path: root/aviparse.c
diff options
authorarpi_esp <arpi_esp@b3059339-0415-0410-9bf9-f77b7e298cf2>2001-05-11 23:07:15 +0000
committerarpi_esp <arpi_esp@b3059339-0415-0410-9bf9-f77b7e298cf2>2001-05-11 23:07:15 +0000
commitc5a30d346e33a44e1e8e272f3899ea18e7db170c (patch)
tree6bea407547a1bbf477f17710bb3cf09945b04d34 /aviparse.c
parent20c41f55092c02120d6486e2eb21a6f7b9e5047e (diff)
very outdated, and does teh same as -dump[audio|video] in mplayer
git-svn-id: svn:// b3059339-0415-0410-9bf9-f77b7e298cf2
Diffstat (limited to 'aviparse.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/aviparse.c b/aviparse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fd34e9033..0000000000
--- a/aviparse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-// AVI Parser tool v0.1 (C) 2000. by A'rpi/ESP-team
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <linux/cdrom.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "loader.h"
-#include "wine/avifmt.h"
-//#include "libvo/video_out.h"
-#include "linux/timer.h"
-#include "linux/shmem.h"
-#include "help_avp.h"
-#define DEBUG if(0)
-//static int show_packets=0;
-typedef struct {
- // file:
- MainAVIHeader avih;
- unsigned int movi_start;
- unsigned int movi_end;
- // index:
- int idx_size;
- int idx_pos;
-// int a_idx;
-// int v_idx;
- // video:
- AVIStreamHeader video;
- char *video_codec;
- BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; // in format
- BITMAPINFOHEADER o_bih; // out format
- HIC hic;
- void *our_out_buffer;
- char yuv_supported; // 1 if codec support YUY2 output format
- char yuv_hack_needed; // requires for divx & mpeg4
- // audio:
- AVIStreamHeader audio;
- char *audio_codec;
- char wf_ext[64]; // in format
- WAVEFORMATEX wf; // out format
- HACMSTREAM srcstream;
- int audio_minsize;
-} avi_header_t;
-avi_header_t avi_header;
-#include "aviprint.c"
-//#include "codecs.c"
-#include "stream.c"
-//#include "demuxer.c"
-//#include "demux_avi.c"
-static stream_t* stream=NULL;
-extern int errno;
-static int play_in_bg=0;
-void exit_player(){
-// int tmp;
- // restore terminal:
- getch2_disable();
- printf("\n\n");
- if(play_in_bg) system("xsetroot -solid \\#000000");
- exit(1);
-void exit_sighandler(int x){
- printf("\nmpgplay2 interrupted by signal %d\n",x);
- exit_player();
-int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
-char* filename=NULL; //"MI2-Trailer.avi";
-int i;
-//int seek_to_sec=0;
-int seek_to_byte=0;
-int f; // filedes
-int has_audio=1;
-//int audio_format=0;
-//int alsa=0;
-//int audio_buffer_size=-1;
-int audio_id=-1;
-//int video_id=-1;
-//float default_max_pts_correction=0.01f;
-//int delay_corrected=0;
-//float force_fps=0;
-//float default_fps=25;
-//float audio_delay=0;
-int stream_type;
-//int elementary_stream=0;
-int vcd_track=0;
-#ifdef VCD_CACHE
-int vcd_cache_size=128;
-//char* video_driver="mga"; // default
-//int out_fmt=0;
-int idx_filepos=0;
-FILE *audiofile=NULL;
-FILE *videofile=NULL;
-char *audiofile_name=NULL;
-char *videofile_name=NULL;
- printf("%s",banner_text);
- if(strcmp(argv[i],"-afile")==0) audiofile_name=argv[++i]; else
- if(strcmp(argv[i],"-vfile")==0) videofile_name=argv[++i]; else
-// if(strcmp(argv[i],"-sb")==0) seek_to_byte=strtol(argv[++i],NULL,0); else
- if(strcmp(argv[i],"-aid")==0) audio_id=strtol(argv[++i],NULL,0); else
-// if(strcmp(argv[i],"-vid")==0) video_id=strtol(argv[++i],NULL,0); else
-// if(strcmp(argv[i],"-afm")==0) audio_format=strtol(argv[++i],NULL,0); else
-// if(strcmp(argv[i],"-vcd")==0) vcd_track=strtol(argv[++i],NULL,0); else
- if(strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0) break; else
- if(strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) break; else
- { if(filename){ printf("invalid option: %s\n",filename);exit(1);}
- filename=argv[i];
- }
- if(vcd_track) filename="/dev/cdrom";
-// else
-// filename="/4/Film/Joan of Arc [Hun DivX]/Joan of Arc - CD2.avi";
- { printf("%s",help_text); exit(0);}
-//============ Open VideoCD track ==============
- f=open(filename,O_RDONLY);
- if(f<0){ printf("Device not found!\n");return 1; }
- vcd_read_toc(f);
- if(!vcd_seek_to_track(f,vcd_track)){ printf("Error selecting VCD track!\n");return 1;}
- seek_to_byte+=VCD_SECTOR_DATA*vcd_get_msf();
- stream_type=STREAMTYPE_VCD;
-#ifdef VCD_CACHE
- vcd_cache_init(vcd_cache_size);
-} else {
-//============ Open plain FILE ============
- f=open(filename,O_RDONLY);
- if(f<0){ printf("File not found!\n");return 1; }
- stream_type=STREAMTYPE_FILE;
-//============ Open & Sync stream and detect file format ===============
-//=============== Read AVI header:
-{ //---- RIFF header:
- int id=stream_read_dword_le(stream); // "RIFF"
- if(id!=mmioFOURCC('R','I','F','F')){ printf("Not RIFF format file!\n");return 1; }
- stream_read_dword_le(stream); //filesize
- id=stream_read_dword_le(stream); // "AVI "
- if(id!=formtypeAVI){ printf("Not AVI file!\n");return 1; }
-//---- AVI header:
- int id=stream_read_dword_le(stream);
- int chunksize,size2;
- static int last_fccType=0;
- //
- if(stream_eof(stream)) break;
- //
- if(id==mmioFOURCC('L','I','S','T')){
- int len=stream_read_dword_le(stream)-4; // list size
- id=stream_read_dword_le(stream); // list type
- printf("LIST %.4s len=%d\n",&id,len);
- if(id==listtypeAVIMOVIE){
- // found MOVI header
- avi_header.movi_start=stream_tell(stream);
- avi_header.movi_end=avi_header.movi_start+len;
-// printf("Found movie at 0x%X - 0x%X\n",avi_header.movi_start,avi_header.movi_end);
- len=(len+1)&(~1);
- stream_skip(stream,len);
- }
- continue;
- }
- size2=stream_read_dword_le(stream);
- printf("CHUNK %.4s len=%d\n",&id,size2);
- chunksize=(size2+1)&(~1);
- switch(id){
- case ckidAVIMAINHDR: // read 'avih'
- stream_read(stream,(char*) &avi_header.avih,sizeof(avi_header.avih));
- chunksize-=sizeof(avi_header.avih);
- print_avih(&avi_header.avih);
- break;
- case ckidSTREAMHEADER: { // read 'strh'
- AVIStreamHeader h;
- stream_read(stream,(char*) &h,sizeof(h));
- chunksize-=sizeof(h);
- if(h.fccType==streamtypeVIDEO) memcpy(&,&h,sizeof(h));else
- if(h.fccType==streamtypeAUDIO) memcpy(&,&h,sizeof(h));
- last_fccType=h.fccType;
- print_strh(&h);
- break; }
- case ckidSTREAMFORMAT: { // read 'strf'
- if(last_fccType==streamtypeVIDEO){
- stream_read(stream,(char*) &avi_header.bih,sizeof(avi_header.bih));
- chunksize-=sizeof(avi_header.bih);
-// init_video_codec();
-// init_video_out();
- } else
- if(last_fccType==streamtypeAUDIO){
- int z=(chunksize<64)?chunksize:64;
- printf("found 'wf', %d bytes of %d\n",chunksize,sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
- stream_read(stream,(char*) &avi_header.wf_ext,z);
- chunksize-=z;
- print_wave_header((WAVEFORMATEX*)&avi_header.wf_ext);
-// init_audio_codec();
-// init_audio_out();
- }
- break;
- }
- case ckidAVINEWINDEX: {
- avi_header.idx_size=size2>>4;
-// printf("Reading INDEX block, %d chunks for %d frames\n",
-// avi_header.idx_size,avi_header.avih.dwTotalFrames);
- avi_header.idx=malloc(avi_header.idx_size<<4);
- idx_filepos=stream_tell(stream);
- stream_read(stream,(char*)avi_header.idx,avi_header.idx_size<<4);
- chunksize-=avi_header.idx_size<<4;
- print_index();
- break;
- }
- }
- if(chunksize>0) stream_skip(stream,chunksize); else
- if(chunksize<0) printf("WARNING!!! chunksize=%d (id=%.4s)\n",chunksize,&id);
-printf("Found movie at 0x%X - 0x%X\n",avi_header.movi_start,avi_header.movi_end);
-if(avi_header.idx_size<=0){ printf("No index block found!\n");return 0;}
-printf("Index block at 0x%X, %d entries for %d frames\n",idx_filepos,
- avi_header.idx_size,avi_header.avih.dwTotalFrames );
-if(audiofile_name) audiofile=fopen(audiofile_name,"wb");
-if(videofile_name) videofile=fopen(videofile_name,"wb");
-#if 0
- printf("%.4s %4X %08X %d ",
- &avi_header.idx[i].ckid,
- avi_header.idx[i].dwFlags,
- avi_header.idx[i].dwChunkOffset,
- avi_header.idx[i].dwChunkLength
- );fflush(stdout);
- if(avi_header.idx[i].ckid&AVIIF_LIST){
-// printf("LIST\n");
- } else {
- int id,size;
- stream_seek(stream,avi_header.movi_start+avi_header.idx[i].dwChunkOffset-4);
- id=stream_read_dword_le(stream);
- size=stream_read_dword_le(stream);
- if(id!=avi_header.idx[i].ckid){
- printf("ChunkID mismatch! raw=%.4s (0x%X) idx=%.4s (0x%X)\n",
- &id,avi_header.movi_start+avi_header.idx[i].dwChunkOffset-4,
- &avi_header.idx[i].ckid,idx_filepos+16*i
- );
- continue;
- }
- if(size!=avi_header.idx[i].dwChunkLength){
- printf("ChunkSize mismatch! raw=%d (0x%X) idx=%d (0x%X)\n",
- size,avi_header.movi_start+avi_header.idx[i].dwChunkOffset-4,
- avi_header.idx[i].dwChunkLength,idx_filepos+16*i
- );
- continue;
- }
- if(id!=mmioFOURCC('J','U','N','K'))
- if(TWOCCFromFOURCC(id)==cktypeWAVEbytes){
- // audio
- int aid=StreamFromFOURCC(id);
- if(audio_id==-1) audio_id=aid;
- if(audio_id==aid){
- if(audiofile){
- void* mem=malloc(size);
- stream_read(stream,mem,size);
- fwrite(mem,size,1,audiofile);
- free(mem);
- }
- } else {
- printf("Invalid audio stream id: %d (%.4s)\n",aid,&id);
- }
- } else
- if(LOWORD(id)==aviTWOCC('0','0')){
- // video
- if(videofile){
- void* mem=malloc(size);
- stream_read(stream,mem,size);
- fwrite(&size,4,1,videofile);
- fwrite(mem,size,1,videofile);
- free(mem);
- }
- } else {
- // unknown
- printf("Unknown chunk: %.4s (%X)\n",&id,id);
- }
- } // LIST or CHUNK
-return 0;