/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include "options/m_config.h" #include "video/out/placebo/ra_pl.h" #include "context.h" #include "utils.h" struct vulkan_opts { char *device; // force a specific GPU int swap_mode; int queue_count; int async_transfer; int async_compute; }; static int vk_validate_dev(struct mp_log *log, const struct m_option *opt, struct bstr name, struct bstr param) { int ret = M_OPT_INVALID; VkResult res; // Create a dummy instance to validate/list the devices VkInstanceCreateInfo info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO, }; VkInstance inst; VkPhysicalDevice *devices = NULL; uint32_t num = 0; res = vkCreateInstance(&info, NULL, &inst); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) goto done; res = vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(inst, &num, NULL); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) goto done; devices = talloc_array(NULL, VkPhysicalDevice, num); vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(inst, &num, devices); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) goto done; bool help = bstr_equals0(param, "help"); if (help) { mp_info(log, "Available vulkan devices:\n"); ret = M_OPT_EXIT; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { VkPhysicalDeviceProperties prop; vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(devices[i], &prop); if (help) { mp_info(log, " '%s' (GPU %d, ID %x:%x)\n", prop.deviceName, i, (unsigned)prop.vendorID, (unsigned)prop.deviceID); } else if (bstr_equals0(param, prop.deviceName)) { ret = 0; goto done; } } if (!help) mp_err(log, "No device with name '%.*s'!\n", BSTR_P(param)); done: talloc_free(devices); return ret; } #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct vulkan_opts const struct m_sub_options vulkan_conf = { .opts = (const struct m_option[]) { OPT_STRING_VALIDATE("vulkan-device", device, 0, vk_validate_dev), OPT_CHOICE("vulkan-swap-mode", swap_mode, 0, ({"auto", -1}, {"fifo", VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR}, {"fifo-relaxed", VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_RELAXED_KHR}, {"mailbox", VK_PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR}, {"immediate", VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR})), OPT_INTRANGE("vulkan-queue-count", queue_count, 0, 1, 8), OPT_FLAG("vulkan-async-transfer", async_transfer, 0), OPT_FLAG("vulkan-async-compute", async_compute, 0), {0} }, .size = sizeof(struct vulkan_opts), .defaults = &(struct vulkan_opts) { .swap_mode = -1, .queue_count = 1, .async_transfer = true, .async_compute = true, }, }; struct priv { struct mpvk_ctx *vk; struct vulkan_opts *opts; const struct pl_swapchain *swapchain; struct ra_tex proxy_tex; }; static const struct ra_swapchain_fns vulkan_swapchain; struct mpvk_ctx *ra_vk_ctx_get(struct ra_ctx *ctx) { if (ctx->swapchain->fns != &vulkan_swapchain) return NULL; struct priv *p = ctx->swapchain->priv; return p->vk; } void ra_vk_ctx_uninit(struct ra_ctx *ctx) { if (!ctx->swapchain) return; struct priv *p = ctx->swapchain->priv; struct mpvk_ctx *vk = p->vk; if (ctx->ra) { pl_gpu_finish(vk->gpu); pl_swapchain_destroy(&p->swapchain); ctx->ra->fns->destroy(ctx->ra); ctx->ra = NULL; } vk->gpu = NULL; pl_vulkan_destroy(&vk->vulkan); TA_FREEP(&ctx->swapchain); } bool ra_vk_ctx_init(struct ra_ctx *ctx, struct mpvk_ctx *vk, VkPresentModeKHR preferred_mode) { struct ra_swapchain *sw = ctx->swapchain = talloc_zero(NULL, struct ra_swapchain); sw->ctx = ctx; sw->fns = &vulkan_swapchain; struct priv *p = sw->priv = talloc_zero(sw, struct priv); p->vk = vk; p->opts = mp_get_config_group(p, ctx->global, &vulkan_conf); assert(vk->ctx); assert(vk->vkinst); vk->vulkan = pl_vulkan_create(vk->ctx, &(struct pl_vulkan_params) { .instance = vk->vkinst->instance, .surface = vk->surface, .async_transfer = p->opts->async_transfer, .async_compute = p->opts->async_compute, .queue_count = p->opts->queue_count, .device_name = p->opts->device, }); if (!vk->vulkan) goto error; vk->gpu = vk->vulkan->gpu; ctx->ra = ra_create_pl(vk->gpu, ctx->log); if (!ctx->ra) goto error; // Create the swapchain struct pl_vulkan_swapchain_params params = { .surface = vk->surface, .present_mode = preferred_mode, .swapchain_depth = ctx->vo->opts->swapchain_depth, }; if (p->opts->swap_mode >= 0) // user override params.present_mode = p->opts->swap_mode; p->swapchain = pl_vulkan_create_swapchain(vk->vulkan, ¶ms); if (!p->swapchain) goto error; return true; error: ra_vk_ctx_uninit(ctx); return false; } bool ra_vk_ctx_resize(struct ra_ctx *ctx, int width, int height) { struct priv *p = ctx->swapchain->priv; bool ok = pl_swapchain_resize(p->swapchain, &width, &height); ctx->vo->dwidth = width; ctx->vo->dheight = height; return ok; } static int color_depth(struct ra_swapchain *sw) { return 0; // TODO: implement this somehow? } static bool start_frame(struct ra_swapchain *sw, struct ra_fbo *out_fbo) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; struct pl_swapchain_frame frame; if (!pl_swapchain_start_frame(p->swapchain, &frame)) return false; if (!mppl_wrap_tex(sw->ctx->ra, frame.fbo, &p->proxy_tex)) return false; *out_fbo = (struct ra_fbo) { .tex = &p->proxy_tex, .flip = frame.flipped, }; return true; } static bool submit_frame(struct ra_swapchain *sw, const struct vo_frame *frame) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; return pl_swapchain_submit_frame(p->swapchain); } static void swap_buffers(struct ra_swapchain *sw) { struct priv *p = sw->priv; pl_swapchain_swap_buffers(p->swapchain); } static const struct ra_swapchain_fns vulkan_swapchain = { .color_depth = color_depth, .start_frame = start_frame, .submit_frame = submit_frame, .swap_buffers = swap_buffers, };