/* * This file is part of MPlayer. * * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "talloc.h" #include "core/options.h" #include "core/mp_common.h" #include "core/mp_msg.h" #include "sub.h" #include "dec_sub.h" #include "ass_mp.h" #include "sd.h" struct sd_ass_priv { struct ass_track *ass_track; bool vsfilter_aspect; bool incomplete_event; struct sub_bitmap *parts; bool flush_on_seek; char last_text[500]; }; static bool is_native_ass(const char *t) { return strcmp(t, "ass") == 0 || strcmp(t, "ssa") == 0; } static bool supports_format(const char *format) { // ass-text is produced by converters and the subreader.c ssa parser; this // format has ASS tags, but doesn't start with any prelude, nor does it // have extradata. return format && (is_native_ass(format) || strcmp(format, "ass-text") == 0); } static void free_last_event(ASS_Track *track) { assert(track->n_events > 0); ass_free_event(track, track->n_events - 1); track->n_events--; } static int init(struct sd *sd) { if (!sd->ass_library || !sd->ass_renderer) return -1; bool ass = is_native_ass(sd->codec); struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = talloc_zero(NULL, struct sd_ass_priv); sd->priv = ctx; if (sd->ass_track) { ctx->ass_track = sd->ass_track; } else if (ass) { ctx->ass_track = ass_new_track(sd->ass_library); } else ctx->ass_track = mp_ass_default_track(sd->ass_library, sd->opts); if (sd->extradata) { ass_process_codec_private(ctx->ass_track, sd->extradata, sd->extradata_len); } ctx->vsfilter_aspect = ass; return 0; } static void decode(struct sd *sd, struct demux_packet *packet) { void *data = packet->buffer; int data_len = packet->len; double pts = packet->pts; double duration = packet->duration; unsigned char *text = data; struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = sd->priv; ASS_Track *track = ctx->ass_track; if (is_native_ass(sd->codec)) { if (bstr_startswith0((bstr){data, data_len}, "Dialogue: ")) { // broken ffmpeg ASS packet format ctx->flush_on_seek = true; ass_process_data(track, data, data_len); } else { ass_process_chunk(track, data, data_len, (long long)(pts*1000 + 0.5), (long long)(duration*1000 + 0.5)); } return; } // plaintext subs if (pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE) { mp_msg(MSGT_SUBREADER, MSGL_WARN, "Subtitle without pts, ignored\n"); return; } long long ipts = pts * 1000 + 0.5; long long iduration = duration * 1000 + 0.5; if (ctx->incomplete_event) { ctx->incomplete_event = false; ASS_Event *event = track->events + track->n_events - 1; if (ipts <= event->Start) free_last_event(track); else event->Duration = ipts - event->Start; } // Note: we rely on there being guaranteed 0 bytes after data packets int len = strlen(text); if (len < 5) { // Some tracks use a whitespace (but not empty) packet to mark end // of previous subtitle. for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!strchr(" \f\n\r\t\v", text[i])) goto not_all_whitespace; return; } not_all_whitespace:; if (!sd->no_remove_duplicates) { for (int i = 0; i < track->n_events; i++) if (track->events[i].Start == ipts && (duration <= 0 || track->events[i].Duration == iduration) && strcmp(track->events[i].Text, text) == 0) return; // We've already added this subtitle } if (duration <= 0) { iduration = 10000; ctx->incomplete_event = true; } int eid = ass_alloc_event(track); ASS_Event *event = track->events + eid; event->Start = ipts; event->Duration = iduration; event->Style = track->default_style; event->Text = strdup(text); } static void get_bitmaps(struct sd *sd, struct mp_osd_res dim, double pts, struct sub_bitmaps *res) { struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = sd->priv; struct MPOpts *opts = sd->opts; if (pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE || !sd->ass_renderer) return; double scale = dim.display_par; bool use_vs_aspect = opts->ass_style_override ? opts->ass_vsfilter_aspect_compat : 1; if (ctx->vsfilter_aspect && use_vs_aspect) scale = scale * dim.video_par; ASS_Renderer *renderer = sd->ass_renderer; mp_ass_configure(renderer, opts, &dim); ass_set_aspect_ratio(renderer, scale, 1); mp_ass_render_frame(renderer, ctx->ass_track, pts * 1000 + .5, &ctx->parts, res); talloc_steal(ctx, ctx->parts); } struct buf { char *start; int size; int len; }; static void append(struct buf *b, char c) { if (b->len < b->size) { b->start[b->len] = c; b->len++; } } static void ass_to_plaintext(struct buf *b, const char *in) { bool in_tag = false; bool in_drawing = false; while (*in) { if (in_tag) { if (in[0] == '}') { in += 1; in_tag = false; } else if (in[0] == '\\' && in[1] == 'p') { in += 2; // skip text between \pN and \p0 tags if (in[0] == '0') { in_drawing = false; } else if (in[0] >= '1' && in[0] <= '9') { in_drawing = true; } } else { in += 1; } } else { if (in[0] == '\\' && (in[1] == 'N' || in[1] == 'n')) { in += 2; append(b, '\n'); } else if (in[0] == '\\' && in[1] == 'h') { in += 2; append(b, ' '); } else if (in[0] == '{') { in += 1; in_tag = true; } else { if (!in_drawing) append(b, in[0]); in += 1; } } } } // Empty string counts as whitespace. Reads s[len-1] even if there are \0s. static bool is_whitespace_only(char *s, int len) { for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (s[n] != ' ' && s[n] != '\t') return false; } return true; } static char *get_text(struct sd *sd, double pts) { struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = sd->priv; ASS_Track *track = ctx->ass_track; if (pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE) return NULL; struct buf b = {ctx->last_text, sizeof(ctx->last_text) - 1}; for (int i = 0; i < track->n_events; ++i) { ASS_Event *event = track->events + i; double start = event->Start / 1000.0; double end = (event->Start + event->Duration) / 1000.0; if (pts >= start && pts < end) { if (event->Text) { int start = b.len; ass_to_plaintext(&b, event->Text); if (!is_whitespace_only(&b.start[b.len], b.len - start)) append(&b, '\n'); } } } b.start[b.len] = '\0'; if (b.len > 0 && b.start[b.len - 1] == '\n') b.start[b.len - 1] = '\0'; return ctx->last_text; } static void fix_events(struct sd *sd) { struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = sd->priv; ctx->flush_on_seek = false; } static void reset(struct sd *sd) { struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = sd->priv; if (ctx->incomplete_event) free_last_event(ctx->ass_track); ctx->incomplete_event = false; if (ctx->flush_on_seek) ass_flush_events(ctx->ass_track); ctx->flush_on_seek = false; } static void uninit(struct sd *sd) { struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = sd->priv; if (sd->ass_track != ctx->ass_track) ass_free_track(ctx->ass_track); talloc_free(ctx); } const struct sd_functions sd_ass = { .accept_packets_in_advance = true, .supports_format = supports_format, .init = init, .decode = decode, .get_bitmaps = get_bitmaps, .get_text = get_text, .fix_events = fix_events, .reset = reset, .uninit = uninit, }; struct ass_track *sub_get_ass_track(struct dec_sub *sub) { struct sd *sd = sub_get_last_sd(sub); if (sd && sd->driver == &sd_ass && sd->priv) { struct sd_ass_priv *ctx = sd->priv; return ctx->ass_track; } return NULL; }