#!/bin/bash echo "===========================================" echo " Welcome to the MPlayer configuration tool " echo "===========================================" echo " We'll ask you some questions on how you " echo " want your mplayer to be compiled. " echo "===========================================" echo "" echo "" echo "Where should the X11 libraries be found?" echo "[enter=auto]" read X11L echo "Where should the win32 Codecs be fould?" echo "[enter=auto]" read W32 echo "Which default screen width would you like?" echo "[enter=default]" read X echo "Which default screen height would you like?" echo "[enter=default]" read Y echo "Would you like MMX support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read MMX echo "Would you like 3dnow support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read DNOW echo "Would you like SSE support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read SSE echo "Would you like OpenGL support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read GL echo "Would you like SDL support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read SDL echo "Would you like MGA support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read MGA echo "Would you like XMGA support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read XMGA echo "Would you like XV support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read XV echo "Would you like X11 support enabled?" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read X11 echo "Would you like MLIB support enabled? (ONLY Solaris)" echo "[Y/A(auto)]" read MLIB echo "Would you like to use the termcap database for key codes?" echo "[Y/N]" read TERMCAP echo "Would you like to use the XMMP audio drivers?" echo "[Y/N]" read XMMP echo "Would you like to enable LIRC support?" echo "[Y/N]" read LIRC CMD=" " if [ "$MMX" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-mmx" fi if [ "$DNOW" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-3dnow" fi if [ "$SSE" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-sse" fi if [ "$GL" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-gl" fi if [ "$SDL" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-sdl" fi if [ "$MGA" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-mga" fi if [ "$XMGA" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-xmga" fi if [ "$XV" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-xv" fi if [ "$X11" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-x11" fi if [ "$TERMCAP" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-termcap" fi if [ "$XMMP" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-xmmp" fi if [ "$LIRC" = "Y" ]; then CMD="$CMD --enable-lirc" fi if [ "$X11L" != "" ]; then CMD="$CMD --with-x11libdir=$X11L" fi if [ "$W32" != "" ]; then CMD="$CMD --with-win32libdir=$W32" fi if [ "$X" != "" ]; then CMD="$CMD --size-x=$X" fi if [ "$Y" != "" ]; then CMD="$CMD --size-x=$Y" fi echo $CMD > setup.s echo "Configuration ended, now please run" echo " ./configure \`cat setup.s\`" exit 0