/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/common.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "video/mp_image.h" #include "video/out/gpu/hwdec.h" #include "common.h" #include "ra_gl.h" struct priv { struct mp_log *log; struct mp_image_params params; MMAL_COMPONENT_T *renderer; bool renderer_enabled; // for RAM input MMAL_POOL_T *swpool; struct mp_image *current_frame; struct mp_rect src, dst; int cur_window[4]; // raw user params }; // Magic alignments (in pixels) expected by the MMAL internals. #define ALIGN_W 32 #define ALIGN_H 16 // Make mpi point to buffer, assuming MMAL_ENCODING_I420. // buffer can be NULL. // Return the required buffer space. static size_t layout_buffer(struct mp_image *mpi, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer, struct mp_image_params *params) { assert(params->imgfmt == IMGFMT_420P); mp_image_set_params(mpi, params); int w = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->w, ALIGN_W); int h = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->h, ALIGN_H); uint8_t *cur = buffer ? buffer->data : NULL; size_t size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int div = i ? 2 : 1; mpi->planes[i] = cur; mpi->stride[i] = w / div; size_t plane_size = h / div * mpi->stride[i]; if (cur) cur += plane_size; size += plane_size; } return size; } static MMAL_FOURCC_T map_csp(enum mp_csp csp) { switch (csp) { case MP_CSP_BT_601: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_ITUR_BT601; case MP_CSP_BT_709: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_ITUR_BT709; case MP_CSP_SMPTE_240M: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_SMPTE240M; default: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_UNKNOWN; } } static void control_port_cb(MMAL_PORT_T *port, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer) { mmal_buffer_header_release(buffer); } static void input_port_cb(MMAL_PORT_T *port, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer) { struct mp_image *mpi = buffer->user_data; talloc_free(mpi); } static void disable_renderer(struct ra_hwdec *hw) { struct priv *p = hw->priv; if (p->renderer_enabled) { mmal_port_disable(p->renderer->control); mmal_port_disable(p->renderer->input[0]); mmal_port_flush(p->renderer->control); mmal_port_flush(p->renderer->input[0]); mmal_component_disable(p->renderer); } mmal_pool_destroy(p->swpool); p->swpool = NULL; p->renderer_enabled = false; } // check_window_only: assume params and dst/src rc are unchanged static void update_overlay(struct ra_hwdec *hw, bool check_window_only) { struct priv *p = hw->priv; GL *gl = ra_is_gl(hw->ra) ? ra_gl_get(hw->ra) : NULL; MMAL_PORT_T *input = p->renderer->input[0]; struct mp_rect src = p->src; struct mp_rect dst = p->dst; int defs[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int *z = gl ? mpgl_get_native_display(gl, "MPV_RPI_WINDOW") : NULL; if (!z) z = defs; // As documented in the libmpv openglcb headers. int display = z[0]; int layer = z[1]; int x = z[2]; int y = z[3]; if (check_window_only && memcmp(z, p->cur_window, sizeof(p->cur_window)) == 0) return; memcpy(p->cur_window, z, sizeof(p->cur_window)); int rotate[] = {MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT0, MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT90, MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT180, MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT270}; int src_w = src.x1 - src.x0, src_h = src.y1 - src.y0, dst_w = dst.x1 - dst.x0, dst_h = dst.y1 - dst.y0; int p_x, p_y; av_reduce(&p_x, &p_y, dst_w * src_h, src_w * dst_h, 16000); MMAL_DISPLAYREGION_T dr = { .hdr = { .id = MMAL_PARAMETER_DISPLAYREGION, .size = sizeof(MMAL_DISPLAYREGION_T), }, .src_rect = { .x = src.x0, .y = src.y0, .width = src_w, .height = src_h }, .dest_rect = { .x = dst.x0 + x, .y = dst.y0 + y, .width = dst_w, .height = dst_h }, .layer = layer - 1, // under the GL layer .display_num = display, .pixel_x = p_x, .pixel_y = p_y, .transform = rotate[p->params.rotate / 90], .fullscreen = 0, .set = MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_SRC_RECT | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_DEST_RECT | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_LAYER | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_NUM | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_PIXEL | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_TRANSFORM | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_FULLSCREEN, }; if (p->params.rotate % 180 == 90) { MPSWAP(int, dr.src_rect.x, dr.src_rect.y); MPSWAP(int, dr.src_rect.width, dr.src_rect.height); } if (mmal_port_parameter_set(input, &dr.hdr)) MP_WARN(p, "could not set video rectangle\n"); } static int enable_renderer(struct ra_hwdec *hw) { struct priv *p = hw->priv; MMAL_PORT_T *input = p->renderer->input[0]; struct mp_image_params *params = &p->params; if (p->renderer_enabled) return 0; if (!params->imgfmt) return -1; bool opaque = params->imgfmt == IMGFMT_MMAL; input->format->encoding = opaque ? MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE : MMAL_ENCODING_I420; input->format->es->video.width = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->w, ALIGN_W); input->format->es->video.height = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->h, ALIGN_H); input->format->es->video.crop = (MMAL_RECT_T){0, 0, params->w, params->h}; input->format->es->video.par = (MMAL_RATIONAL_T){params->p_w, params->p_h}; input->format->es->video.color_space = map_csp(params->color.space); if (mmal_port_format_commit(input)) return -1; input->buffer_num = MPMAX(input->buffer_num_min, input->buffer_num_recommended) + 3; input->buffer_size = MPMAX(input->buffer_size_min, input->buffer_size_recommended); if (!opaque) { size_t size = layout_buffer(&(struct mp_image){0}, NULL, params); if (input->buffer_size != size) { MP_FATAL(hw, "We disagree with MMAL about buffer sizes.\n"); return -1; } p->swpool = mmal_pool_create(input->buffer_num, input->buffer_size); if (!p->swpool) { MP_FATAL(hw, "Could not allocate buffer pool.\n"); return -1; } } update_overlay(hw, false); p->renderer_enabled = true; if (mmal_port_enable(p->renderer->control, control_port_cb)) return -1; if (mmal_port_enable(input, input_port_cb)) return -1; if (mmal_component_enable(p->renderer)) { MP_FATAL(hw, "Failed to enable video renderer.\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static void free_mmal_buffer(void *arg) { MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer = arg; mmal_buffer_header_release(buffer); } static struct mp_image *upload(struct ra_hwdec *hw, struct mp_image *hw_image) { struct priv *p = hw->priv; MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer = mmal_queue_wait(p->swpool->queue); if (!buffer) { MP_ERR(hw, "Can't allocate buffer.\n"); return NULL; } mmal_buffer_header_reset(buffer); struct mp_image *new_ref = mp_image_new_custom_ref(NULL, buffer, free_mmal_buffer); if (!new_ref) { mmal_buffer_header_release(buffer); MP_ERR(hw, "Out of memory.\n"); return NULL; } mp_image_setfmt(new_ref, IMGFMT_MMAL); new_ref->planes[3] = (void *)buffer; struct mp_image dmpi = {0}; buffer->length = layout_buffer(&dmpi, buffer, &p->params); mp_image_copy(&dmpi, hw_image); return new_ref; } static int overlay_frame(struct ra_hwdec *hw, struct mp_image *hw_image, struct mp_rect *src, struct mp_rect *dst, bool newframe) { struct priv *p = hw->priv; if (hw_image && !mp_image_params_equal(&p->params, &hw_image->params)) { p->params = hw_image->params; disable_renderer(hw); mp_image_unrefp(&p->current_frame); if (enable_renderer(hw) < 0) return -1; } if (hw_image && p->current_frame && !newframe) { if (!mp_rect_equals(&p->src, src) ||mp_rect_equals(&p->dst, dst)) { p->src = *src; p->dst = *dst; update_overlay(hw, false); } return 0; // don't reupload } mp_image_unrefp(&p->current_frame); if (!hw_image) { disable_renderer(hw); return 0; } if (enable_renderer(hw) < 0) return -1; update_overlay(hw, true); struct mp_image *mpi = NULL; if (hw_image->imgfmt == IMGFMT_MMAL) { mpi = mp_image_new_ref(hw_image); } else { mpi = upload(hw, hw_image); } if (!mpi) { disable_renderer(hw); return -1; } MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *ref = (void *)mpi->planes[3]; // Assume this field is free for use by us. ref->user_data = mpi; if (mmal_port_send_buffer(p->renderer->input[0], ref)) { MP_ERR(hw, "could not queue picture!\n"); talloc_free(mpi); return -1; } return 0; } static void destroy(struct ra_hwdec *hw) { struct priv *p = hw->priv; disable_renderer(hw); if (p->renderer) mmal_component_release(p->renderer); mmal_vc_deinit(); } static int create(struct ra_hwdec *hw) { struct priv *p = hw->priv; p->log = hw->log; bcm_host_init(); if (mmal_vc_init()) { MP_FATAL(hw, "Could not initialize MMAL.\n"); return -1; } if (mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_VIDEO_RENDERER, &p->renderer)) { MP_FATAL(hw, "Could not create MMAL renderer.\n"); mmal_vc_deinit(); return -1; } return 0; } const struct ra_hwdec_driver ra_hwdec_rpi_overlay = { .name = "rpi-overlay", .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv), .imgfmts = {IMGFMT_MMAL, IMGFMT_420P, 0}, .init = create, .overlay_frame = overlay_frame, .uninit = destroy, };