path: root/libass/ass_strtod.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* ass_strtod: correctly convert large negative exponentsOleg Oshmyan2016-11-211-4/+43
* ass_strtod: don't cast away constOleg Oshmyan2016-11-211-2/+3
* ass_strtod: handle overflowing exponentsOleg Oshmyan2016-11-211-7/+37
* ass_strtod: skip leading zeros in mantissaOleg Oshmyan2016-11-211-3/+14
* ass_strtod: don't report overflow for 0.0e[huge exponent]Oleg Oshmyan2016-11-211-1/+3
* ass_strtod: use size_t for substring lengthsOleg Oshmyan2016-11-211-18/+19
* Fully fix compilation with MSVC/ICLOleg Oshmyan2015-09-171-0/+1
* Include config.h in all source files and in no headersOleg Oshmyan2015-09-171-0/+2
* NIH: add locale-independent string functionsGrigori Goronzy2015-09-111-4/+4
* ass_strtod: use modern Cwm42014-01-241-7/+8
* Fix a warning due to added constnessGrigori Goronzy2010-01-121-1/+1
* Constify table in ass_strtodYuriy M. Kaminskiy2010-01-121-0/+2
* Replace strtod with locale-independent strtodGrigori Goronzy2010-01-051-0/+247