diff options
6 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DOCS/man/en/options.rst b/DOCS/man/en/options.rst
index 4c4d6ebc8d..2eac6ddee5 100644
--- a/DOCS/man/en/options.rst
+++ b/DOCS/man/en/options.rst
@@ -1396,6 +1396,9 @@
search for video segments from other files, and will also ignore any
chapter order specified for the main file.
+``--osc``, ``--no-osc``
+ Whether to load the on-screen-controller (default: no).
``--no-osd-bar``, ``--osd-bar``
Disable display of the OSD bar. This will make some things (like seeking)
use OSD text messages instead of the bar.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 52741b8c7f..2e93e1f7d5 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -407,6 +407,10 @@ mpvcore/mp_lua.c: mpvcore/lua/
mpvcore/lua/ TOOLS/ mpvcore/lua/assdraw.lua
./$^ >$@
+mpvcore/mp_lua.c: mpvcore/lua/
+mpvcore/lua/ TOOLS/ mpvcore/lua/osc.lua
+ ./$^ >$@
# ./configure must be rerun if it changed
config.mak: configure
@echo "############################################################"
@@ -507,6 +511,7 @@ clean:
-$(RM) sub/osd_font.h
-$(RM) mpvcore/lua/
-$(RM) mpvcore/lua/
+ -$(RM) mpvcore/lua/
distclean: clean
-$(RM) config.log config.mak config.h TAGS tags
diff --git a/mpvcore/lua/osc.lua b/mpvcore/lua/osc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d75b5f0071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpvcore/lua/osc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+-- osc.lua
+local assdraw = require 'mp.assdraw'
+local msg = require 'mp.msg'
+-- Parameters
+local user_opts = {
+ -- default user option values
+ -- do not touch, change them in plugin_osc.conf
+ scaleWindowed = 1, -- scaling of the controller when windowed
+ scaleFullscreen = 1, -- scaling of the controller when fullscreen
+ vidscale = true, -- scale the controller with the video?
+ valign = 0.8, -- vertical alignment, -1 (top) to 1 (bottom)
+ halign = 0, -- horizontal alignment, -1 (left) to 1 (right)
+ fadeduration = 200, -- duration of fade out in ms, 0 = no fade
+ deadzonedist = 0.15, -- distance between OSC and deadzone
+ iAmAProgrammer = false, -- start counting stuff at 0 and disable OSC internal playlist management (and some functions that depend on it)
+local osc_param = {
+ osc_w = 550, -- width, height, corner-radius, padding of the OSC box
+ osc_h = 138,
+ osc_r = 10,
+ osc_p = 15,
+ -- calculated by osc_init()
+ playresy = 0, -- canvas size Y
+ playresx = 0, -- canvas size X
+ posX, posY = 0,0, -- position of the controler
+ pos_offsetX, pos_offsetY = 0,0, -- vertical/horizontal position offset for contents aligned at the borders of the box
+local osc_styles = {
+ bigButtons = "{\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF\\3c&HFFFFFF\\fs50\\fnmpv-osd-symbols}",
+ smallButtonsL = "{\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF\\3c&HFFFFFF\\fs20\\fnmpv-osd-symbols}",
+ smallButtonsLlabel = "{\\fs17\\fn" .. mp.property_get("options/osd-font") .. "}",
+ smallButtonsR = "{\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF\\3c&HFFFFFF\\fs30\\fnmpv-osd-symbols}",
+ elementDown = "{\\1c&H999999}",
+ timecodes = "{\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF\\3c&HFFFFFF\\fs20}",
+ vidtitle = "{\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF\\3c&HFFFFFF\\fs12}",
+ box = "{\\bord1\\1c&H000000\\3c&HFFFFFF}",
+-- internal states, do not touch
+local state = {
+ osc_visible = false,
+ anistart, -- time when the animation started
+ anitype, -- current type of animation
+ animation, -- current animation alpha
+ mouse_down_counter = 0, -- used for softrepeat
+ active_element = nil, -- nil = none, 0 = background, 1+ = see elements[]
+ active_event_source = nil, -- the "button" that issued the current event
+ rightTC_trem = true, -- if the right timcode should display total or remaining time
+ tc_ms = false, -- Should the timecodes display their time with milliseconds
+ mp_screen_sizeX, mp_screen_sizeY, -- last screen-resolution, to detect resolution changes to issue reINITs
+ initREQ = false, -- is a re-init request pending?
+ last_seek, -- last seek position, to avoid deadlocks by repeatedly seeking to the same position
+ message_text,
+ message_timeout,
+-- User Settings Management
+function val2str(val)
+ local strval = val
+ if type(val) == "boolean" then
+ if val then strval = "yes" else strval = "no" end
+ end
+ return strval
+-- converts val to type of desttypeval
+function typeconv(desttypeval, val)
+ if type(desttypeval) == "boolean" then
+ if val == "yes" then
+ val = true
+ elseif val == "no" then
+ val = false
+ else
+ msg.error("Error: Can't convert " .. val .." to boolean!")
+ val = nil
+ end
+ elseif type(desttypeval) == "number" then
+ if not (tonumber(val) == nil) then
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ else
+ msg.error("Error: Can't convert " .. val .." to number!")
+ val = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return val
+-- Automagical config handling
+-- options: A table with options setable via config with assigned default values. The type of the default values is important for
+-- converting the values read from the config file back. Do not use "nil" as a default value!
+-- identifier: A simple indentifier string for the config file. Make sure this doesn't collide with other scripts.
+-- How does it work:
+-- Existance of the configfile will be checked, if it doesn't exist, the default values from the options table will be written in a new
+-- file, commented out. If it exits, the key/value pairs will be read, and values of keys that exist in the options table will overwrite
+-- their value. Keys that don't exist in the options table will be ignored, keys that don't exits in the config will keep their default
+-- value. The value's types will automatically be converted to the type used in the options table.
+function read_config(options, identifier)
+ local conffilename = "plugin_" .. identifier .. ".conf"
+ local conffile = mp.find_config_file(conffilename)
+ local f =,"r")
+ if f == nil then
+ msg.warn(conffile.." does not exist, creating it ...")
+ -- so create it, write default options
+ local f =,"w+")
+ f:write("# Config file for "..identifier.."\n# <-- works only at beginning of line.\n# Do not have any spare spaces flying around.\n\n")
+ -- iterate over the options table
+ for key, value in pairs(options) do
+ f:write("#" .. key .. "=" .. val2str(value) .. "\n")
+ end
+ io.close(f)
+ else
+ -- config exists, read values
+ local linecounter = 1
+ for line in f:lines() do
+ if string.find(line, "#") == 1 then
+ else
+ local eqpos = string.find(line, "=")
+ if eqpos == nil then
+ else
+ local key = string.sub(line, 1, eqpos-1)
+ local val = string.sub(line, eqpos+1)
+ -- match found values with defaults
+ if options[key] == nil then
+ msg.warn(conffilename..":"..linecounter.." unknown key " .. key .. ", ignoring")
+ else
+ local convval = typeconv(options[key], val)
+ if convval == nil then
+ msg.error(conffilename..":"..linecounter.." error converting value '" .. val .. "' for key '" .. key .. "'")
+ else
+ options[key] = convval
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ linecounter = linecounter + 1
+ end
+ io.close(f)
+ end
+-- read configfile
+read_config(user_opts, "osc")
+-- Helperfunctions
+function scale_value(x0, x1, y0, y1, val)
+ local m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
+ local b = y0 - (m * x0)
+ return (m * val) + b
+-- returns hitbox spanning coordinates (top left, bottom right corner) according to alignment
+function get_hitbox_coords(x, y, an, w, h)
+ local alignments = {
+ [1] = function () return x, y-h, x+w, y end,
+ [2] = function () return x-(w/2), y-h, x+(w/2), y end,
+ [3] = function () return x-w, y-h, x, y end,
+ [4] = function () return x, y-(h/2), x+w, y+(h/2) end,
+ [5] = function () return x-(w/2), y-(h/2), x+(w/2), y+(h/2) end,
+ [6] = function () return x-w, y-(h/2), x, y+(h/2) end,
+ [7] = function () return x, y, x+w, y+h end,
+ [8] = function () return x-(w/2), y, x+(w/2), y+h end,
+ [9] = function () return x-w, y, x, y+h end,
+ }
+ return alignments[an]()
+function get_element_hitbox(element)
+ return element.hitbox.x1, element.hitbox.y1, element.hitbox.x2, element.hitbox.y2
+function mouse_hit(element)
+ local mX, mY = mp.get_mouse_pos()
+ local bX1, bY1, bX2, bY2 = get_element_hitbox(element)
+ return (mX >= bX1 and mX <= bX2 and mY >= bY1 and mY <= bY2)
+function limit_range(min, max, val)
+ if val > max then
+ val = max
+ elseif val < min then
+ val = min
+ end
+ return val
+function get_slider_value(element)
+ local fill_offsetV = element.metainfo.slider.border +
+ local paddingH = (element.h - (2*fill_offsetV)) / 2
+ local b_x1, b_x2 = element.hitbox.x1 + paddingH, element.hitbox.x2 - paddingH
+ local s_min, s_max = element.metainfo.slider.min, element.metainfo.slider.max
+ local pos = scale_value(b_x1, b_x2, s_min, s_max, mp.get_mouse_pos())
+ return limit_range(s_min, s_max, pos)
+function countone(val)
+ if not (user_opts.iAmAProgrammer) then
+ val = val + 1
+ end
+ return val
+-- align: -1 .. +1
+-- frame: size of the containing area
+-- obj: size of the object that should be positioned inside the area
+-- margin: min. distance from object to frame (as long as -1 <= align <= +1)
+function get_align(align, frame, obj, margin)
+ return (frame / 2) + (((frame / 2) - margin - (obj / 2)) * align)
+-- Tracklist Management
+local nicetypes = {video = "Video", audio = "Audio", sub = "Subtitle"}
+-- updates the OSC internal playlists, should be run each time the track-layout changes
+function update_tracklist()
+ local tracktable = mp.get_track_list()
+ -- by osc_id
+ tracks_osc = {}
+,, tracks_osc.sub = {}, {}, {}
+ -- by mpv_id
+ tracks_mpv = {}
+,, tracks_mpv.sub = {}, {}, {}
+ for n = 1, #tracktable do
+ if not (tracktable[n].type == "unkown") then
+ local type = tracktable[n].type
+ local mpv_id = tonumber(tracktable[n].id)
+ -- by osc_id
+ table.insert(tracks_osc[type], tracktable[n])
+ -- by mpv_id
+ tracks_mpv[type][mpv_id] = tracktable[n]
+ tracks_mpv[type][mpv_id].osc_id = #tracks_osc[type]
+ end
+ end
+-- return a nice list of tracks of the given type (video, audio, sub)
+function get_tracklist(type)
+ local msg = "Available " .. nicetypes[type] .. " Tracks: "
+ local select_scale = 100
+ if #tracks_osc[type] == 0 then
+ msg = msg .. "none"
+ else
+ for n = 1, #tracks_osc[type] do
+ local track = tracks_osc[type][n]
+ local lang, title, selected = "unkown", "", "{\\fscx" .. select_scale .. "\\fscy" .. select_scale .. "}○{\\fscx100\\fscy100}"
+ if not(track.language == nil) then lang = track.language end
+ if not(track.title == nil) then title = track.title end
+ if ( == tonumber(mp.property_get(type))) then
+ selected = "{\\fscx" .. select_scale .. "\\fscy" .. select_scale .. "}●{\\fscx100\\fscy100}"
+ end
+ msg = msg .. "\n" .. selected .. " " .. n .. ": [" .. lang .. "] " .. title
+ end
+ end
+ return msg
+-- relatively change the track of given <type> by <next> tracks (+1 -> next, -1 -> previous)
+function set_track(type, next)
+ local current_track_mpv, current_track_osc
+ if (mp.property_get(type) == "no") then
+ current_track_osc = 0
+ else
+ current_track_mpv = tonumber(mp.property_get(type))
+ current_track_osc = tracks_mpv[type][current_track_mpv].osc_id
+ end
+ local new_track_osc = (current_track_osc + next) % (#tracks_osc[type] + 1)
+ local new_track_mpv
+ if new_track_osc == 0 then
+ new_track_mpv = "no"
+ else
+ new_track_mpv = tracks_osc[type][new_track_osc].id
+ end
+ mp.send_command("no-osd set " .. type .. " " .. new_track_mpv)
+ if (new_track_osc == 0) then
+ show_message(nicetypes[type] .. " Track: none")
+ else
+ show_message(nicetypes[type] .. " Track: " .. new_track_osc .. "/" .. #tracks_osc[type]
+ .. " [" .. (tracks_osc[type][new_track_osc].language or "unkown") .. "] " .. (tracks_osc[type][new_track_osc].title or ""))
+ end
+-- get the currently selected track of <type>, OSC-style counted
+function get_track(type)
+ local track = mp.property_get(type)
+ if (track == "no" or track == nil) then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return tracks_mpv[type][tonumber(track)].osc_id
+ end
+-- Element Management
+-- do not use this function, use the wrappers below
+function register_element(type, x, y, an, w, h, style, content, eventresponder, metainfo2)
+ -- type button, slider or box
+ -- x, y position
+ -- an alignment (see ASS standard)
+ -- w, h size of hitbox
+ -- style main style
+ -- content what the element should display, can be a string or a function(ass)
+ -- eventresponder A table containing functions mapped to events that shall be run on those events
+ -- metainfo A table containing additional parameters for the element
+ -- set default metainfo
+ local metainfo = {}
+ if not (metainfo2 == nil) then metainfo = metainfo2 end
+ if metainfo.visible == nil then metainfo.visible = true end -- element visible at all?
+ if metainfo.enabled == nil then metainfo.enabled = true end -- element clickable?
+ if metainfo.styledown == nil then metainfo.styledown = true end -- should the element be styled with the elementDown style when clicked?
+ if metainfo.softrepeat == nil then metainfo.softrepeat = false end -- should the *_down event be executed with "hold for repeat" behaviour?
+ if metainfo.alpha == nil then metainfo.alpha = 0 end -- alpha of the element, 0 = opaque, 255 = transparent
+ if metainfo.visible then
+ local ass = assdraw.ass_new()
+ ass:append("{}") -- shitty hack to troll the new_event function into inserting a \n
+ ass:new_event()
+ ass:pos(x, y) -- positioning
+ ass:an(an)
+ ass:append(style) -- styling
+ -- if the element is supposed to be disabled, style it accordingly and kill the eventresponders
+ if metainfo.enabled == false then
+ metainfo.alpha = 136
+ eventresponder = nil
+ end
+ -- Calculate the hitbox
+ local bX1, bY1, bX2, bY2 = get_hitbox_coords(x, y, an, w, h)
+ local hitbox
+ if type == "slider" then
+ -- if it's a slider, cut the border and gap off, as those aren't of interest for eventhandling
+ local fill_offset = metainfo.slider.border +
+ hitbox = {x1 = bX1 + fill_offset, y1 = bY1 + fill_offset, x2 = bX2 - fill_offset, y2 = bY2 - fill_offset}
+ else
+ hitbox = {x1 = bX1, y1 = bY1, x2 = bX2, y2 = bY2}
+ end
+ local element = {
+ type = type,
+ elem_ass = ass,
+ hitbox = hitbox,
+ w = w,
+ h = h,
+ content = content,
+ eventresponder = eventresponder,
+ metainfo = metainfo,
+ }
+ table.insert(elements, element)
+ end
+function register_button(x, y, an, w, h, style, content, eventresponder, metainfo)
+ register_element("button", x, y, an, w, h, style, content, eventresponder, metainfo)
+function register_box(x, y, an, w, h, r, style, metainfo2)
+ local ass = assdraw.ass_new()
+ ass:draw_start()
+ ass:round_rect_cw(0, 0, w, h, r)
+ ass:draw_stop()
+ local metainfo = {}
+ if not (metainfo2 == nil) then metainfo = metainfo2 end
+ metainfo.styledown = false
+ register_element("box", x, y, an, w, h, style, ass, nil, metainfo)
+function register_slider(x, y, an, w, h, style, min, max, markerF, posF, eventresponder, metainfo2)
+ local metainfo = {}
+ if not (metainfo2 == nil) then metainfo = metainfo2 end
+ local slider1 = {}
+ if (metainfo.slider == nil) then metainfo.slider = slider1 end
+ -- defaults
+ if min == nil then metainfo.slider.min = 0 else metainfo.slider.min = min end
+ if max == nil then metainfo.slider.max = 100 else metainfo.slider.max = max end
+ if metainfo.slider.border == nil then metainfo.slider.border = 1 end
+ if == nil then = 2 end
+ if metainfo.slider.type == nil then metainfo.slider.type = "slider" end
+ metainfo.slider.markerF = markerF
+ metainfo.slider.posF = posF
+ -- prepare the box with markers
+ local ass = assdraw.ass_new()
+ local border, gap = metainfo.slider.border,
+ local fill_offsetV = border + gap -- Vertical offset between element outline and drag-area
+ local fill_offsetH = h / 2 -- Horizontal offset between element outline and drag-area
+ ass:draw_start()
+ -- the box
+ ass:rect_cw(0, 0, w, h);
+ -- the "hole"
+ ass:rect_ccw(border, border, w - border, h - border)
+ -- marker nibbles
+ if not (markerF == nil) and gap > 0 then
+ local markers = markerF()
+ for n = 1, #markers do
+ if (markers[n] > min) and (markers[n] < max) then
+ local coordL, coordR = fill_offsetH, (w - fill_offsetH)
+ local s = scale_value(min, max, coordL, coordR, markers[n])
+ if gap > 1 then
+ -- draw triangles
+ local a = gap / 0.5 --0.866
+ --top
+ ass:move_to(s - (a/2), border)
+ ass:line_to(s + (a/2), border)
+ ass:line_to(s, border + gap)
+ --bottom
+ ass:move_to(s - (a/2), h - border)
+ ass:line_to(s, h - border - gap)
+ ass:line_to(s + (a/2), h - border)
+ else
+ -- draw 1px nibbles
+ ass:rect_cw(s - 0.5, border, s + 0.5, border*2);
+ ass:rect_cw(s - 0.5, h - border*2, s + 0.5, h - border);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ register_element("slider", x, y, an, w, h, style, ass, eventresponder, metainfo)
+-- Element Rendering
+function render_elements(master_ass)
+ for n = 1, #elements do
+ local element = elements[n]
+ local elem_ass = assdraw.ass_new()
+ local elem_ass1 = element.elem_ass
+ elem_ass:merge(elem_ass1)
+ --alpha
+ local alpha = element.metainfo.alpha
+ if not(state.animation == nil) then
+ alpha = 255 - (((1-(alpha/255)) * (1-(state.animation/255))) * 255)
+ end
+ if (alpha > 0) then
+ elem_ass:append(string.format("{\\alpha&H%X&}",alpha))
+ end
+ if state.active_element == n then
+ -- run render event functions
+ if not (element.eventresponder.render == nil) then
+ element.eventresponder.render(element)
+ end
+ if mouse_hit(element) then
+ -- mouse down styling
+ if element.metainfo.styledown then
+ elem_ass:append(osc_styles.elementDown)
+ end
+ if (element.metainfo.softrepeat == true) and (state.mouse_down_counter >= 15 and state.mouse_down_counter % 5 == 0) then
+ element.eventresponder[state.active_event_source .. "_down"](element)
+ end
+ state.mouse_down_counter = state.mouse_down_counter + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if element.type == "slider" then
+ elem_ass:merge(element.content) -- ASS objects
+ -- draw pos marker
+ local pos = element.metainfo.slider.posF()
+ if not (pos == nil) then
+ if pos > element.metainfo.slider.max then
+ pos = element.metainfo.slider.max
+ elseif pos < element.metainfo.slider.min then
+ pos = element.metainfo.slider.min
+ end
+ local fill_offsetV = element.metainfo.slider.border +
+ local fill_offsetH = element.h/2
+ local coordL, coordR = fill_offsetH, (element.w - fill_offsetH)
+ local xp = scale_value(element.metainfo.slider.min, element.metainfo.slider.max, coordL, coordR, pos)
+ -- the filling, draw it only if positive
+ local innerH = element.h - (2*fill_offsetV)
+ if element.metainfo.slider.type == "bar" then
+ elem_ass:rect_cw(fill_offsetV, fill_offsetV, xp, element.h - fill_offsetV)
+ else
+ elem_ass:move_to(xp, fill_offsetV)
+ elem_ass:line_to(xp+(innerH/2), (innerH/2)+fill_offsetV)
+ elem_ass:line_to(xp, (innerH)+fill_offsetV)
+ elem_ass:line_to(xp-(innerH/2), (innerH/2)+fill_offsetV)
+ end
+ end
+ elem_ass:draw_stop()
+ elseif element.type == "box" then
+ elem_ass:merge(element.content) -- ASS objects
+ elseif type(element.content) == "function" then
+ element.content(elem_ass) -- function objects
+ else
+ elem_ass:append(element.content) -- text objects
+ end
+ master_ass:merge(elem_ass)
+ end
+-- Message display
+function show_message(text, duration)
+ if duration == nil then
+ duration = tonumber(mp.property_get("options/osd-duration")) / 1000
+ end
+ -- cut the text short, otherwise the following functions may slow down massively on huge input
+ text = string.sub(text, 0, 4000)
+ -- replace actual linebreaks with ASS linebreaks and get the amount of lines along the way
+ local lines
+ text, lines = string.gsub(text, "\n", "\\N")
+ -- append a Zero-Width-Space to . and _ to enable linebreaking of long filenames
+ text = string.gsub(text, "%.", ".\226\128\139")
+ text = string.gsub(text, "_", "_\226\128\139")
+ -- scale the fontsize for longer multi-line output
+ local fontsize, outline = tonumber(mp.property_get("options/osd-font-size")), tonumber(mp.property_get("options/osd-border-size"))
+ if lines > 12 then
+ fontsize, outline = fontsize / 2, outline / 1.5
+ elseif lines > 8 then
+ fontsize, outline = fontsize / 1.5, outline / 1.25
+ end
+ local style = "{\\bord" .. outline .. "\\fs" .. fontsize .. "}"
+ state.message_text = style .. text
+ state.message_timeout = mp.get_timer() + duration
+function render_message(ass)
+ if not(state.message_timeout == nil) and not(state.message_text == nil) and state.message_timeout > mp.get_timer() then
+ ass:new_event()
+ ass:append(state.message_text)
+ else
+ state.message_text = nil
+ state.message_timeout = nil
+ end
+-- Initialisation and Layout
+function osc_init()
+ -- kill old Elements
+ elements = {}
+ -- set canvas resolution acording to display aspect and scaling setting
+ local baseResY = 720
+ local display_w, display_h, display_aspect = mp.get_screen_size()
+ local scale = 1
+ if (mp.property_get("fullscreen") == "yes") then
+ scale = user_opts.scaleFullscreen
+ else
+ scale = user_opts.scaleWindowed
+ end
+ if user_opts.vidscale == true then
+ osc_param.playresy = baseResY / scale
+ else
+ osc_param.playresy = display_h / scale
+ end
+ osc_param.playresx = osc_param.playresy * display_aspect
+ -- position of the controller according to video aspect and valignment
+ osc_param.posX = math.floor(get_align(user_opts.halign, osc_param.playresx, osc_param.osc_w, 0))
+ osc_param.posY = math.floor(get_align(user_opts.valign, osc_param.playresy, osc_param.osc_h, 0))
+ -- Some calculations on stuff we'll need
+ -- vertical/horizontal position offset for contents aligned at the borders of the box
+ osc_param.pos_offsetX, osc_param.pos_offsetY = (osc_param.osc_w - (2*osc_param.osc_p)) / 2, (osc_param.osc_h - (2*osc_param.osc_p)) / 2
+ -- fetch values
+ local osc_w, osc_h, osc_r, osc_p = osc_param.osc_w, osc_param.osc_h, osc_param.osc_r, osc_param.osc_p
+ local pos_offsetX, pos_offsetY = osc_param.pos_offsetX, osc_param.pos_offsetY
+ local posX, posY = osc_param.posX, osc_param.posY
+ --
+ -- Backround box
+ --
+ local metainfo = {}
+ metainfo.alpha = 80
+ register_box(posX, posY, 5, osc_w, osc_h, osc_r,, metainfo)
+ --
+ -- Title row
+ --
+ local titlerowY = posY - pos_offsetY - 10
+ -- title
+ local contentF = function (ass)
+ local title = mp.property_get_string("media-title")
+ if not (title == nil) then
+ if #title > 80 then
+ title = string.format("{\\fscx%f}", (80 / #title) * 100) .. title
+ end
+ ass:append(title)
+ else
+ ass:append("mpv")
+ end
+ end
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function ()
+ local title = mp.property_get("media-title")
+ local pl_count = tonumber(mp.property_get("playlist-count"))
+ if pl_count > 1 then
+ local playlist_pos = countone(tonumber(mp.property_get("playlist-pos")))
+ title = "[" .. playlist_pos .. "/" .. pl_count .. "] " .. title
+ end
+ show_message(title)
+ end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn2_up = function () show_message(mp.property_get("filename")) end
+ register_button(posX, titlerowY, 8, 496, 12, osc_styles.vidtitle, contentF, eventresponder, nil)
+ -- If we have more than one playlist entry, render playlist navigation buttons
+ local metainfo = {}
+ metainfo.visible = (tonumber(mp.property_get("playlist-count")) > 1)
+ -- playlist prev
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("playlist_prev weak") end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_up"] = function () show_message(mp.property_get("playlist"), 3) end
+ register_button(posX - pos_offsetX, titlerowY, 7, 12, 12, osc_styles.vidtitle, "◀", eventresponder, metainfo)
+ -- playlist next
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("playlist_next weak") end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_up"] = function () show_message(mp.property_get("playlist"), 3) end
+ register_button(posX + pos_offsetX, titlerowY, 9, 12, 12, osc_styles.vidtitle, "▶", eventresponder, metainfo)
+ --
+ -- Big buttons
+ --
+ local bigbuttonrowY = posY - pos_offsetY + 35
+ local bigbuttondistance = 60
+ --play/pause
+ local contentF = function (ass)
+ if mp.property_get("pause") == "yes" then
+ ass:append("\238\132\129")
+ else
+ ass:append("\238\128\130")
+ end
+ end
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("no-osd cycle pause") end
+ register_button(posX, bigbuttonrowY, 5, 40, 40, osc_styles.bigButtons, contentF, eventresponder, nil)
+ --skipback
+ local metainfo = {}
+ metainfo.softrepeat = true
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_down = function () mp.send_command("no-osd seek -5 relative keyframes") end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_down"] = function () mp.send_command("no-osd frame_back_step") end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn2_down = function () mp.send_command("no-osd seek -30 relative keyframes") end
+ register_button(posX - bigbuttondistance, bigbuttonrowY, 5, 40, 40, osc_styles.bigButtons, "\238\128\132", eventresponder, metainfo)
+ --skipfrwd
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_down = function () mp.send_command("no-osd seek 10 relative keyframes") end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_down"] = function () mp.send_command("no-osd frame_step") end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn2_down = function () mp.send_command("no-osd seek 60 relative keyframes") end
+ register_button(posX + bigbuttondistance, bigbuttonrowY, 5, 40, 40, osc_styles.bigButtons, "\238\128\133", eventresponder, metainfo)
+ --chapters
+ -- do we have any?
+ local metainfo = {}
+ metainfo.enabled = ((#mp.get_chapter_list()) > 0)
+ --prev
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("osd-msg add chapter -1") end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_up"] = function () show_message(mp.property_get("chapter-list"), 3) end
+ register_button(posX - (bigbuttondistance * 2), bigbuttonrowY, 5, 40, 40, osc_styles.bigButtons, "\238\132\132", eventresponder, metainfo)
+ --next
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("osd-msg add chapter 1") end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_up"] = function () show_message(mp.property_get("chapter-list"), 3) end
+ register_button(posX + (bigbuttondistance * 2), bigbuttonrowY, 5, 40, 40, osc_styles.bigButtons, "\238\132\133", eventresponder, metainfo)
+ --
+ -- Smaller buttons
+ --
+ if not (user_opts.iAmAProgrammer) then
+ update_tracklist()
+ end
+ --cycle audio tracks
+ local metainfo = {}
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ local contentF
+ if not (user_opts.iAmAProgrammer) then
+ metainfo.enabled = ( > 0)
+ contentF = function (ass)
+ local aid = "–"
+ if not (get_track("audio") == 0) then
+ aid = get_track("audio")
+ end
+ ass:append("\238\132\134" .. osc_styles.smallButtonsLlabel .. " " .. aid .. "/" ..
+ end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () set_track("audio", 1) end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn2_up = function () set_track("audio", -1) end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_down"] = function ()
+ show_message(get_tracklist("audio"), 2)
+ end
+ else
+ metainfo.enabled = true
+ contentF = function (ass)
+ local aid = mp.property_get("audio")
+ ass:append("\238\132\134" .. osc_styles.smallButtonsLlabel .. " " .. aid)
+ end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("osd-msg add audio 1") end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn2_up = function () mp.send_command("osd-msg add audio -1") end
+ end
+ register_button(posX - pos_offsetX, bigbuttonrowY, 1, 70, 18, osc_styles.smallButtonsL, contentF, eventresponder, metainfo)
+ --cycle sub tracks
+ local metainfo = {}
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ local contentF
+ if not (user_opts.iAmAProgrammer) then
+ metainfo.enabled = (#tracks_osc.sub > 0)
+ contentF = function (ass)
+ local sid = "–"
+ if not (get_track("sub") == 0) then
+ sid = get_track("sub")
+ end
+ ass:append("\238\132\135" .. osc_styles.smallButtonsLlabel .. " " .. sid .. "/" .. #tracks_osc.sub)
+ end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () set_track("sub", 1) end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn2_up = function () set_track("sub", -1) end
+ eventresponder["shift+mouse_btn0_down"] = function ()
+ show_message(get_tracklist("sub"), 2)
+ end
+ else
+ metainfo.enabled = true
+ contentF = function (ass)
+ local sid = mp.property_get("sub")
+ ass:append("\238\132\135" .. osc_styles.smallButtonsLlabel .. " " .. sid)
+ end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("osd-msg add sub 1") end
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn2_up = function () mp.send_command("osd-msg add sub -1") end
+ end
+ register_button(posX - pos_offsetX, bigbuttonrowY, 7, 70, 18, osc_styles.smallButtonsL, contentF, eventresponder, metainfo)
+ --toggle FS
+ local contentF = function (ass)
+ if mp.property_get("fullscreen") == "yes" then
+ ass:append("\238\132\137")
+ else
+ ass:append("\238\132\136")
+ end
+ end
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ eventresponder.mouse_btn0_up = function () mp.send_command("no-osd cycle fullscreen") end
+ register_button(posX+pos_offsetX, bigbuttonrowY, 6, 25, 25, osc_styles.smallButtonsR, contentF, eventresponder, nil)
+ --
+ -- Seekbar
+ --
+ local markerF = function ()
+ local duration = 0
+ if not (mp.property_get("length") == nil) then
+ duration = tonumber(mp.property_get("length"))
+ end
+ local chapters = mp.get_chapter_list()
+ local markers = {}
+ for n = 1, #chapters do
+ markers[n] = (chapters[n].time / duration * 100)
+ end
+ return markers
+ end
+ local posF = function ()
+ if mp.property_get("length") == nil then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return tonumber(mp.property_get("percent-pos"))
+ end
+ end
+ local metainfo = {}
+ metainfo.enabled = (not (mp.property_get("length") == nil)) and (tonumber(mp.property_get("length")) > 0)
+ metainfo.styledown = false
+ metainfo.slider = {}
+ metainfo.slider.border = 1
+ = 1 -- >1 will draw triangle markers
+ metainfo.slider.type = "slider" -- "bar" for old bar-style filling
+ local eventresponder = {}
+ local sliderF = function (element)
+ local seek_to = get_slider_value(element)
+ -- ignore identical seeks
+ if not(state.last_seek == seek_to) then
+ mp.send_command(string.format("no-osd seek %f absolute-percent keyframes", seek_to))
+ state.last_seek = seek_to
+ end
+ end
+ eventresponder.rend