/* * This file is part of MPlayer. * * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include /* Stuff for correct aspect scaling. */ #include "aspect.h" #include "vo.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "options/options.h" #include "vo.h" void aspect_save_videores(struct vo *vo, int w, int h, int d_w, int d_h) { vo->aspdat.orgw = w; vo->aspdat.orgh = h; vo->aspdat.prew = d_w; vo->aspdat.preh = d_h; vo->aspdat.par = (double)d_w / d_h * h / w; } void aspect_save_screenres(struct vo *vo, int scrw, int scrh) { MP_DBG(vo, "aspect_save_screenres %dx%d\n", scrw, scrh); struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts; if (scrw > 0 && scrh > 0 && opts->force_monitor_aspect) vo->aspdat.monitor_par = opts->force_monitor_aspect * scrh / scrw; else vo->aspdat.monitor_par = 1.0 / opts->monitor_pixel_aspect; } void aspect_calc_monitor(struct vo *vo, int *w, int *h) { float pixelaspect = vo->aspdat.monitor_par; if (pixelaspect < 1) { *h /= pixelaspect; } else { *w *= pixelaspect; } } static void aspect_calc(struct vo *vo, int *srcw, int *srch) { struct aspect_data *aspdat = &vo->aspdat; float pixelaspect = aspdat->monitor_par; int fitw = FFMAX(1, vo->dwidth); int fith = FFMAX(1, vo->dheight); MP_DBG(vo, "aspect(0) fitin: %dx%d monitor_par: %.2f\n", fitw, fith, aspdat->monitor_par); *srcw = fitw; *srch = (float)fitw / aspdat->prew * aspdat->preh / pixelaspect; MP_DBG(vo, "aspect(1) wh: %dx%d (org: %dx%d)\n", *srcw, *srch, aspdat->prew, aspdat->preh); if (*srch > fith || *srch < aspdat->orgh) { int tmpw = (float)fith / aspdat->preh * aspdat->prew * pixelaspect; if (tmpw <= fitw) { *srch = fith; *srcw = tmpw; } else if (*srch > fith) { MP_WARN(vo, "No suitable new aspect found!\n"); } } MP_DBG(vo, "aspect(2) wh: %dx%d (org: %dx%d)\n", *srcw, *srch, aspdat->prew, aspdat->preh); } void aspect_calc_panscan(struct vo *vo, int *out_w, int *out_h) { struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts; int fwidth, fheight; aspect_calc(vo, &fwidth, &fheight); int vo_panscan_area = vo->dheight - fheight; if (!vo_panscan_area) vo_panscan_area = vo->dwidth - fwidth; *out_w = fwidth + vo_panscan_area * opts->panscan * fwidth / fheight; *out_h = fheight + vo_panscan_area * opts->panscan; }