local utils = require 'mp.utils' local msg = require 'mp.msg' local options = require 'mp.options' local o = { exclude = "", try_ytdl_first = false, use_manifests = false } options.read_options(o) local ytdl = { path = "youtube-dl", searched = false, blacklisted = {} } local chapter_list = {} function Set (t) local set = {} for _, v in pairs(t) do set[v] = true end return set end local safe_protos = Set { "http", "https", "ftp", "ftps", "rtmp", "rtmps", "rtmpe", "rtmpt", "rtmpts", "rtmpte", "data" } -- Codec name as reported by youtube-dl mapped to mpv internal codec names. local map_codec_to_mpv = { ["vtt"] = "webvtt", } local function exec(args) local ret = mp.command_native({name = "subprocess", args = args, capture_stdout = true, capture_stderr = true}) return ret.status, ret.stdout, ret, ret.killed_by_us end -- return true if it was explicitly set on the command line local function option_was_set(name) return mp.get_property_bool("option-info/" ..name.. "/set-from-commandline", false) end -- return true if the option was set locally local function option_was_set_locally(name) return mp.get_property_bool("option-info/" ..name.. "/set-locally", false) end -- youtube-dl may set special http headers for some sites (user-agent, cookies) local function set_http_headers(http_headers) if not http_headers then return end local headers = {} local useragent = http_headers["User-Agent"] if useragent and not option_was_set("user-agent") then mp.set_property("file-local-options/user-agent", useragent) end local additional_fields = {"Cookie", "Referer", "X-Forwarded-For"} for idx, item in pairs(additional_fields) do local field_value = http_headers[item] if field_value then headers[#headers + 1] = item .. ": " .. field_value end end if #headers > 0 and not option_was_set("http-header-fields") then mp.set_property_native("file-local-options/http-header-fields", headers) end end local function append_libav_opt(props, name, value) if not props then props = {} end if name and value and not props[name] then props[name] = value end return props end local function edl_escape(url) return "%" .. string.len(url) .. "%" .. url end local function url_is_safe(url) local proto = type(url) == "string" and url:match("^(.+)://") or nil local safe = proto and safe_protos[proto] if not safe then msg.error(("Ignoring potentially unsafe url: '%s'"):format(url)) end return safe end local function time_to_secs(time_string) local ret local a, b, c = time_string:match("(%d+):(%d%d?):(%d%d)") if a ~= nil then ret = (a*3600 + b*60 + c) else a, b = time_string:match("(%d%d?):(%d%d)") if a ~= nil then ret = (a*60 + b) end end return ret end local function extract_chapters(data, video_length) local ret = {} for line in data:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do local time = time_to_secs(line) if time and (time < video_length) then table.insert(ret, {time = time, title = line}) end end table.sort(ret, function(a, b) return a.time < b.time end) return ret end local function is_blacklisted(url) if o.exclude == "" then return false end if #ytdl.blacklisted == 0 then local joined = o.exclude while joined:match('%|?[^|]+') do local _, e, substring = joined:find('%|?([^|]+)') table.insert(ytdl.blacklisted, substring) joined = joined:sub(e+1) end end if #ytdl.blacklisted > 0 then url = url:match('https?://(.+)') for _, exclude in ipairs(ytdl.blacklisted) do if url:match(exclude) then msg.verbose('URL matches excluded substring. Skipping.') return true end end end return false end local function parse_yt_playlist(url, json) -- return 0-based index to use with --playlist-start if not json.extractor or json.extractor ~= "youtube:playlist" then return nil end local query = url:match("%?.+") if not query then return nil end local args = {} for arg, param in query:gmatch("(%a+)=([^&?]+)") do if arg and param then args[arg] = param end end local maybe_idx = tonumber(args["index"]) -- if index matches v param it's probably the requested item if maybe_idx and #json.entries >= maybe_idx and json.entries[maybe_idx].id == args["v"] then msg.debug("index matches requested video") return maybe_idx - 1 end -- if there's no index or it doesn't match, look for video for i = 1, #json.entries do if json.entries[i] == args["v"] then msg.debug("found requested video in index " .. (i - 1)) return i - 1 end end msg.debug("requested video not found in playlist") -- if item isn't on the playlist, give up return nil end local function make_absolute_url(base_url, url) if url:find("https?://") == 1 then return url end local proto, domain, rest = base_url:match("(https?://)([^/]+/)(.*)/?") local segs = {} rest:gsub("([^/]+)", function(c) table.insert(segs, c) end) url:gsub("([^/]+)", function(c) table.insert(segs, c) end) local resolved_url = {} for i, v in ipairs(segs) do if v == ".." then table.remove(resolved_url) elseif v ~= "." then table.insert(resolved_url, v) end end return proto .. domain .. table.concat(resolved_url, "/") end local function join_url(base_url, fragment) local res = "" if base_url and fragment.path then res = make_absolute_url(base_url, fragment.path) elseif fragment.url then res = fragment.url end return res end local function edl_track_joined(fragments, protocol, is_live, base) if not (type(fragments) == "table") or not fragments[1] then msg.debug("No fragments to join into EDL") return nil end local edl = "edl://" local offset = 1 local parts = {} if (protocol == "http_dash_segments") and not is_live then msg.debug("Using dash") local args = "" -- assume MP4 DASH initialization segment if not fragments[1].duration then msg.debug("Using init segment") args = args .. ",init=" .. edl_escape(join_url(base, fragments[1])) offset = 2 end table.insert(parts, "!mp4_dash" .. args) -- Check remaining fragments for duration; -- if not available in all, give up. for i = offset, #fragments do if not fragments[i].duration then msg.error("EDL doesn't support fragments" .. "without duration with MP4 DASH") return nil end end end for i = offset, #fragments do local fragment = fragments[i] if not url_is_safe(join_url(base, fragment)) then return nil end table.insert(parts, edl_escape(join_url(base, fragment))) if fragment.duration then parts[#parts] = parts[#parts] .. ",length="..fragment.duration end end return edl .. table.concat(parts, ";") .. ";" end local function has_native_dash_demuxer() local demuxers = mp.get_property_native("demuxer-lavf-list", {}) for _, v in ipairs(demuxers) do if v == "dash" then return true end end return false end local function valid_manifest(json) local reqfmt = json["requested_formats"] and json["requested_formats"][1] or {} if not reqfmt["manifest_url"] and not json["manifest_url"] then return false end local proto = reqfmt["protocol"] or json["protocol"] or "" return (proto == "http_dash_segments" and has_native_dash_demuxer()) or proto:find("^m3u8") end local function add_single_video(json) local streamurl = "" local max_bitrate = 0 local reqfmts = json["requested_formats"] -- prefer manifest_url if present if o.use_manifests and valid_manifest(json) then local mpd_url = reqfmts and reqfmts[1]["manifest_url"] or json["manifest_url"] if not mpd_url then msg.error("No manifest URL found in JSON data.") return elseif not url_is_safe(mpd_url) then return end streamurl = mpd_url if reqfmts then for _, track in pairs(reqfmts) do max_bitrate = track.tbr > max_bitrate and track.tbr or max_bitrate end elseif json.tbr then max_bitrate = json.tbr > max_bitrate and json.tbr or max_bitrate end -- DASH/split tracks elseif reqfmts then local streams = {} for _, track in pairs(reqfmts) do local edl_track = nil edl_track = edl_track_joined(track.fragments, track.protocol, json.is_live, track.fragment_base_url) if not edl_track and not url_is_safe(track.url) then return end if track.vcodec and track.vcodec ~= "none" then -- video track streams[#streams + 1] = edl_track or track.url elseif track.vcodec == "none" then -- audio track streams[#streams + 1] = edl_track or track.url end end if #streams > 1 then -- merge them via EDL for i = 1, #streams do streams[i] = "!no_clip;!no_chapters;" .. edl_escape(streams[i]) end streamurl = "edl://" .. table.concat(streams, ";!new_stream;") .. ";" else streamurl = streams[1] end elseif not (json.url == nil) then local edl_track = nil edl_track = edl_track_joined(json.fragments, json.protocol, json.is_live, json.fragment_base_url) if not edl_track and not url_is_safe(json.url) then return end -- normal video or single track streamurl = edl_track or json.url set_http_headers(json.http_headers) else msg.error("No URL found in JSON data.") return end msg.debug("streamurl: " .. streamurl) mp.set_property("stream-open-filename", streamurl:gsub("^data:", "data://", 1)) mp.set_property("file-local-options/force-media-title", json.title) -- set hls-bitrate for dash track selection if max_bitrate > 0 and not option_was_set("hls-bitrate") and not option_was_set_locally("hls-bitrate") then mp.set_property_native('file-local-options/hls-bitrate', max_bitrate*1000) end -- add subtitles if not (json.requested_subtitles == nil) then for lang, sub_info in pairs(json.requested_subtitles) do msg.verbose("adding subtitle ["..lang.."]") local sub = nil if not (sub_info.data == nil) then sub = "memory://"..sub_info.data elseif not (sub_info.url == nil) and url_is_safe(sub_info.url) then sub = sub_info.url end if not (sub == nil) then local edl = "edl://!no_clip;!delay_open,media_type=sub" local codec = map_codec_to_mpv[sub_info.ext] if codec then edl = edl .. ",codec=" .. codec end edl = edl .. ";" .. edl_escape(sub) mp.commandv("sub-add", edl, "auto", sub_info.ext, lang) else msg.verbose("No subtitle data/url for ["..lang.."]") end end end -- add chapters if json.chapters then msg.debug("Adding pre-parsed chapters") for i = 1, #json.chapters do local chapter = json.chapters[i] local title = chapter.title or "" if title == "" then title = string.format('Chapter %02d', i) end table.insert(chapter_list, {time=chapter.start_time, title=title}) end elseif not (json.description == nil) and not (json.duration == nil) then chapter_list = extract_chapters(json.description, json.duration) end -- set start time if not (json.start_time == nil) and not option_was_set("start") and not option_was_set_locally("start") then msg.debug("Setting start to: " .. json.start_time .. " secs") mp.set_property("file-local-options/start", json.start_time) end -- set aspect ratio for anamorphic video if not (json.stretched_ratio == nil) and not option_was_set("video-aspect-override") then mp.set_property('file-local-options/video-aspect-override', json.stretched_ratio) end local stream_opts = mp.get_property_native("file-local-options/stream-lavf-o", {}) -- for rtmp if (json.protocol == "rtmp") then stream_opts = append_libav_opt(stream_opts, "rtmp_tcurl", streamurl) stream_opts = append_libav_opt(stream_opts, "rtmp_pageurl", json.page_url) stream_opts = append_libav_opt(stream_opts, "rtmp_playpath", json.play_path) stream_opts = append_libav_opt(stream_opts, "rtmp_swfverify", json.player_url) stream_opts = append_libav_opt(stream_opts, "rtmp_swfurl", json.player_url) stream_opts = append_libav_opt(stream_opts, "rtmp_app", json.app) end if json.proxy and json.proxy ~= "" then stream_opts = append_libav_opt(stream_opts, "http_proxy", json.proxy) end mp.set_property_native("file-local-options/stream-lavf-o", stream_opts) end local function check_version(ytdl_path) local command = { name = "subprocess", capture_stdout = true, args = {ytdl_path, "--version"} } local version_string = mp.command_native(command).stdout local year, month, day = string.match(version_string, "(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)") -- sanity check if (tonumber(year) < 2000) or (tonumber(month) > 12) or (tonumber(day) > 31) then return end local version_ts = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day} if (os.difftime(os.time(), version_ts) > 60*60*24*90) then msg.warn("It appears that your youtube-dl version is severely out of date.") end end function run_ytdl_hook(url) local start_time = os.clock() -- check for youtube-dl in mpv's config dir if not (ytdl.searched) then local exesuf = (package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\') and '.exe' or '' local ytdl_mcd = mp.find_config_file("youtube-dl" .. exesuf) if not (ytdl_mcd == nil) then msg.verbose("found youtube-dl at: " .. ytdl_mcd) ytdl.path = ytdl_mcd end ytdl.searched = true end -- strip ytdl:// if (url:find("ytdl://") == 1) then url = url:sub(8) end local format = mp.get_property("options/ytdl-format") local raw_options = mp.get_property_native("options/ytdl-raw-options") local allsubs = true local proxy = nil local use_playlist = false local command = { ytdl.path, "--no-warnings", "-J", "--flat-playlist", "--sub-format", "ass/srt/best" } -- Checks if video option is "no", change format accordingly, -- but only if user didn't explicitly set one if (mp.get_property("options/vid") == "no") and (#format == 0) then format = "bestaudio/best" msg.verbose("Video disabled. Only using audio") end if (format == "") then format = "bestvideo+bestaudio/best" end table.insert(command, "--format") table.insert(command, format) for param, arg in pairs(raw_options) do table.insert(command, "--" .. param) if (arg ~= "") then table.insert(command, arg) end if (param == "sub-lang") and (arg ~= "") then allsubs = false elseif (param == "proxy") and (arg ~= "") then proxy = arg elseif (param == "yes-playlist") then use_playlist = true end end if (allsubs == true) then table.insert(command, "--all-subs") end if not use_playlist then table.insert(command, "--no-playlist") end table.insert(command, "--") table.insert(command, url) msg.debug("Running: " .. table.concat(command,' ')) local es, json, result, aborted = exec(command) if aborted then return end if (es < 0) or (json == nil) or (json == "") then -- trim our stderr to avoid spurious newlines ytdl_err = result.stderr:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") msg.error(ytdl_err) local err = "youtube-dl failed: " if result.error_string and result.error_string == "init" then err = err .. "not found or not enough permissions" elseif not result.killed_by_us then err = err .. "unexpected error ocurred" else err = string.format("%s returned '%d'", err, es) end msg.error(err) if string.find(ytdl_err, "yt%-dl%.org/bug") then check_version(ytdl.path) end return end local json, err = utils.parse_json(json) if (json == nil) then msg.error("failed to parse JSON data: " .. err) check_version(ytdl.path) return end msg.verbose("youtube-dl succeeded!") msg.debug('ytdl parsing took '..os.clock()-start_time..' seconds') json["proxy"] = json["proxy"] or proxy -- what did we get? if json["direct"] then -- direct URL, nothing to do msg.verbose("Got direct URL") return elseif (json["_type"] == "playlist") or (json["_type"] == "multi_video") then -- a playlist if (#json.entries == 0) then msg.warn("Got empty playlist, nothing to play.") return end local self_redirecting_url = json.entries[1]["_type"] ~= "url_transparent" and json.entries[1]["webpage_url"] and json.entries[1]["webpage_url"] == json["webpage_url"] -- some funky guessing to detect multi-arc videos if self_redirecting_url and #json.entries > 1 and json.entries[1].protocol == "m3u8_native" and json.entries[1].url then msg.verbose("multi-arc video detected, building EDL") local playlist = edl_track_joined(json.entries) msg.debug("EDL: " .. playlist) if not playlist then return end -- can't change the http headers for each entry, so use the 1st set_http_headers(json.entries[1].http_headers) mp.set_property("stream-open-filename", playlist) if not (json.title == nil) then mp.set_property("file-local-options/force-media-title", json.title) end -- there might not be subs for the first segment local entry_wsubs = nil for i, entry in pairs(json.entries) do if not (entry.requested_subtitles == nil) then entry_wsubs = i break end end if not (entry_wsubs == nil) and not (json.entries[entry_wsubs].duration == nil) then for j, req in pairs(json.entries[entry_wsubs].requested_subtitles) do local subfile = "edl://" for i, entry in pairs(json.entries) do if not (entry.requested_subtitles == nil) and not (entry.requested_subtitles[j] == nil) and url_is_safe(entry.requested_subtitles[j].url) then subfile = subfile..edl_escape(entry.requested_subtitles[j].url) else subfile = subfile..edl_escape("memory://WEBVTT") end subfile = subfile..",length="..entry.duration..";" end msg.debug(j.." sub EDL: "..subfile) mp.commandv("sub-add", subfile, "auto", req.ext, j) end end elseif self_redirecting_url and #json.entries == 1 then msg.verbose("Playlist with single entry detected.") add_single_video(json.entries[1]) else local playlist_index = parse_yt_playlist(url, json) local playlist = {"#EXTM3U"} for i, entry in pairs(json.entries) do local site = entry.url local title = entry.title if not (title == nil) then title = string.gsub(title, '%s+', ' ') table.insert(playlist, "#EXTINF:0," .. title) end --[[ some extractors will still return the full info for all clips in the playlist and the URL will point directly to the file in that case, which we don't want so get the webpage URL instead, which is what we want, but only if we aren't going to trigger an infinite loop --]] if entry["webpage_url"] and not self_redirecting_url then site = entry["webpage_url"] end -- links without protocol as returned by --flat-playlist if not site:find("://") then -- youtube extractor provides only IDs, -- others come prefixed with the extractor name and ":" local prefix = site:find(":") and "ytdl://" or "https://youtu.be/" table.insert(playlist, prefix .. site) elseif url_is_safe(site) then table.insert(playlist, site) end end if use_playlist and not option_was_set("playlist-start") and playlist_index then mp.set_property_number("playlist-start", playlist_index) end mp.set_property("stream-open-filename", "memory://" .. table.concat(playlist, "\n")) -- This disables mpv's mushy playlist security code, which will -- break links that will be resolved to EDL later (because EDL is -- not considered "safe", and the playlist entries got tagged as -- network originating due to the playlist redirection). mp.set_property_native("file-local-options/load-unsafe-playlists", true) end else -- probably a video add_single_video(json) end msg.debug('script running time: '..os.clock()-start_time..' seconds') end if (not o.try_ytdl_first) then mp.add_hook("on_load", 10, function () msg.verbose('ytdl:// hook') local url = mp.get_property("stream-open-filename", "") if not (url:find("ytdl://") == 1) then msg.verbose('not a ytdl:// url') return end run_ytdl_hook(url) end) end mp.add_hook(o.try_ytdl_first and "on_load" or "on_load_fail", 10, function() msg.verbose('full hook') local url = mp.get_property("stream-open-filename", "") if not (url:find("ytdl://") == 1) and not ((url:find("https?://") == 1) and not is_blacklisted(url)) then return end run_ytdl_hook(url) end) mp.add_hook("on_preloaded", 10, function () if next(chapter_list) ~= nil then msg.verbose("Setting chapters") mp.set_property_native("chapter-list", chapter_list) chapter_list = {} end end)