path: root/common
diff options
authorKacper Michajłow <>2024-03-15 09:52:04 +0100
committerKacper Michajłow <>2024-03-21 01:47:15 +0100
commit17a0756ed3536a9b8aa60adaa92859a0dba060ad (patch)
tree1add30b32a8142676c02f60bac3e16606c0cb8fc /common
parent188155457dc95b02d09265175b82acc484a4cd40 (diff)
msg: simplify the line_skip calculation
Make it more straightforward by always calculating top offset first instead of having two branches, that tries to calc it directly. This also fixes missing negative check before `\033[%dA` which was in practice only problem on macOS which was handling negative values, while in fact it shouldn't. Fixes: #13484
Diffstat (limited to 'common')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/common/msg.c b/common/msg.c
index 0d77fcc624..52550e9b62 100644
--- a/common/msg.c
+++ b/common/msg.c
@@ -228,21 +228,15 @@ static void prepare_prefix(struct mp_log_root *root, bstr *out, int lev, int ter
bstr up_clear = bstr0("\033[A\033[K");
for (int i = 1; i < root->status_lines; ++i)
bstr_xappend(root, out, up_clear);
- // Reposition cursor after last message
- line_skip = (new_lines ? new_lines : root->blank_lines) - root->status_lines;
- line_skip = MPMIN(root->blank_lines - root->status_lines, line_skip);
- if (line_skip)
- bstr_xappend_asprintf(root, out, "\033[%dA", line_skip);
- } else if (new_lines) {
- line_skip = new_lines - root->blank_lines;
+ assert(root->status_lines > 0 && root->blank_lines >= root->status_lines);
+ line_skip = root->blank_lines - root->status_lines;
- if (line_skip < 0) {
- // Reposition cursor to keep status line at the same line
- line_skip = MPMIN(root->blank_lines, -line_skip);
- if (line_skip)
- bstr_xappend_asprintf(root, out, "\033[%dB", line_skip);
- }
+ if (new_lines)
+ line_skip -= MPMAX(0, root->blank_lines - new_lines);
+ if (line_skip)
+ bstr_xappend_asprintf(root, out, line_skip > 0 ? "\033[%dA" : "\033[%dB", abs(line_skip));
root->blank_lines = MPMAX(0, root->blank_lines - term_lines);
root->status_lines = new_lines;