/* * This file is part of MPlayer. * * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "video/img_format.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "compat/mpbswap.h" #include const char *vo_format_name(int format) { const char *name = mp_imgfmt_to_name(format); if (name) return name; static char unknown_format[20]; snprintf(unknown_format, 20, "Unknown 0x%04x", format); return unknown_format; } int mp_get_chroma_shift(int format, int *x_shift, int *y_shift, int *component_bits) { int xs = 0, ys = 0; int bpp; int err = 0; int bits = 8; if ((format & 0xff0000f0) == 0x34000050) format = bswap_32(format); if ((format & 0xf00000ff) == 0x50000034) { switch (format >> 24) { case 0x50: break; case 0x51: bits = 16; break; case 0x52: bits = 10; break; case 0x53: bits = 9; break; default: err = 1; break; } switch (format & 0x00ffffff) { case 0x00343434: // 444 xs = 0; ys = 0; break; case 0x00323234: // 422 xs = 1; ys = 0; break; case 0x00303234: // 420 xs = 1; ys = 1; break; case 0x00313134: // 411 xs = 2; ys = 0; break; case 0x00303434: // 440 xs = 0; ys = 1; break; default: err = 1; break; } } else switch (format) { case IMGFMT_420A: case IMGFMT_I420: case IMGFMT_IYUV: case IMGFMT_YV12: xs = 1; ys = 1; break; case IMGFMT_IF09: case IMGFMT_YVU9: xs = 2; ys = 2; break; case IMGFMT_Y8: case IMGFMT_Y800: xs = 31; ys = 31; break; default: err = 1; break; } if (x_shift) *x_shift = xs; if (y_shift) *y_shift = ys; if (component_bits) *component_bits = bits; bpp = 8 + ((16 >> xs) >> ys); if (format == IMGFMT_420A) bpp += 8; bpp *= (bits + 7) >> 3; return err ? 0 : bpp; } struct mp_imgfmt_entry mp_imgfmt_list[] = { {"444p16le", IMGFMT_444P16_LE}, {"444p16be", IMGFMT_444P16_BE}, {"444p10le", IMGFMT_444P10_LE}, {"444p10be", IMGFMT_444P10_BE}, {"444p9le", IMGFMT_444P9_LE}, {"444p9be", IMGFMT_444P9_BE}, {"422p16le", IMGFMT_422P16_LE}, {"422p16be", IMGFMT_422P16_BE}, {"422p10le", IMGFMT_422P10_LE}, {"422p10be", IMGFMT_422P10_BE}, {"422p9le", IMGFMT_422P9_LE}, {"422p9be", IMGFMT_422P9_BE}, {"420p16le", IMGFMT_420P16_LE}, {"420p16be", IMGFMT_420P16_BE}, {"420p10le", IMGFMT_420P10_LE}, {"420p10be", IMGFMT_420P10_BE}, {"420p9le", IMGFMT_420P9_LE}, {"420p9be", IMGFMT_420P9_BE}, {"444p16", IMGFMT_444P16}, {"444p10", IMGFMT_444P10}, {"444p9", IMGFMT_444P9}, {"422p16", IMGFMT_422P16}, {"422p10", IMGFMT_422P10}, {"420p10", IMGFMT_420P10}, {"420p9", IMGFMT_420P9}, {"420p16", IMGFMT_420P16}, {"420a", IMGFMT_420A}, {"444p", IMGFMT_444P}, {"422p", IMGFMT_422P}, {"411p", IMGFMT_411P}, {"440p", IMGFMT_440P}, {"yuy2", IMGFMT_YUY2}, {"yvyu", IMGFMT_YVYU}, {"uyvy", IMGFMT_UYVY}, {"yvu9", IMGFMT_YVU9}, {"if09", IMGFMT_IF09}, {"yv12", IMGFMT_YV12}, {"i420", IMGFMT_I420}, {"iyuv", IMGFMT_IYUV}, {"clpl", IMGFMT_CLPL}, {"hm12", IMGFMT_HM12}, {"y800", IMGFMT_Y800}, {"y8", IMGFMT_Y8}, {"nv12", IMGFMT_NV12}, {"nv21", IMGFMT_NV21}, {"bgr24", IMGFMT_BGR24}, {"bgr32", IMGFMT_BGR32}, {"bgr16", IMGFMT_BGR16}, {"bgr15", IMGFMT_BGR15}, {"bgr12", IMGFMT_BGR12}, {"bgr8", IMGFMT_BGR8}, {"bgr4", IMGFMT_BGR4}, {"bg4b", IMGFMT_BG4B}, {"bgr1", IMGFMT_BGR1}, {"rgb48be", IMGFMT_RGB48BE}, {"rgb48le", IMGFMT_RGB48LE}, {"rgb48ne", IMGFMT_RGB48NE}, {"rgb24", IMGFMT_RGB24}, {"rgb32", IMGFMT_RGB32}, {"rgb16", IMGFMT_RGB16}, {"rgb15", IMGFMT_RGB15}, {"rgb12", IMGFMT_RGB12}, {"rgb8", IMGFMT_RGB8}, {"rgb4", IMGFMT_RGB4}, {"rg4b", IMGFMT_RG4B}, {"rgb1", IMGFMT_RGB1}, {"rgba", IMGFMT_RGBA}, {"argb", IMGFMT_ARGB}, {"bgra", IMGFMT_BGRA}, {"abgr", IMGFMT_ABGR}, {"bgr0", IMGFMT_BGR0}, {"gbrp", IMGFMT_GBRP}, {"mjpeg", IMGFMT_MJPEG}, {"mjpg", IMGFMT_MJPEG}, {"vdpau_h264", IMGFMT_VDPAU_H264}, {"vdpau_mpeg1", IMGFMT_VDPAU_MPEG1}, {"vdpau_mpeg2", IMGFMT_VDPAU_MPEG2}, {"vdpau_mpeg4", IMGFMT_VDPAU_MPEG4}, {"vdpau_wmv3", IMGFMT_VDPAU_WMV3}, {"vdpau_vc1", IMGFMT_VDPAU_VC1}, {0} }; unsigned int mp_imgfmt_from_name(bstr name, bool allow_hwaccel) { if (bstr_startswith0(name, "0x")) { bstr rest; unsigned int fmt = bstrtoll(name, &rest, 16); if (rest.len == 0) return fmt; } for(struct mp_imgfmt_entry *p = mp_imgfmt_list; p->name; ++p) { if(!bstrcasecmp0(name, p->name)) { if (!allow_hwaccel && IMGFMT_IS_HWACCEL(p->fmt)) return 0; return p->fmt; } } return 0; } const char *mp_imgfmt_to_name(unsigned int fmt) { struct mp_imgfmt_entry *p = mp_imgfmt_list; for(; p->name; ++p) { if(p->fmt == fmt) return p->name; } return NULL; }