path: root/waftools/
diff options
authorLaserEyess <>2022-11-12 09:27:07 -0500
committerDudemanguy <>2023-07-23 19:55:51 +0000
commitf2cce5f38f4031bf1a4b4919ec90e4e8f8c66a77 (patch)
treec5c7f21eb2e1556265655d166ea0bee258376d5b /waftools/
parent60a263246e03d23c894ae0ef6bbfa29a5f1855dc (diff)
waf: remove waf as a build system
Remove waf entirely in favor of meson as the only supported build system. Waf was officially deprecated in 0.36.0, and has not been preferred over meson since 0.35.0.
Diffstat (limited to 'waftools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/ b/waftools/
deleted file mode 100644
index eef3b6f9e8..0000000000
--- a/waftools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-class ParseError(Exception):
- pass
-class AstOp(object):
- def __init__(self, op, sub):
- self.op = op
- self.sub = sub
- def __repr__(self):
- if len(self.sub) == 1:
- return self.op + str(self.sub[0])
- return "(" + (" " + self.op + " ").join([str(x) for x in self.sub]) + ")"
-class AstSym(object):
- def __init__(self, name):
- assert type(name) is type("")
- = name
- def __repr__(self):
- return
-Arity = { "!": 1, "&&": 2, "||": 2 }
-Precedence = { "!": 3, "&&": 2, "||": 1 }
-Tokens = list(Arity.keys()) + ["(", ")"]
-# return (token, rest), or (None, "") if nothing left
-def read_tok(expr):
- expr = expr.strip()
- for t in Tokens:
- if expr.startswith(t):
- return (t, expr[len(t):])
- if expr == "":
- return (None, "")
- sym = ""
- while len(expr) and ((expr[0].lower() >= 'a' and expr[0].lower() <= 'z') or
- (expr[0] >= '0' and expr[0] <= '9') or
- (expr[0] in ["_", "-", "."])):
- sym += expr[0]
- expr = expr[1:]
- if len(sym):
- return sym, expr
- raise ParseError("unknown token in '%s'" % expr)
-def parse_expr(expr):
- opstack = []
- outstack = []
- def out(sym):
- if sym in Arity:
- sub = []
- for i in range(Arity[sym]):
- if len(outstack) == 0:
- raise ParseError("missing operator argument")
- sub.insert(0, outstack.pop())
- outstack.append(AstOp(sym, sub))
- elif sym == "(":
- raise ParseError("missing closing ')'")
- elif not isinstance(sym, AstSym):
- raise ParseError("bogus symbol '%s'" % sym)
- else:
- outstack.append(sym)
- while True:
- tok, expr = read_tok(expr)
- if tok is None:
- break
- if tok in Arity:
- while len(opstack) and opstack[-1] != '(' and \
- Precedence[opstack[-1]] > Precedence[tok]:
- out(opstack.pop())
- opstack.append(tok)
- elif tok == "(":
- opstack.append(tok)
- elif tok == ")":
- while True:
- if not len(opstack):
- raise ParseError("missing '(' for ')'")
- sym = opstack.pop()
- if sym == "(":
- break
- out(sym)
- else:
- out(AstSym(tok)) # Assume a terminal
- while len(opstack):
- out(opstack.pop())
- if len(outstack) != 1:
- raise ParseError("empty expression or extra symbols (%s)" % outstack)
- return outstack.pop()
-def convert_dnf(ast):
- # no nested ! (negation normal form)
- def simplify_negation(ast):
- if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- if ast.op == "!":
- sub = ast.sub[0]
- if isinstance(sub, AstOp):
- if sub.op == "!":
- return sub.sub[0]
- elif sub.op in ["&&", "||"]:
- sub.op = "||" if sub.op == "&&" else "&&"
- sub.sub = [AstOp("!", [x]) for x in sub.sub]
- return simplify_negation(sub)
- else:
- ast.sub = [simplify_negation(x) for x in ast.sub]
- return ast
- # a && (b && c) => a && b && c
- def flatten(ast):
- if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- can_flatten = ast.op in ["&&", "||"]
- nsub = []
- for sub in ast.sub:
- sub = flatten(sub)
- if isinstance(sub, AstOp) and sub.op == ast.op and can_flatten:
- nsub.extend(sub.sub)
- else:
- nsub.append(sub)
- ast.sub = nsub
- if len(ast.sub) == 1 and can_flatten:
- return ast.sub[0]
- return ast
- # a && (b || c) && d => (a && d && b) || (a && d && c)
- def redist(ast):
- def recombine(a, stuff):
- return AstOp("||", [AstOp("&&", [a, n]) for n in stuff])
- if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- ast.sub = [flatten(redist(x)) for x in ast.sub]
- if ast.op == "&&":
- for sub in ast.sub:
- if isinstance(sub, AstOp) and sub.op == "||":
- if len(ast.sub) == 1:
- return redist(sub)
- other = None
- for n in ast.sub:
- if n is not sub:
- if other is None:
- other = n
- else:
- other = flatten(AstOp("&&", [other, n]))
- return flatten(redist(recombine(other, sub.sub)))
- return ast
- return redist(flatten(simplify_negation(ast)))
-# Returns (success_as_bool, failure_reason_as_string)
-def check_dependency_expr(expr, deps):
- ast = parse_expr(expr)
- def eval_ast(ast):
- if isinstance(ast, AstSym):
- return in deps
- elif isinstance(ast, AstOp):
- vals = [eval_ast(x) for x in ast.sub]
- if ast.op == "&&":
- return vals[0] and vals[1]
- elif ast.op == "||":
- return vals[0] or vals[1]
- elif ast.op == "!":
- return not vals[0]
- assert False
- if eval_ast(ast):
- return True, None
- # Now the same thing again, but more complicated, and informing what is
- # missing.
- ast = convert_dnf(ast)
- # ast now is a or-combined list of and-combined deps. Each dep can have a
- # negation (marking a conflict). Each case of and-combined deps is a way
- # to satisfy the deps expression. Instead of dumping full information,
- # distinguish the following cases, and only mention the one that applies,
- # in order:
- # 1. the first missing dep of a case that has missing deps only
- # 2. the first conflicting dep at all
- def get_sub_list(node, op):
- if isinstance(node, AstOp) and node.op == op:
- return node.sub
- else:
- return [node]
- conflict_dep = None
- missing_dep = None
- for group in get_sub_list(ast, "||"):
- group_conflict = None
- group_missing_dep = None
- for elem in get_sub_list(group, "&&"):
- neg = False
- if isinstance(elem, AstOp) and elem.op == "!":
- neg = True
- elem = elem.sub[0]
- if not isinstance(elem, AstSym):
- continue # broken DNF?
- name =
- present = name in deps
- if (not present) and (not neg) and (group_missing_dep is None):
- group_missing_dep = name
- if present and neg and (group_conflict is None):
- group_conflict = name
- if (missing_dep is None) and (group_conflict is None):
- missing_dep = group_missing_dep
- if conflict_dep is None:
- conflict_dep = group_conflict
- reason = "unknown"
- if missing_dep is not None:
- reason = "%s not found" % (missing_dep)
- elif conflict_dep is not None:
- reason = "%s found" % (conflict_dep)
- return False, reason