- if(len<=0) return NULL; // skipped frame
-#if defined(WIN32_LOADER) && !defined(CONFIG_QUICKTIME)
- Setup_FS_Segment();
- result = DecompressSequenceFrameS(imageSeq, data, len, 0, &ignore, NULL);
- if(result) {
- mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"DecompressSequenceFrameS result=0x%d\n",result);
- return NULL;
- }
-if((int)sh->context==0x73797639){ // Sorenson 16-bit YUV -> std YVU9
- int i;
- PixMap dstPixMap = **GetGWorldPixMap(OutBufferGWorld);
- short *src0=(short *)((char*)dstPixMap.baseAddr+0x20);
- for(i=0;i<mpi->h;i++){
- int x;
- unsigned char* dst=mpi->planes[0]+i*mpi->stride[0];
- unsigned short* src=src0+i*((mpi->w+15)&(~15));
- for(x=0;x<mpi->w;x++) dst[x]=src[x];
- }
- src0+=((mpi->w+15)&(~15))*((mpi->h+15)&(~15));
- for(i=0;i<mpi->h/4;i++){
- int x;
- unsigned char* dst=mpi->planes[1]+i*mpi->stride[1];
- unsigned short* src=src0+i*(((mpi->w+63)&(~63))/4);
- for(x=0;x<mpi->w/4;x++) dst[x]=src[x];
- src+=((mpi->w+63)&(~63))/4;
- }
- src0+=(((mpi->w+63)&(~63))/4)*(((mpi->h+63)&(~63))/4);
- for(i=0;i<mpi->h/4;i++){
- int x;
- unsigned char* dst=mpi->planes[2]+i*mpi->stride[2];
- unsigned short* src=src0+i*(((mpi->w+63)&(~63))/4);
- for(x=0;x<mpi->w/4;x++) dst[x]=src[x];
- src+=((mpi->w+63)&(~63))/4;
- }
- return mpi;