path: root/waftools/detections/
diff options
authorLaserEyess <>2022-11-12 09:27:07 -0500
committerDudemanguy <>2023-07-23 19:55:51 +0000
commitf2cce5f38f4031bf1a4b4919ec90e4e8f8c66a77 (patch)
treec5c7f21eb2e1556265655d166ea0bee258376d5b /waftools/detections/
parent60a263246e03d23c894ae0ef6bbfa29a5f1855dc (diff)
waf: remove waf as a build system
Remove waf entirely in favor of meson as the only supported build system. Waf was officially deprecated in 0.36.0, and has not been preferred over meson since 0.35.0.
Diffstat (limited to 'waftools/detections/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/detections/ b/waftools/detections/
deleted file mode 100644
index be66df0fbe..0000000000
--- a/waftools/detections/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import string
-import os.path
-from waflib import Utils
-from distutils.version import StrictVersion
-def __run(cmd):
- try:
- output = Utils.subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=Utils.subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
- return output.strip()
- except Exception:
- return ""
-def __add_swift_flags(ctx):
- ctx.env.SWIFT_FLAGS = [
- "-frontend", "-c", "-sdk", ctx.env.MACOS_SDK,
- "-enable-objc-interop", "-emit-objc-header", "-parse-as-library",
- ]
- verRe = re.compile("(?i)version\s?([\d.]+)")
- ctx.env.SWIFT_VERSION =[ctx.env.SWIFT, '-version'])).group(1)
- # prevent possible breakages with future swift versions
- if StrictVersion(ctx.env.SWIFT_VERSION) >= StrictVersion("6.0"):
- ctx.env.SWIFT_FLAGS.extend(["-swift-version", "5"])
- if ctx.is_debug_build():
- ctx.env.SWIFT_FLAGS.append("-g")
- if ctx.is_optimization():
- ctx.env.SWIFT_FLAGS.append("-O")
-def __add_static_swift_library_linking_flags(ctx, swift_library):
- ctx.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', [
- '-L%s' % swift_library,
- '-Xlinker', '-force_load_swift_libs', '-lc++',
- ])
-def __add_dynamic_swift_library_linking_flags(ctx, swift_library):
- ctx.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', ['-L%s' % swift_library])
- # ABI compatibility
- if StrictVersion(ctx.env.SWIFT_VERSION) >= StrictVersion("5.0"):
- ctx.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', [
- '-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '/usr/lib/swift',
- '-L/usr/lib/swift',
- ])
- ctx.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', [
- '-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', swift_library,
- ])
-def __find_swift_library(ctx):
- swift_libraries = {}
- # look for set lib paths in passed environment variables
- if 'SWIFT_LIB_DYNAMIC' in ctx.environ:
- swift_libraries['SWIFT_LIB_DYNAMIC'] = ctx.environ['SWIFT_LIB_DYNAMIC']
- if 'SWIFT_LIB_STATIC' in ctx.environ:
- swift_libraries['SWIFT_LIB_STATIC'] = ctx.environ['SWIFT_LIB_STATIC']
- # search for swift libs relative to the swift compiler executable
- swift_library_relative_paths = {
- 'SWIFT_LIB_DYNAMIC': '../../lib/swift/macosx',
- 'SWIFT_LIB_STATIC': '../../lib/swift_static/macosx'
- }
- for lib_type, path in swift_library_relative_paths.items():
- if lib_type not in swift_libraries:
- lib_path = os.path.join(ctx.env.SWIFT, path)
- swift_library = ctx.root.find_dir(lib_path)
- if swift_library is not None:
- swift_libraries[lib_type] = swift_library.abspath()
- # fall back to xcode-select path
- swift_library_paths = {
- 'Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx',
- 'usr/lib/swift/macosx'
- ],
- 'Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift_static/macosx',
- 'usr/lib/swift_static/macosx'
- ]
- }
- dev_path = __run(['xcode-select', '-p'])[1:]
- for lib_type, paths in swift_library_paths.items():
- for path in paths:
- if lib_type not in swift_libraries:
- swift_library = ctx.root.find_dir([dev_path, path])
- if swift_library is not None:
- swift_libraries[lib_type] = swift_library.abspath()
- break
- else:
- break
- # check if library paths were found
- ctx.start_msg('Checking for dynamic Swift Library')
- if 'SWIFT_LIB_DYNAMIC' in swift_libraries:
- ctx.end_msg(swift_libraries['SWIFT_LIB_DYNAMIC'])
- else:
- ctx.end_msg(False)
- ctx.start_msg('Checking for static Swift Library')
- if 'SWIFT_LIB_STATIC' in swift_libraries:
- ctx.end_msg(swift_libraries['SWIFT_LIB_STATIC'])
- ctx.env['SWIFT_LIB_STATIC'] = swift_libraries['SWIFT_LIB_STATIC']
- else:
- ctx.end_msg(False)
- enableStatic = getattr(ctx.options, 'enable_swift-static')
- if (enableStatic) and 'SWIFT_LIB_STATIC' in swift_libraries:
- __add_static_swift_library_linking_flags(ctx, swift_libraries['SWIFT_LIB_STATIC'])
- else:
- __add_dynamic_swift_library_linking_flags(ctx, swift_libraries['SWIFT_LIB_DYNAMIC'])
-def __find_macos_sdk(ctx):
- ctx.start_msg('Checking for macOS SDK')
- sdk = None
- sdk_build_version = None
- sdk_version = None
- # look for set macOS SDK paths and version in passed environment variables
- if 'MACOS_SDK' in ctx.environ:
- sdk = ctx.environ['MACOS_SDK']
- if 'MACOS_SDK_VERSION' in ctx.environ:
- ctx.env.MACOS_SDK_VERSION = ctx.environ['MACOS_SDK_VERSION']
- # find macOS SDK paths and version
- if not sdk:
- sdk = __run(['xcrun', '--sdk', 'macosx', '--show-sdk-path'])
- if not ctx.env.MACOS_SDK_VERSION:
- # show-sdk-build-version: is not available on older command line tools, but return a build version (eg 17A360)
- # show-sdk-version: is always available, but on older dev tools it's only the major version
- sdk_build_version = __run(['xcrun', '--sdk', 'macosx', '--show-sdk-build-version'])
- sdk_version = __run(['xcrun', '--sdk', 'macosx', '--show-sdk-version'])
- if sdk:
- ctx.env.MACOS_SDK = sdk
- build_version = '10.10.0'
- if not ctx.env.MACOS_SDK_VERSION:
- # convert build version to a version string
- # first 2 two digits are the major version, starting with 15 which is 10.11 (offset of 4)
- # 1 char is the minor version, A => 0, B => 1 and ongoing
- # last digits are bugfix version, which are not relevant for us
- # eg 16E185 => 10.12.4, 17A360 => 10.13, 18B71 => 10.14.1
- if sdk_build_version and isinstance(sdk_build_version, str):
- verRe = re.compile("(\d+)(\D+)(\d+)")
- version_parts =
- major = int( - 4
- minor = string.ascii_lowercase.index(
- build_version = '10.' + str(major) + '.' + str(minor)
- # from 20 onwards macOS 11.0 starts
- if int( >= 20:
- build_version = '11.' + str(minor)
- if not isinstance(sdk_version, str):
- sdk_version = '10.10.0'
- # pick the higher version, always pick sdk over build if newer
- if StrictVersion(build_version) > StrictVersion(sdk_version):
- ctx.env.MACOS_SDK_VERSION = build_version
- else:
- ctx.env.MACOS_SDK_VERSION = sdk_version
- ctx.end_msg(sdk + ' (version found: ' + ctx.env.MACOS_SDK_VERSION + ')')
- else:
- ctx.end_msg(False)
-def __find_swift_compiler(ctx):
- ctx.start_msg('Checking for swift (Swift compiler)')
- swift = ''
- # look for set swift paths in passed environment variables
- if 'SWIFT' in ctx.environ:
- swift = ctx.environ['SWIFT']
- # find swift executable
- if not swift:
- swift = __run(['xcrun', '-find', 'swift'])
- if swift:
- ctx.end_msg(swift)
- ctx.env.SWIFT = swift
- __add_swift_flags(ctx)
- __find_swift_library(ctx)
- else:
- ctx.end_msg(False)
-def configure(ctx):
- if ctx.env.DEST_OS == "darwin":
- __find_macos_sdk(ctx)
- if ctx.options.enable_swift is not False:
- __find_swift_compiler(ctx)