/* * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can alternatively redistribute this file and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include "w32_common.h" #include "gl_common.h" struct w32_context { HGLRC context; HDC hdc; }; static bool create_dc(struct MPGLContext *ctx, int flags) { struct w32_context *w32_ctx = ctx->priv; HWND win = vo_w32_hwnd(ctx->vo); if (w32_ctx->hdc) return true; HDC hdc = GetDC(win); if (!hdc) return false; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof pfd); pfd.nSize = sizeof pfd; pfd.nVersion = 1; pfd.dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; if (flags & VOFLAG_STEREO) pfd.dwFlags |= PFD_STEREO; pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; pfd.cColorBits = 24; pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; int pf = ChoosePixelFormat(hdc, &pfd); if (!pf) { MP_ERR(ctx->vo, "unable to select a valid pixel format!\n"); ReleaseDC(win, hdc); return false; } SetPixelFormat(hdc, pf, &pfd); int pfmt = GetPixelFormat(hdc); if (DescribePixelFormat(hdc, pfmt, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd)) { ctx->depth_r = pfd.cRedBits; ctx->depth_g = pfd.cGreenBits; ctx->depth_b = pfd.cBlueBits; } w32_ctx->hdc = hdc; return true; } static void *w32gpa(const GLubyte *procName) { HMODULE oglmod; void *res = wglGetProcAddress(procName); if (res) return res; oglmod = GetModuleHandle("opengl32.dll"); return GetProcAddress(oglmod, procName); } static bool create_context_w32_old(struct MPGLContext *ctx) { struct w32_context *w32_ctx = ctx->priv; HGLRC *context = &w32_ctx->context; if (*context) return true; HDC windc = w32_ctx->hdc; bool res = false; HGLRC new_context = wglCreateContext(windc); if (!new_context) { MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not create GL context!\n"); goto out; } if (!wglMakeCurrent(windc, new_context)) { MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not set GL context!\n"); wglDeleteContext(new_context); goto out; } *context = new_context; mpgl_load_functions(ctx->gl, w32gpa, NULL, ctx->vo->log); res = true; out: return res; } static bool create_context_w32_gl3(struct MPGLContext *ctx) { struct w32_context *w32_ctx = ctx->priv; HGLRC *context = &w32_ctx->context; if (*context) // reuse existing context return true; // not reusing it breaks gl3! HDC windc = w32_ctx->hdc; HGLRC new_context = 0; new_context = wglCreateContext(windc); if (!new_context) { MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not create GL context!\n"); return false; } // set context if (!wglMakeCurrent(windc, new_context)) { MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not set GL context!\n"); goto out; } const char *(GLAPIENTRY *wglGetExtensionsStringARB)(HDC hdc) = w32gpa((const GLubyte*)"wglGetExtensionsStringARB"); if (!wglGetExtensionsStringARB) goto unsupported; const char *wgl_exts = wglGetExtensionsStringARB(windc); if (!strstr(wgl_exts, "WGL_ARB_create_context")) goto unsupported; HGLRC (GLAPIENTRY *wglCreateContextAttribsARB)(HDC hDC, HGLRC hShareContext, const int *attribList) = w32gpa((const GLubyte*)"wglCreateContextAttribsARB"); if (!wglCreateContextAttribsARB) goto unsupported; int gl_version = ctx->requested_gl_version; int attribs[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, MPGL_VER_GET_MAJOR(gl_version), WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, MPGL_VER_GET_MINOR(gl_version), WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, 0, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; *context = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(windc, 0, attribs); if (! *context) { // NVidia, instead of ignoring WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, will error out if // it's present on pre-3.2 contexts. // Remove it from attribs and retry the context creation. attribs[6] = attribs[7] = 0; *context = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(windc, 0, attribs); } if (! *context) { int err = GetLastError(); MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not create an OpenGL 3.x context: error 0x%x\n", err); goto out; } wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext(new_context); if (!wglMakeCurrent(windc, *context)) { MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not set GL3 context!\n"); wglDeleteContext(*context); return false; } /* update function pointers */ mpgl_load_functions(ctx->gl, w32gpa, NULL, ctx->vo->log); return true; unsupported: MP_ERR(ctx->vo, "The OpenGL driver does not support OpenGL 3.x \n"); out: wglDeleteContext(new_context); return false; } static bool config_window_w32(struct MPGLContext *ctx, int flags) { if (!vo_w32_config(ctx->vo, flags)) return false; if (!create_dc(ctx, flags)) return false; bool success = false; if (ctx->requested_gl_version >= MPGL_VER(3, 0)) success = create_context_w32_gl3(ctx); if (!success) success = create_context_w32_old(ctx); return success; } static void releaseGlContext_w32(MPGLContext *ctx) { struct w32_context *w32_ctx = ctx->priv; HGLRC *context = &w32_ctx->context; if (*context) { wglMakeCurrent(0, 0); wglDeleteContext(*context); } *context = 0; if (w32_ctx->hdc) ReleaseDC(vo_w32_hwnd(ctx->vo), w32_ctx->hdc); w32_ctx->hdc = NULL; } static void swapGlBuffers_w32(MPGLContext *ctx) { struct w32_context *w32_ctx = ctx->priv; SwapBuffers(w32_ctx->hdc); } void mpgl_set_backend_w32(MPGLContext *ctx) { ctx->priv = talloc_zero(ctx, struct w32_context); ctx->config_window = config_window_w32; ctx->releaseGlContext = releaseGlContext_w32; ctx->swapGlBuffers = swapGlBuffers_w32; ctx->vo_init = vo_w32_init; ctx->vo_uninit = vo_w32_uninit; ctx->vo_control = vo_w32_control; }