path: root/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
diff options
authorKovensky <>2012-11-07 11:49:44 -0300
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2012-11-08 00:28:59 +0100
commitfae73079310eef9dce9737f2e37ff4b80c8830ee (patch)
tree4a9c7d9fbc398b237808283df39562e55077a225 /TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
parent58f821e096392e27994102f6de6f8f76c63e38e1 (diff)
Port several python scripts to Perl and are direct ports. was reimplemented as the Parse::Matroska module in CPAN, and was made a client of Parse::Matroska. A copy of Parse::Matroska is included in TOOLS/lib, and looks there first when trying to load the module. was not ported since I have no means to verify it. Python is always available on OSX though, so there is no harm in removing the check for it on configure.
Diffstat (limited to 'TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/ b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa0830c11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# ABSTRACT: a mid-level representation of an EBML element
+package Parse::Matroska::Element;
+use Carp;
+use List::Util qw{first};
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Parse::Matroska::Reader;
+ my $reader = Parse::Matroska::Reader->new($path);
+ my $elem = $reader->read_element;
+ print "ID: $elem->{elid}\n";
+ print "Name: $elem->{name}\n";
+ print "Length: $elem->{content_len}\n";
+ print "Type: $elem->{type}\n";
+ print "Child count: ", scalar(@{$elem->all_children}), "\n";
+ if ($elem->{type} eq 'sub') {
+ while (my $chld = $elem->next_child) {
+ print "Child Name: $chld->{name}\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "Value: ", $elem->get_value, "\n";
+ }
+Represents a single Matroska element as decoded by
+L<Parse::Matroska::Reader>. This is essentially a hash
+augmented with functions for delay-loading of binary
+values and children elements.
+=head1 NOTE
+The API of this module is not yet considered stable.
+=attr elid
+The EBML Element ID, suitable for passing to
+=attr name
+The EBML Element's name.
+=attr type
+The EBML Element's type. Can be C<uint>, C<sint>,
+C<float>, C<ebml_id>, C<str> or C<binary>. See L</value>
+for details.
+Equivalent to
+=attr value
+The EBML Element's value. Should be obtained through
+Is an unicode string if the L</type> is C<str>, that is,
+the string has already been decoded by L<Encode/decode>.
+Is C<undef> if the L</type> is C<binary> and the contents
+were delay-loaded and not yet read. L</get_value> will
+do the delayed load if needed.
+Is an arrayref if the L</type> is C<sub>, containing
+the children nodes that were already loaded.
+Is a hashref if the L</type> is C<ebml_id>, containing
+the referred element's information as defined in
+L<Parse::Matroska::Definitions>. Calling
+C<elem_by_hexid($elem-E<gt>{value}-E<gt>{elid})> will
+return the same object as $elem->{value}.
+=attr full_len
+The entire length of this EBML Element, including
+the header's.
+=attr size_len
+The length of the size marker. Used when calculating
+L</full_len> from L</content_len>
+=attr content_len
+The length of the contents of this EBML Element,
+which excludes the header.
+=attr reader
+A weakened reference to the associated
+=method new(%hash)
+Creates a new Element initialized with the hash
+given as argument.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->initialize(@_);
+ return $self;
+=method initialize(%hash)
+Called by L</new> on initialization.
+sub initialize {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ for (keys %args) {
+ $self->{$_} = $args{$_};
+ }
+ $self->{depth} = 0 unless $self->{depth};
+=method skip
+Called by the user to ignore the contents of this EBML node.
+Needed when ignoring the children of a node.
+sub skip {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $reader = $self->{reader};
+ return unless $reader; # we don't have to skip if there's no reader
+ my $pos = $reader->getpos;
+ croak "Too late to skip, reads were already done"
+ if $pos ne $self->{data_pos};
+ $reader->skip($self->{content_len});
+=method get_value($keep_bin)
+Returns the value contained by this EBML element.
+If the element has children, returns an arrayref to
+the children elements that were already encountered.
+If the element's type is C<binary> and the value was
+delay-loaded, does the reading now.
+If $keep_bin is true, the delay-loaded data is kept
+as the L</value>, otherwise, further calls to
+C<get_value> will reread the data from the L</reader>.
+sub get_value {
+ my ($self, $keep_bin) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->{type} eq 'skip';
+ return $self->{value} if $self->{value};
+ my $reader = $self->{reader} or
+ croak "The associated Reader has been deleted";
+ # delay-loaded 'binary'
+ if ($self->{type} eq 'binary') {
+ croak "Cannot seek in the current Reader" unless $self->{data_pos};
+ # seek to the data position...
+ $reader->setpos($self->{data_pos});
+ # read the data, keeping it in value if requested
+ if ($keep_bin) {
+ $self->{value} = $reader->readlen($self->{content_len});
+ return $self->{value};
+ } else {
+ return $reader->readlen($self->{content_len});
+ }
+ }
+=method next_child($read_bin)
+Builtin iterator; reads and returns the next child element.
+Always returns undef if the type isn't C<sub>.
+Returns undef at the end of the iterator and resets itself to
+point to the first element; so calling L</next_child($read_bin)>
+after the iterator returned C<undef> will return the first child.
+The optional C<$read_bin> parameter has the children elements
+not delay-load their value if their type is C<binary>.
+If all children elements have already been read, return
+each element in-order as would be given by
+sub next_child {
+ my ($self, $read_bin) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{type} eq 'sub';
+ if ($self->{_all_children_read}) {
+ my $idx = $self->{_last_child} ||= 0;
+ if ($idx == @{$self->{value}}) {
+ # reset the iterator, returning undef once
+ $self->{_last_child} = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ my $ret = $self->{value}->[$idx];
+ ++$idx;
+ $self->{_last_child} = $idx;
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ my $len = defined $self->{remaining_len}
+ ? $self->{remaining_len}
+ : $self->{content_len};
+ if ($len == 0) {
+ # we've read all children; switch into $self->{value} iteration mode
+ $self->{_all_children_read} = 1;
+ # return undef since the iterator will reset
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->{pos_offset} ||= 0;
+ my $pos = $self->{data_pos};
+ my $reader = $self->{reader} or croak "The associated reader has been deleted";
+ $reader->setpos($pos);
+ $reader->{fh}->seek($self->{pos_offset}, 1) if $pos;
+ my $chld = $reader->read_element($read_bin);
+ return undef unless defined $chld;
+ $self->{pos_offset} += $chld->{full_len};
+ $self->{remaining_len} = $len - $chld->{full_len};
+ if ($self->{remaining_len} < 0) {
+ croak "Child elements consumed $self->{remaining_len} more bytes than parent $self->{name} contained";
+ }
+ $chld->{depth} = $self->{depth} + 1;
+ $self->{value} ||= [];
+ push @{$self->{value}}, $chld;
+ return $chld;
+=method all_children($recurse,$read_bin)
+Calls L</populate_children($recurse,$read_bin)> on self
+and returns an arrayref with the children nodes.
+Both C<$recurse> and C<$read_bin> are optional and default
+to false.
+sub all_children {
+ my ($self, $recurse, $read_bin) = @_;
+ $self->populate_children($recurse, $read_bin);
+ return $self->{value};
+=method children_by_name($name)
+Searches in the already read children elements for all
+elements with the EBML name C<$name>. Returns an array
+containing all found elements. On scalar context,
+returns only the first element found.
+Croaks if the element's C<type> isn't C<sub>.
+sub children_by_name {
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ return unless defined wantarray; # don't do work if work isn't wanted
+ croak "Element can't have children" unless $self->{type} eq 'sub';
+ my @found = grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @{$self->{value}};
+ return @found if wantarray; # list
+ return shift @found if defined wantarray; # scalar
+=method populate_children($recurse,$read_bin)
+Populates the internal array of children elements, that is,
+requests that the associated L<Matroska::Parser::Reader> reads
+all children elements. Returns itself.
+Returns false if the element's C<type> isn't C<sub>.
+If C<$recurse> is provided and is true, the method will call
+itself in the children elements with the same parameters it
+received; this will build a full EBML tree.
+If C<$read_bin> is provided and is true, disables delay-loading
+of the contents of C<binary>-type nodes, reading the contents
+to memory.
+If both C<$recurse> and C<$read_bin> are true, entire EBML trees
+can be loaded without requiring seeks, thus behaving correctly
+on unseekable streams. If C<$read_bin> is false, the entire EBML
+tree is still loaded, but calling L</get_value> on C<binary>-type
+nodes will produce an error on unseekable streams.
+sub populate_children {
+ my ($self, $recurse, $read_bin) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{type} eq 'sub';
+ if (@{$self->{value}} && $recurse) {
+ # only recurse
+ foreach (@{$self->{value}}) {
+ $_->populate_children($recurse, $read_bin);
+ }
+ return $self;
+ }
+ while (my $chld = $self->next_child($read_bin)) {
+ $chld->populate_children($recurse, $read_bin) if $recurse;
+ }
+ return $self;