path: root/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
diff options
authorwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2016-12-17 13:24:05 +0100
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2016-12-17 15:43:15 +0100
commitff9f5e06ff203c055d968087956026ef9204218b (patch)
tree883725191398913cc97bd441b7110bcf68237e28 /TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
parent2b8b17402ed59815019b309051b277ba4de82f3b (diff)
Revert "Port several python scripts to Perl"
This reverts commit fae73079310eef9dce9737f2e37ff4b80c8830ee. Before the waf build system was used, we had a configure script written in shell. To drop the build dependency on Python, someone rewrote the Python scripts we had to Perl. Now the shell configure script is gone, and it makes no sense to have a build dependency on both Perl and Python. This isn't just a straight revert. It adds the new Matroska EBML elements to the old Python scripts, adjusts the waf build system, and of course doesn't add anything back needed by the old build system. It would be better if this used directly by importing them as modules, instead of calling them via "python". But for now this is simpler.
Diffstat (limited to 'TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/ b/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a5adcd6de..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/lib/Parse/Matroska/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# ABSTRACT: internal EBML grammar definitions
-package Parse::Matroska::Definitions;
-use Parse::Matroska::Utils qw{uniq uncamelize};
-use Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw{Exporter};
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Parse::Matroska::Definitions qw{elem_by_hexid};
- my $ebml_id = elem_by_hexid('1a45dfa3');
- print "EBML ID $ebml_id->{elid}'s name: $ebml_id->{name}";
-Contains the definition of the EBML grammar as expected in
-Matroska files. This module is meant mostly for internal use.
-As this was extended from a script in mpv-player, some data
-generated is apparently useless for regular module users
-but is still relevant to the mpv-player script. Such data
-is annotated as being for mpv compatibility.
-=head1 NOTE
-The API of this module is not yet considered stable.
-=head1 GLOBALS
-These global variables are considered B<immutable>.
-=head2 @Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list
-A global list of known matroska elements. Useful for
-mpv's matroska script, used for generating C headers
-that parse matroska.
-=head2 %Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict
-A global hash of known matroska elements. Used internally
-by L</elem_by_hexid($id)>.
-@Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list = ();
-%Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict = ();
-Optionally-importable hash of known EBML IDs belonging
-to the EBML generic grammar.
-Optionally-importable hash of known EBML IDs belonging
-to the Matroska-specific grammar.
-our %EBML_DEFINITION = define_ebml();
-our %MATROSKA_DEFINITION = define_matroska();
-=method elem_by_hexid($id)
-Returns an EBML Element Definition corresponding to the provided
-hexadecimal string. Returns C<undef> if the element is unknown.
-sub elem_by_hexid {
- my ($elid) = @_;
- return $Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict{$elid};
-### Helper functions for document definition ###
-# used by elem when setting the 'valname' key
-use constant TYPE_MAP => {
- uint => 'uint64_t',
- str => 'char *',
- binary => 'struct bstr',
- ebml_id => 'uint32_t',
- float => 'double',
- sint => 'int64_t',
-# this will be localized to "MATROSKA" or "EBML" on the elem declarations
-our $ELEM_DEFINE_TYPE = undef;
-=method elem($name,$elid,$valtype)
-NOTE: never call this function yourself; it changes data structures
-that are considered immutable outside of this package.
-Internal API function that generates the EBML Element Definitions.
-This API function returns an array which first element is C<$elid>
-and the second is a generated hash. The generated hash is stored
-in the @global_elem_list and %global_elem_dict.
-The generated hash contains:
-=for :list
-= name
-The EBML Element's name, given through C<$name>.
-= elid
-The EBML Element's hex id, given through C<$elid>. Used for lookups by L</elem_by_hexid($id)>.
-= valtype
-The EBML Element's type, given through C<$valtype>, except when C<$valtype> is an arrayref.
-= multiple
-If C<$name> ends with a C<*>, this is set as true and strips the C<*> from L</name>. Used to
-mark elements that may be repeated.
-= subelements
-An arrayref of elements that may be children of this element, given through C<$valtype> if it
-is an arrayref. Sets L</valtype> to C<sub> if there are subelements.
-= subids
-An arrayref listing all the L</elid>s of subelements, C<uniq>ified.
-The following elements are for mpv compatibility:
-=for :list
-= definename
-Name used for generating C #defines.
-= fieldname
-Name used for generating C struct fields.
-= structname
-Name used for generating C struct names.
-= ebmltype
-A pre-#defined constant to describe the element's type.
-= valname
-Typename used when declaring a struct field referring to this element.
-sub elem {
- my %e = (name => shift, elid => shift, valtype => shift);
- # strip * from name, set 'multiple' if there was one
- $e{multiple} = scalar $e{name} =~ s/\*$//;
- $e{definename} = "${ELEM_DEFINE_TYPE}_ID_".uc($e{name});
- $e{fieldname} = uncamelize $e{name};
- $e{structname} = "ebml_$e{fieldname}";
- if (ref $e{valtype} eq 'HASH') {
- $e{subelements} = $e{valtype};
- $e{subids} = uniq map { $_->{elid} } values %{$e{subelements}};
- $e{valtype} = 'sub';
- $e{ebmltype} = 'EBML_TYPE_SUBELEMENTS';
- $e{valname} = "struct $e{structname}";
- } else {
- $e{ebmltype} = "EBML_TYPE_\U$e{valtype}";
- die "Unrecognized value type $e{valtype}" unless
- defined ($e{valname} = TYPE_MAP->{$e{valtype}});
- }
- my $e = \%e;
- push @Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list, $e;
- $Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_dict{$e{elid}} = $e;
- return ($e{elid}, $e);
-### EBML and Matroska document definitons ###
-=method define_ebml
-Internal function that defines the EBML generic grammar.
-Must not be called from outside the package.
-sub define_ebml {
- return (
- elem('EBML', '1a45dfa3', {
- elem('EBMLVersion', '4286', 'uint'),
- elem('EBMLReadVersion', '42f7', 'uint'),
- elem('EBMLMaxIDLength', '42f2', 'uint'),
- elem('EBMLMaxSizeLength', '42f3', 'uint'),
- elem('DocType', '4282', 'str'),
- elem('DocTypeVersion', '4287', 'uint'),
- elem('DocTypeReadVersion', '4285', 'uint'),
- }),
- elem('CRC32', 'bf', 'binary'),
- elem('Void', 'ec', 'binary'),
- );
-=method define_matroska
-Internal function that defines the Matroska-specific EBML grammar.
-Must not be called from outside the package.
-sub define_matroska {
- return (
- elem('Segment', '18538067', {
- elem('SeekHead*', '114d9b74', {
- elem('Seek*', '4dbb', {
- elem('SeekID', '53ab', 'ebml_id'),
- elem('SeekPosition', '53ac', 'uint'),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Info*', '1549a966', {
- elem('SegmentUID', '73a4', 'binary'),
- elem('PrevUID', '3cb923', 'binary'),
- elem('NextUID', '3eb923', 'binary'),
- elem('TimecodeScale', '2ad7b1', 'uint'),
- elem('DateUTC', '4461', 'sint'),
- elem('Title', '7ba9', 'str'),
- elem('MuxingApp', '4d80', 'str'),
- elem('WritingApp', '5741', 'str'),
- elem('Duration', '4489', 'float'),
- }),
- elem('Cluster*', '1f43b675', {
- elem('Timecode', 'e7', 'uint'),
- elem('BlockGroup*', 'a0', {
- elem('Block', 'a1', 'binary'),
- elem('BlockDuration', '9b', 'uint'),
- elem('ReferenceBlock*', 'fb', 'sint'),
- elem('DiscardPadding', '75A2', 'sint'),
- }),
- elem('SimpleBlock*', 'a3', 'binary'),
- }),
- elem('Tracks*', '1654ae6b', {
- elem('TrackEntry*', 'ae', {
- elem('TrackNumber', 'd7', 'uint'),
- elem('TrackUID', '73c5', 'uint'),
- elem('TrackType', '83', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagEnabled', 'b9', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagDefault', '88', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagForced', '55aa', 'uint'),
- elem('FlagLacing', '9c', 'uint'),
- elem('MinCache', '6de7', 'uint'),
- elem('MaxCache', '6df8', 'uint'),
- elem('DefaultDuration', '23e383', 'uint'),
- elem('TrackTimecodeScale', '23314f', 'float'),
- elem('MaxBlockAdditionID', '55ee', 'uint'),
- elem('Name', '536e', 'str'),
- elem('Language', '22b59c', 'str'),
- elem('CodecID', '86', 'str'),
- elem('CodecPrivate', '63a2', 'binary'),
- elem('CodecName', '258688', 'str'),
- elem('CodecDecodeAll', 'aa', 'uint'),
- elem('CodecDelay', '56AA', 'uint'),
- elem('SeekPreRoll', '56BB', 'uint'),
- elem('Video', 'e0', {
- elem('FlagInterlaced', '9a', 'uint'),
- elem('PixelWidth', 'b0', 'uint'),
- elem('PixelHeight', 'ba', 'uint'),
- elem('DisplayWidth', '54b0', 'uint'),
- elem('DisplayHeight', '54ba', 'uint'),
- elem('DisplayUnit', '54b2', 'uint'),
- elem('FrameRate', '2383e3', 'float'),
- elem('ColourSpace', '2eb524', 'binary'),
- elem('StereoMode', '53b8', 'uint'),
- elem('Colour', '55B0', {
- elem('MatrixCoefficients', '55B1', 'uint'),
- elem('BitsPerChannel', '55B2', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSubsamplingHorz', '55B3', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSubsamplingVert', '55B4', 'uint'),
- elem('CbSubsamplingHorz', '55B5', 'uint'),
- elem('CbSubsamplingVert', '55B6', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSitingHorz', '55B7', 'uint'),
- elem('ChromaSitingVert', '55B8', 'uint'),
- elem('Range', '55B9', 'uint'),
- elem('TransferCharacteristics', '55BA', 'uint'),
- elem('Primaries', '55BB', 'uint'),
- elem('MaxCLL', '55BC', 'uint'),
- elem('MaxFALL', '55BD', 'uint'),
- elem('MasteringMetadata', '55D0', {
- elem('PrimaryRChromaticityX', '55D1', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryRChromaticityY', '55D2', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryGChromaticityX', '55D3', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryGChromaticityY', '55D4', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryBChromaticityX', '55D5', 'float'),
- elem('PrimaryBChromaticityY', '55D6', 'float'),
- elem('WhitePointChromaticityX', '55D7', 'float'),
- elem('WhitePointChromaticityY', '55D8', 'float'),
- elem('LuminanceMax', '55D9', 'float'),
- elem('LuminanceMin', '55DA', 'float'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Audio', 'e1', {
- elem('SamplingFrequency', 'b5', 'float'),
- elem('OutputSamplingFrequency', '78b5', 'float'),
- elem('Channels', '9f', 'uint'),
- elem('BitDepth', '6264', 'uint'),
- }),
- elem('ContentEncodings', '6d80', {
- elem('ContentEncoding*', '6240', {
- elem('ContentEncodingOrder', '5031', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentEncodingScope', '5032', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentEncodingType', '5033', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentCompression', '5034', {
- elem('ContentCompAlgo', '4254', 'uint'),
- elem('ContentCompSettings', '4255', 'binary'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Cues', '1c53bb6b', {
- elem('CuePoint*', 'bb', {
- elem('CueTime', 'b3', 'uint'),
- elem('CueTrackPositions*', 'b7', {
- elem('CueTrack', 'f7', 'uint'),
- elem('CueClusterPosition', 'f1', 'uint'),
- elem('CueRelativePosition','f0', 'uint'),
- elem('CueDuration', 'b2', 'uint'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Attachments', '1941a469', {
- elem('AttachedFile*', '61a7', {
- elem('FileDescription', '467e', 'str'),
- elem('FileName', '466e', 'str'),
- elem('FileMimeType', '4660', 'str'),
- elem('FileData', '465c', 'binary'),
- elem('FileUID', '46ae', 'uint'),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Chapters', '1043a770', {
- elem('EditionEntry*', '45b9', {
- elem('EditionUID', '45bc', 'uint'),
- elem('EditionFlagHidden', '45bd', 'uint'),
- elem('EditionFlagDefault', '45db', 'uint'),
- elem('EditionFlagOrdered', '45dd', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterAtom*', 'b6', {
- elem('ChapterUID', '73c4', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterTimeStart', '91', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterTimeEnd', '92', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterFlagHidden', '98', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterFlagEnabled', '4598', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterSegmentUID', '6e67', 'binary'),
- elem('ChapterSegmentEditionUID', '6ebc', 'uint'),
- elem('ChapterDisplay*', '80', {
- elem('ChapString', '85', 'str'),
- elem('ChapLanguage*', '437c', 'str'),
- elem('ChapCountry*', '437e', 'str'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- elem('Tags*', '1254c367', {
- elem('Tag*', '7373', {
- elem('Targets', '63c0', {
- elem('TargetTypeValue', '68ca', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetTrackUID', '63c5', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetEditionUID', '63c9', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetChapterUID', '63c4', 'uint'),
- elem('TargetAttachmentUID', '63c6', 'uint'),
- }),
- elem('SimpleTag*', '67c8', {
- elem('TagName', '45a3', 'str'),
- elem('TagLanguage', '447a', 'str'),
- elem('TagString', '4487', 'str'),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- );