/* * This file is part of mpv. * * Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastien Zwickert * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "common/av_common.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "video/mp_image.h" #include "video/decode/lavc.h" #include "video/mp_image_pool.h" #include "config.h" struct priv { struct mp_image_pool *sw_pool; }; static int probe_copy(struct lavc_ctx *ctx, struct vd_lavc_hwdec *hwdec, const char *codec) { switch (mp_codec_to_av_codec_id(codec)) { case AV_CODEC_ID_H264: case AV_CODEC_ID_H263: case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO: case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO: case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4: break; default: return HWDEC_ERR_NO_CODEC; } return 0; } static int probe(struct lavc_ctx *ctx, struct vd_lavc_hwdec *hwdec, const char *codec) { if (!hwdec_devices_load(ctx->hwdec_devs, HWDEC_VIDEOTOOLBOX)) return HWDEC_ERR_NO_CTX; return probe_copy(ctx, hwdec, codec); } static int init(struct lavc_ctx *ctx) { struct priv *p = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, p); p->sw_pool = talloc_steal(p, mp_image_pool_new(17)); ctx->hwdec_priv = p; return 0; } struct videotoolbox_error { int code; char *reason; }; static const struct videotoolbox_error videotoolbox_errors[] = { { AVERROR(ENOSYS), "Hardware doesn't support accelerated decoding for this stream" " or Videotoolbox decoder is not available at the moment (another" " application is using it)." }, { AVERROR(EINVAL), "Invalid configuration provided to VTDecompressionSessionCreate" }, { AVERROR_INVALIDDATA, "Generic error returned by the decoder layer. The cause can be Videotoolbox" " found errors in the bitstream." }, { 0, NULL }, }; static void print_videotoolbox_error(struct mp_log *log, int lev, char *message, int error_code) { for (int n = 0; videotoolbox_errors[n].code < 0; n++) if (videotoolbox_errors[n].code == error_code) { mp_msg(log, lev, "%s: %s (%d)\n", message, videotoolbox_errors[n].reason, error_code); return; } mp_msg(log, lev, "%s: %d\n", message, error_code); } static int init_decoder_common(struct lavc_ctx *ctx, int w, int h, AVVideotoolboxContext *vtctx) { av_videotoolbox_default_free(ctx->avctx); int err = av_videotoolbox_default_init2(ctx->avctx, vtctx); if (err < 0) { print_videotoolbox_error(ctx->log, MSGL_ERR, "failed to init videotoolbox decoder", err); return -1; } return 0; } static int init_decoder(struct lavc_ctx *ctx, int w, int h) { AVVideotoolboxContext *vtctx = av_videotoolbox_alloc_context(); struct mp_vt_ctx *vt = hwdec_devices_load(ctx->hwdec_devs, HWDEC_VIDEOTOOLBOX); vtctx->cv_pix_fmt_type = vt->get_vt_fmt(vt); return init_decoder_common(ctx, w, h, vtctx); } static int init_decoder_copy(struct lavc_ctx *ctx, int w, int h) { return init_decoder_common(ctx, w, h, NULL); } static void uninit(struct lavc_ctx *ctx) { if (ctx->avctx) av_videotoolbox_default_free(ctx->avctx); struct priv *p = ctx->hwdec_priv; if (!p) return; talloc_free(p->sw_pool); p->sw_pool = NULL; talloc_free(p); ctx->hwdec_priv = NULL; } static int mp_imgfmt_from_cvpixelformat(uint32_t cvpixfmt) { switch (cvpixfmt) { case kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8Planar: return IMGFMT_420P; case kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8: return IMGFMT_UYVY; case kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA: return IMGFMT_RGB0; case kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange: return IMGFMT_NV12; } return 0; } static struct mp_image *copy_image(struct lavc_ctx *ctx, struct mp_image *hw_image) { if (hw_image->imgfmt != IMGFMT_VIDEOTOOLBOX) return hw_image; struct priv *p = ctx->hwdec_priv; struct mp_image *image = NULL; CVPixelBufferRef pbuf = (CVPixelBufferRef)hw_image->planes[3]; CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pbuf, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly); size_t width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pbuf); size_t height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pbuf); uint32_t cvpixfmt = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(pbuf); int pixfmt = mp_imgfmt_from_cvpixelformat(cvpixfmt); if (!pixfmt) goto unlock; struct mp_image img = {0}; mp_image_setfmt(&img, pixfmt); mp_image_set_size(&img, width, height); if (CVPixelBufferIsPlanar(pbuf)) { int planes = CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(pbuf); for (int i = 0; i < planes; i++) { img.planes[i] = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(pbuf, i); img.stride[i] = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(pbuf, i); } } else { img.planes[0] = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pbuf); img.stride[0] = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(pbuf); } mp_image_copy_attributes(&img, hw_image); image = mp_image_pool_new_copy(p->sw_pool, &img); unlock: CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pbuf, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly); if (image) { talloc_free(hw_image); return image; } else { return hw_image; } } static struct mp_image *process_image(struct lavc_ctx *ctx, struct mp_image *img) { if (img->imgfmt == IMGFMT_VIDEOTOOLBOX) { CVPixelBufferRef pbuf = (CVPixelBufferRef)img->planes[3]; uint32_t cvpixfmt = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(pbuf); img->params.hw_subfmt = mp_imgfmt_from_cvpixelformat(cvpixfmt); } return img; } const struct vd_lavc_hwdec mp_vd_lavc_videotoolbox = { .type = HWDEC_VIDEOTOOLBOX, .image_format = IMGFMT_VIDEOTOOLBOX, .probe = probe, .init = init, .uninit = uninit, .init_decoder = init_decoder, .process_image = process_image, }; const struct vd_lavc_hwdec mp_vd_lavc_videotoolbox_copy = { .type = HWDEC_VIDEOTOOLBOX_COPY, .copying = true, .image_format = IMGFMT_VIDEOTOOLBOX, .probe = probe_copy, .init = init, .uninit = uninit, .init_decoder = init_decoder_copy, .process_image = copy_image, .delay_queue = HWDEC_DELAY_QUEUE_COUNT, };