path: root/TOOLS/lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'TOOLS/lua')
8 files changed, 639 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua b/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua
index 5fc5063e8d..6a6914076a 100644
--- a/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/acompressor.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- filter including key bindings for adjusting parameters.
-- See for explanation
--- of the parameteres.
+-- of the parameters.
local mp = require 'mp'
local options = require 'mp.options'
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/autocrop.lua b/TOOLS/lua/autocrop.lua
index 2316a46d00..ea57d15658 100644
--- a/TOOLS/lua/autocrop.lua
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/autocrop.lua
@@ -1,114 +1,298 @@
--- This script uses the lavfi cropdetect filter to automatically
--- insert a crop filter with appropriate parameters for the currently
--- playing video.
--- It registers the key-binding "C" (shift+c), which when pressed,
--- inserts the filter vf=lavfi=cropdetect. After 1 second, it then
--- inserts the filter vf=crop=w:h:x:y, where w,h,x,y are determined
--- from the vf-metadata gathered by cropdetect. The cropdetect filter
--- is removed immediately after the crop filter is inserted as it is
--- no longer needed.
--- If the "C" key is pressed again, the crop filter is removed
--- restoring playback to its original state.
--- Since the crop parameters are determined from the 1 second of video
--- between inserting the cropdetect and crop filters, the "C" key
--- should be pressed at a position in the video where the crop region
--- is unambiguous (i.e., not a black frame, black background title
--- card, or dark scene).
--- The default delay between insertion of the cropdetect and
--- crop filters may be overridden by adding
--- --script-opts=autocrop.detect_seconds=<number of seconds>
--- to mpv's arguments. This may be desirable to allow cropdetect more
--- time to collect data.
-require "mp.msg"
-script_name = mp.get_script_name()
-cropdetect_label = string.format("%s-cropdetect", script_name)
-crop_label = string.format("%s-crop", script_name)
--- number of seconds to gather cropdetect data
-detect_seconds = tonumber(mp.get_opt(string.format("%s.detect_seconds", script_name)))
-if not detect_seconds then
- detect_seconds = 1
+This script uses the lavfi cropdetect filter and the video-crop property to
+automatically crop the currently playing video with appropriate parameters.
+It automatically crops the video when playback starts.
+You can also manually crop the video by pressing the "C" (shift+c) key.
+Pressing it again undoes the crop.
+The workflow is as follows: First, it inserts the cropdetect filter. After
+<detect_seconds> (default is 1) seconds, it then sets video-crop based on the
+vf-metadata values gathered by cropdetect. The cropdetect filter is removed
+after video-crop is set as it is no longer needed.
+Since the crop parameters are determined from the 1 second of video between
+inserting the cropdetect filter and setting video-crop, the "C" key should be
+pressed at a position in the video where the crop region is unambiguous (i.e.,
+not a black frame, black background title card, or dark scene).
+If non-copy-back hardware decoding is in use, hwdec is temporarily disabled for
+the duration of cropdetect as the filter would fail otherwise.
+These are the default options. They can be overridden by adding
+script-opts-append=autocrop-<parameter>=<value> to mpv.conf.
+local options = {
+ -- Whether to automatically apply crop at the start of playback. If you
+ -- don't want to crop automatically, add
+ -- script-opts-append=autocrop-auto=no to mpv.conf.
+ auto = true,
+ -- Delay before starting crop in auto mode. You can try to increase this
+ -- value to avoid dark scenes or fade ins at beginning. Automatic cropping
+ -- will not occur if the value is larger than the remaining playback time.
+ auto_delay = 4,
+ -- Black threshold for cropdetect. Smaller values will generally result in
+ -- less cropping. See limit of
+ --
+ detect_limit = "24/255",
+ -- The value which the width/height should be divisible by. Smaller
+ -- values have better detection accuracy. If you have problems with
+ -- other filters, you can try to set it to 4 or 16. See round of
+ --
+ detect_round = 2,
+ -- The ratio of the minimum clip size to the original. A number from 0 to
+ -- 1. If the picture is over cropped, try adjusting this value.
+ detect_min_ratio = 0.5,
+ -- How long to gather cropdetect data. Increasing this may be desirable to
+ -- allow cropdetect more time to collect data.
+ detect_seconds = 1,
+ -- Whether the OSD shouldn't be used when cropdetect and video-crop are
+ -- applied and removed.
+ suppress_osd = false,
+require "mp.options".read_options(options)
+local cropdetect_label = mp.get_script_name() .. "-cropdetect"
+timers = {
+ auto_delay = nil,
+ detect_crop = nil
+local hwdec_backup
+local command_prefix = options.suppress_osd and 'no-osd' or ''
+function is_enough_time(seconds)
+ -- Plus 1 second for deviation.
+ local time_needed = seconds + 1
+ local playtime_remaining = mp.get_property_native("playtime-remaining")
+ return playtime_remaining and time_needed < playtime_remaining
+function is_cropable(time_needed)
+ if mp.get_property_native('current-tracks/video/image') ~= false then
+ mp.msg.warn("autocrop only works for videos.")
+ return false
+ end
+ if not is_enough_time(time_needed) then
+ mp.msg.warn("Not enough time to detect crop.")
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+function remove_cropdetect()
+ for _, filter in pairs(mp.get_property_native("vf")) do
+ if filter.label == cropdetect_label then
+ mp.command(
+ string.format("%s vf remove @%s", command_prefix, filter.label))
+ return
+ end
+ end
-function del_filter_if_present(label)
- -- necessary because mp.command('vf del @label:filter') raises an
- -- error if the filter doesn't exist
- local vfs = mp.get_property_native("vf")
- for i,vf in pairs(vfs) do
- if vf["label"] == label then
- table.remove(vfs, i)
- mp.set_property_native("vf", vfs)
- return true
+function restore_hwdec()
+ if hwdec_backup then
+ mp.set_property("hwdec", hwdec_backup)
+ hwdec_backup = nil
+ end
+function cleanup()
+ remove_cropdetect()
+ -- Kill all timers.
+ for index, timer in pairs(timers) do
+ if timer then
+ timer:kill()
+ timers[index] = nil
- return false
+ restore_hwdec()
-function autocrop_start()
- -- exit if cropdetection is already in progress
- if timer then
- mp.msg.warn("already cropdetecting!")
+function detect_crop()
+ local time_needed = options.detect_seconds
+ if not is_cropable(time_needed) then
- -- if there's a crop filter, remove it and exit
- if del_filter_if_present(crop_label) then
- return
+ local hwdec_current = mp.get_property("hwdec-current")
+ if hwdec_current:find("-copy$") == nil and hwdec_current ~= "no" and
+ hwdec_current ~= "crystalhd" and hwdec_current ~= "rkmpp" then
+ hwdec_backup = mp.get_property("hwdec")
+ mp.set_property("hwdec", "no")
- -- insert the cropdetect filter
- ret=mp.command(
+ -- Insert the cropdetect filter.
+ local limit = options.detect_limit
+ local round = options.detect_round
+ mp.command(
- 'vf add @%s:cropdetect=limit=%f:round=2:reset=0',
- cropdetect_label, 24/255
+ '%s vf pre @%s:cropdetect=limit=%s:round=%d:reset=0',
+ command_prefix, cropdetect_label, limit, round
- -- wait to gather data
- timer=mp.add_timeout(detect_seconds, do_crop)
+ -- Wait to gather data.
+ timers.detect_crop = mp.add_timeout(time_needed, detect_end)
-function do_crop()
- -- get the metadata
+function detect_end()
+ -- Get the metadata and remove the cropdetect filter.
local cropdetect_metadata = mp.get_property_native(
- string.format("vf-metadata/%s", cropdetect_label)
- )
+ "vf-metadata/" .. cropdetect_label)
+ remove_cropdetect()
+ -- Remove the timer of detect crop.
+ if timers.detect_crop then
+ timers.detect_crop:kill()
+ timers.detect_crop = nil
+ end
+ restore_hwdec()
+ local meta = {}
- -- use it to crop if its valid
+ -- Verify the existence of metadata.
if cropdetect_metadata then
- if cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.w"]
- and cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.h"]
- and cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.x"]
- and cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.y"]
- then
- mp.command(string.format("vf add @%s:lavfi-crop=w=%s:h=%s:x=%s:y=%s",
- crop_label,
- cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.w"],
- cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.h"],
- cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.x"],
- cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.y"]))
- else
- mp.msg.error(
- "Got empty crop data. You might need to increase detect_seconds."
- )
- end
+ meta = {
+ w = cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.w"],
+ h = cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.h"],
+ x = cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.x"],
+ y = cropdetect_metadata["lavfi.cropdetect.y"],
+ }
- mp.msg.error(
- "No crop data. Was the cropdetect filter successfully inserted?"
- )
- mp.msg.error(
- "Does your version of ffmpeg/libav support AVFrame metadata?"
+ mp.msg.error("No crop data.")
+"Was the cropdetect filter successfully inserted?")
+"Does your version of FFmpeg support AVFrame metadata?")
+ return
+ end
+ -- Verify that the metadata meets the requirements and convert it.
+ if meta.w and meta.h and meta.x and meta.y then
+ local width = mp.get_property_native("width")
+ local height = mp.get_property_native("height")
+ meta = {
+ w = tonumber(meta.w),
+ h = tonumber(meta.h),
+ x = tonumber(meta.x),
+ y = tonumber(meta.y),
+ min_w = width * options.detect_min_ratio,
+ min_h = height * options.detect_min_ratio,
+ max_w = width,
+ max_h = height
+ }
+ else
+ mp.msg.error("Got empty crop data.")
+"You might need to increase detect_seconds.")
+ end
+ apply_crop(meta)
+function apply_crop(meta)
+ -- Verify if it is necessary to crop.
+ local is_effective = meta.w and meta.h and meta.x and meta.y and
+ (meta.x > 0 or meta.y > 0
+ or meta.w < meta.max_w or meta.h < meta.max_h)
+ -- Verify it is not over cropped.
+ local is_excessive = false
+ if is_effective and (meta.w < meta.min_w or meta.h < meta.min_h) then
+"The area to be cropped is too large.")
+"You might need to decrease detect_min_ratio.")
+ is_excessive = true
+ end
+ if not is_effective or is_excessive then
+ -- Clear any existing crop.
+ mp.command(string.format("%s set file-local-options/video-crop ''", command_prefix))
+ return
+ end
+ -- Apply crop.
+ mp.command(string.format("%s set file-local-options/video-crop %sx%s+%s+%s",
+ command_prefix, meta.w, meta.h, meta.x, meta.y))
+function on_start()
+ -- Clean up at the beginning.
+ cleanup()
+ -- If auto is not true, exit.
+ if not then
+ return
+ end
+ -- If it is the beginning, wait for detect_crop
+ -- after auto_delay seconds, otherwise immediately.
+ local playback_time = mp.get_property_native("playback-time")
+ local is_delay_needed = playback_time
+ and options.auto_delay > playback_time
+ if is_delay_needed then
+ -- Verify if there is enough time for autocrop.
+ local time_needed = options.auto_delay + options.detect_seconds
+ if not is_cropable(time_needed) then
+ return
+ end
+ timers.auto_delay = mp.add_timeout(time_needed,
+ function()
+ detect_crop()
+ -- Remove the timer of auto delay.
+ timers.auto_delay:kill()
+ timers.auto_delay = nil
+ end
+ else
+ detect_crop()
+ end
+function on_toggle()
+ -- If it is during auto_delay, kill the timer.
+ if timers.auto_delay then
+ timers.auto_delay:kill()
+ timers.auto_delay = nil
+ end
+ -- Cropped => Remove it.
+ if mp.get_property("video-crop") ~= "" then
+ mp.command(string.format("%s set file-local-options/video-crop ''", command_prefix))
+ return
- -- remove the cropdetect filter
- del_filter_if_present(cropdetect_label)
- timer=nil
+ -- Detecting => Leave it.
+ if timers.detect_crop then
+ mp.msg.warn("Already cropdetecting!")
+ return
+ end
+ -- Neither => Detect crop.
+ detect_crop()
-mp.add_key_binding("C", "auto_crop", autocrop_start)
+mp.add_key_binding("C", "toggle_crop", on_toggle)
+mp.register_event("end-file", cleanup)
+mp.register_event("file-loaded", on_start)
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/autodeint.lua b/TOOLS/lua/autodeint.lua
index b891c9a838..4e929607a0 100644
--- a/TOOLS/lua/autodeint.lua
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/autodeint.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-- telecined and the interlacing field dominance.
-- Based on this information, it may set mpv's ``deinterlace`` property (which
--- usually inserts the yadif filter), or insert the ``pullup`` filter if the
+-- usually inserts the bwdif filter), or insert the ``pullup`` filter if the
-- content is telecined. It also sets field dominance with lavfi setfield.
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/autoload.lua b/TOOLS/lua/autoload.lua
index 7150abb95e..593d375431 100644
--- a/TOOLS/lua/autoload.lua
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/autoload.lua
@@ -10,16 +10,30 @@
To configure this script use file autoload.conf in directory script-opts (the "script-opts"
directory must be in the mpv configuration directory, typically ~/.config/mpv/).
+Option `ignore_patterns` is a comma-separated list of patterns (see
+Additionally to the standard lua patterns, you can also escape commas with `%`,
+for example, the option `bak%,x%,,another` will be resolved as patterns `bak,x,` and `another`.
+But it does not mean you need to escape all lua patterns twice,
+so the option `bak%%,%.mp4,` will be resolved as two patterns `bak%%` and `%.mp4`.
Example configuration would be:
local msg = require 'mp.msg'
local options = require 'mp.options'
@@ -29,9 +43,26 @@ o = {
disabled = false,
images = true,
videos = true,
- audio = true
+ audio = true,
+ additional_image_exts = "",
+ additional_video_exts = "",
+ additional_audio_exts = "",
+ ignore_hidden = true,
+ same_type = false,
+ directory_mode = "auto",
+ ignore_patterns = ""
+options.read_options(o, nil, function(list)
+ split_option_exts(list.additional_video_exts, list.additional_audio_exts, list.additional_image_exts)
+ if list.videos or list.additional_video_exts or
+ or list.additional_audio_exts or
+ list.images or list.additional_image_exts then
+ create_extensions()
+ end
+ if list.directory_mode then
+ validate_directory_mode()
+ end
function Set (t)
local set = {}
@@ -40,35 +71,111 @@ function Set (t)
function SetUnion (a,b)
- local res = {}
- for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = true end
- for k in pairs(b) do res[k] = true end
- return res
+ for k in pairs(b) do a[k] = true end
+ return a
+-- Returns first and last positions in string or past-to-end indices
+function FindOrPastTheEnd (string, pattern, start_at)
+ local pos1, pos2 = string.find(string, pattern, start_at)
+ return pos1 or #string + 1,
+ pos2 or #string + 1
+function Split (list)
+ local set = {}
+ local item_pos = 1
+ local item = ""
+ while item_pos <= #list do
+ local pos1, pos2 = FindOrPastTheEnd(list, "%%*,", item_pos)
+ local pattern_length = pos2 - pos1
+ local is_comma_escaped = pattern_length % 2
+ local pos_before_escape = pos1 - 1
+ local item_escape_count = pattern_length - is_comma_escaped
+ item = item .. string.sub(list, item_pos, pos_before_escape + item_escape_count)
+ if is_comma_escaped == 1 then
+ item = item .. ","
+ else
+ set[item] = true
+ item = ""
+ end
+ item_pos = pos2 + 1
+ end
+ set[item] = true
+ -- exclude empty items
+ set[""] = nil
+ return set
- 'mkv', 'avi', 'mp4', 'ogv', 'webm', 'rmvb', 'flv', 'wmv', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'm4v', '3gp'
+ '3g2', '3gp', 'avi', 'flv', 'm2ts', 'm4v', 'mj2', 'mkv', 'mov',
+ 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'ogv', 'rmvb', 'webm', 'wmv', 'y4m'
- 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogm', 'flac', 'm4a', 'wma', 'ogg', 'opus'
+ 'aiff', 'ape', 'au', 'flac', 'm4a', 'mka', 'mp3', 'oga', 'ogg',
+ 'ogm', 'opus', 'wav', 'wma'
- 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'gif', 'webp', 'svg', 'bmp'
+ 'avif', 'bmp', 'gif', 'j2k', 'jp2', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'jxl', 'png',
+ 'svg', 'tga', 'tif', 'tiff', 'webp'
+function split_option_exts(video, audio, image)
+ if video then o.additional_video_exts = Split(o.additional_video_exts) end
+ if audio then o.additional_audio_exts = Split(o.additional_audio_exts) end
+ if image then o.additional_image_exts = Split(o.additional_image_exts) end
+split_option_exts(true, true, true)
-function add_files_at(index, files)
- index = index - 1
+function split_patterns()
+ o.ignore_patterns = Split(o.ignore_patterns)
+function create_extensions()
+ if o.videos then
+ SetUnion(SetUnion(EXTENSIONS_VIDEO, EXTENSIONS_VIDEO_DEFAULT), o.additional_video_exts)
+ end
+ if then
+ SetUnion(SetUnion(EXTENSIONS_AUDIO, EXTENSIONS_AUDIO_DEFAULT), o.additional_audio_exts)
+ end
+ if o.images then
+ SetUnion(SetUnion(EXTENSIONS_IMAGES, EXTENSIONS_IMAGES_DEFAULT), o.additional_image_exts)
+ end
+function validate_directory_mode()
+ if o.directory_mode ~= "recursive" and o.directory_mode ~= "lazy" and o.directory_mode ~= "ignore" then
+ o.directory_mode = nil
+ end
+function add_files(files)
local oldcount = mp.get_property_number("playlist-count", 1)
for i = 1, #files do
- mp.commandv("loadfile", files[i], "append")
- mp.commandv("playlist-move", oldcount + i - 1, index + i - 1)
+ mp.commandv("loadfile", files[i][1], "append")
+ mp.commandv("playlist-move", oldcount + i - 1, files[i][2])
@@ -81,6 +188,16 @@ function get_extension(path)
+function is_ignored(file)
+ for pattern, _ in pairs(o.ignore_patterns) do
+ if string.match(file, pattern) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
table.filter = function(t, iter)
for i = #t, 1, -1 do
if not iter(t[i]) then
@@ -89,59 +206,130 @@ table.filter = function(t, iter)
--- splitbynum and alnumcomp from alphanum.lua (C) Andre Bogus
--- Released under the MIT License
--- split a string into a table of number and string values
-function splitbynum(s)
- local result = {}
- for x, y in (s or ""):gmatch("(%d*)(%D*)") do
- if x ~= "" then table.insert(result, tonumber(x)) end
- if y ~= "" then table.insert(result, y) end
+table.append = function(t1, t2)
+ local t1_size = #t1
+ for i = 1, #t2 do
+ t1[t1_size + i] = t2[i]
- return result
-function clean_key(k)
- k = (' '..k..' '):gsub("%s+", " "):sub(2, -2):lower()
- return splitbynum(k)
+-- alphanum sorting for humans in Lua
--- compare two strings
-function alnumcomp(x, y)
- local xt, yt = clean_key(x), clean_key(y)
- for i = 1, math.min(#xt, #yt) do
- local xe, ye = xt[i], yt[i]
- if type(xe) == "string" then ye = tostring(ye)
- elseif type(ye) == "string" then xe = tostring(xe) end
- if xe ~= ye then return xe < ye end
+function alphanumsort(filenames)
+ local function padnum(n, d)
+ return #d > 0 and ("%03d%s%.12f"):format(#n, n, tonumber(d) / (10 ^ #d))
+ or ("%03d%s"):format(#n, n)
- return #xt < #yt
+ local tuples = {}
+ for i, f in ipairs(filenames) do
+ tuples[i] = {f:lower():gsub("0*(%d+)%.?(%d*)", padnum), f}
+ end
+ table.sort(tuples, function(a, b)
+ return a[1] == b[1] and #b[2] < #a[2] or a[1] < b[1]
+ end)
+ for i, tuple in ipairs(tuples) do filenames[i] = tuple[2] end
+ return filenames
local autoloaded = nil
+local added_entries = {}
+local autoloaded_dir = nil
+function scan_dir(path, current_file, dir_mode, separator, dir_depth, total_files, extensions)
+ if dir_depth == MAXDIRSTACK then
+ return
+ end
+ msg.trace("scanning: " .. path)
+ local files = utils.readdir(path, "files") or {}
+ local dirs = dir_mode ~= "ignore" and utils.readdir(path, "dirs") or {}
+ local prefix = path == "." and "" or path
+ table.filter(files, function (v)
+ -- The current file could be a hidden file, ignoring it doesn't load other
+ -- files from the current directory.
+ local current = prefix .. v == current_file
+ if o.ignore_hidden and not current and string.match(v, "^%.") then
+ return false
+ end
+ if not current and is_ignored(v) then
+ return false
+ end
+ local ext = get_extension(v)
+ if ext == nil then
+ return false
+ end
+ return extensions[string.lower(ext)]
+ end)
+ table.filter(dirs, function(d)
+ return not ((o.ignore_hidden and string.match(d, "^%.")))
+ end)
+ alphanumsort(files)
+ alphanumsort(dirs)
+ for i, file in ipairs(files) do
+ files[i] = prefix .. file
+ end
+ table.append(total_files, files)
+ if dir_mode == "recursive" then
+ for _, dir in ipairs(dirs) do
+ scan_dir(prefix .. dir .. separator, current_file, dir_mode,
+ separator, dir_depth + 1, total_files, extensions)
+ end
+ else
+ for i, dir in ipairs(dirs) do
+ dirs[i] = prefix .. dir
+ end
+ table.append(total_files, dirs)
+ end
function find_and_add_entries()
+ local aborted = mp.get_property_native("playback-abort")
+ if aborted then
+ msg.debug("stopping: playback aborted")
+ return
+ end
local path = mp.get_property("path", "")
local dir, filename = utils.split_path(path)
msg.trace(("dir: %s, filename: %s"):format(dir, filename))
if o.disabled then
- msg.verbose("stopping: autoload disabled")
+ msg.debug("stopping: autoload disabled")
elseif #dir == 0 then
- msg.verbose("stopping: not a local path")
+ msg.debug("stopping: not a local path")
local pl_count = mp.get_property_number("playlist-count", 1)
+ this_ext = get_extension(filename)
-- check if this is a manually made playlist
if (pl_count > 1 and autoloaded == nil) or
- (pl_count == 1 and EXTENSIONS[string.lower(get_extension(filename))] == nil) then
- msg.verbose("stopping: manually made playlist")
+ (pl_count == 1 and EXTENSIONS[string.lower(this_ext)] == nil) then
+ msg.debug("stopping: manually made playlist")
- autoloaded = true
+ if pl_count == 1 then
+ autoloaded = true
+ autoloaded_dir = dir
+ added_entries = {}
+ end
+ end
+ local extensions = {}
+ if o.same_type then
+ if EXTENSIONS_VIDEO[string.lower(this_ext)] ~= nil then
+ extensions = EXTENSIONS_VIDEO
+ elseif EXTENSIONS_AUDIO[string.lower(this_ext)] ~= nil then
+ extensions = EXTENSIONS_AUDIO
+ else
+ extensions = EXTENSIONS_IMAGES
+ end
+ else
+ extensions = EXTENSIONS
local pl = mp.get_property_native("playlist", {})
@@ -149,31 +337,22 @@ function find_and_add_entries()
msg.trace(("playlist-pos-1: %s, playlist: %s"):format(pl_current,
- local files = utils.readdir(dir, "files")
- if files == nil then
- msg.verbose("no other files in directory")
- return
+ local files = {}
+ do
+ local dir_mode = o.directory_mode or mp.get_property("directory-mode", "lazy")
+ local separator = mp.get_property_native("platform") == "windows" and "\\" or "/"
+ scan_dir(autoloaded_dir, path, dir_mode, separator, 0, files, extensions)
- table.filter(files, function (v, k)
- if string.match(v, "^%.") then
- return false
- end
- local ext = get_extension(v)
- if ext == nil then
- return false
- end
- return EXTENSIONS[string.lower(ext)]
- end)
- table.sort(files, alnumcomp)
- if dir == "." then
- dir = ""
+ if next(files) == nil then
+ msg.debug("no other files or directories in directory")
+ return
-- Find the current pl entry (dir+"/"+filename) in the sorted dir list
local current
for i = 1, #files do
- if files[i] == filename then
+ if files[i] == path then
current = i
@@ -183,38 +362,49 @@ function find_and_add_entries()
msg.trace("current file position in files: "..current)
+ -- treat already existing playlist entries, independent of how they got added
+ -- as if they got added by autoload
+ for _, entry in ipairs(pl) do
+ added_entries[entry.filename] = true
+ end
local append = {[-1] = {}, [1] = {}}
for direction = -1, 1, 2 do -- 2 iterations, with direction = -1 and +1
for i = 1, MAXENTRIES do
- local file = files[current + i * direction]
- local pl_e = pl[pl_current + i * direction]
+ local pos = current + i * direction
+ local file = files[pos]
if file == nil or file[1] == "." then
- local filepath = dir .. file
- if pl_e then
- -- If there's a playlist entry, and it's the same file, stop.
- msg.trace(pl_e.filename.." == "..filepath.." ?")
- if pl_e.filename == filepath then
- break
+ -- skip files that are/were already in the playlist
+ if not added_entries[file] then
+ if direction == -1 then
+ msg.verbose("Prepending " .. file)
+ table.insert(append[-1], 1, {file, pl_current + i * direction + 1})
+ else
+ msg.verbose("Adding " .. file)
+ if pl_count > 1 then
+ table.insert(append[1], {file, pl_current + i * direction - 1})
+ else
+ mp.commandv("loadfile", file, "append")
+ end
- if direction == -1 then
- if pl_current == 1 then -- never add additional entries in the middle
-"Prepending " .. file)
- table.insert(append[-1], 1, filepath)
- end
- else
-"Adding " .. file)
- table.insert(append[1], filepath)
+ added_entries[file] = true
+ end
+ if pl_count == 1 and direction == -1 and #append[-1] > 0 then
+ for i = 1, #append[-1] do
+ mp.commandv("loadfile", append[-1][i][1], "append")
+ mp.commandv("playlist-move", 0, current)
- add_files_at(pl_current + 1, append[1])
- add_files_at(pl_current, append[-1])
+ if pl_count > 1 then
+ add_files(append[1])
+ add_files(append[-1])
+ end
mp.register_event("start-file", find_and_add_entries)
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/command-test.lua b/TOOLS/lua/command-test.lua
index 30d8cc05ff..877cacdeb6 100644
--- a/TOOLS/lua/command-test.lua
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/command-test.lua
@@ -76,6 +76,25 @@ mp.observe_property("vo-configured", "bool", function(_, v)
+ mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess", args = {"wc", "-c"},
+ stdin_data = "hello", capture_stdout = true},
+ function(res, val, err)
+ print("Should be '5': " .. val.stdout)
+ end)
+ -- blocking stdin by default
+ mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess", args = {"cat"},
+ capture_stdout = true},
+ function(res, val, err)
+ print("Should be 0: " .. #val.stdout)
+ end)
+ -- stdin + detached
+ mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess",
+ args = {"bash", "-c", "(sleep 5s ; cat)"},
+ stdin_data = "this should appear after 5s.\n",
+ detach = true},
+ function(res, val, err)
+ print("5s test: " .. val.status)
+ end)
-- This should get killed on script exit.
mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess", playback_only = false,
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/osd-test.lua b/TOOLS/lua/osd-test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b1781956d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/osd-test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+local assdraw = require 'mp.assdraw'
+local utils = require 'mp.utils'
+things = {}
+for i = 1, 2 do
+ things[i] = {
+ osd1 = mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events"),
+ osd2 = mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events")
+ }
+things[1].text = "{\\an5}hello\\Nworld"
+things[2].text = "{\\pos(400, 200)}something something"
+mp.add_periodic_timer(2, function()
+ for i, thing in ipairs(things) do
+ = thing.text
+ thing.osd1.compute_bounds = true
+ --thing.osd1.hidden = true
+ local res = thing.osd1:update()
+ print("res " .. i .. ": " .. utils.to_string(res))
+ thing.osd2.hidden = true
+ if res ~= nil and res.x0 ~= nil then
+ local draw = assdraw.ass_new()
+ draw:append("{\\alpha&H80}")
+ draw:draw_start()
+ draw:pos(0, 0)
+ draw:rect_cw(res.x0, res.y0, res.x1, res.y1)
+ draw:draw_stop()
+ thing.osd2.hidden = false
+ = draw.text
+ end
+ thing.osd2:update()
+ end
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/skip-logo.lua b/TOOLS/lua/skip-logo.lua
index 34cbff06f2..ae66b22250 100644
--- a/TOOLS/lua/skip-logo.lua
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/skip-logo.lua
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ local function load_config()
setfenv(conf_fn, config)
- msg.warn("Lua 5.2 was not tested, this might go wrong.")
conf_fn, err = loadfile(conf_file, "t", config)
@@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ local function read_frames()
-mp.observe_property(meta_property, "none", function()
+mp.observe_property(meta_property, "native", function()
-- Ignore f