-- Display some stats. -- -- You can invoke the script with "i" by default or create a different key -- binding in input.conf using " script_binding stats". -- -- Default appearance: http://a.pomf.se/paphjk.png -- The style is configurable through a config file named "lua-settings/stats.conf" -- located in your mpv directory. -- -- Please note: not every property is always available and therefore not always -- visible. require 'mp.options' local o = { duration = 3, -- text formatting font = "Source Sans Pro", font_size = 11, font_color = "FFFFFF", border_size = 1.0, border_color = "262626", shadow_x_offset = 0.0, shadow_y_offset = 0.0, shadow_color = "000000", alpha = "11", -- indentation nl = "\\N", prop_indent = "\\h\\h\\h\\h\\h", kv_sep = "\\h\\h", -- keyvalue -- Custom header for ASS tags to format the text output. -- Specifying this will ignore the text formatting values above and just -- use this string instead. custom_header = "" } read_options(o) function main() local stats = { header = "", file = "", video = "", audio = "" } add_header(stats) add_file(stats) add_video(stats) add_audio(stats) mp.osd_message(join_stats(stats), o.duration) end function add_file(s) s.file = "" local fn = mp.get_property_osd("filename") s.file = s.file .. b("File:") .. o.kv_sep .. no_ASS(fn) append_property(s, "file", "metadata/title", "Title:") append_property(s, "file", "chapter", "Chapter:") if append_property(s, "file", "cache-used", "Cache:") then append_property_inline(s, "file", "demuxer-cache-duration", "+", " sec", true, true) end s.file = s.file .. o.nl .. o.nl end function add_video(s) s.video = "" local r = mp.get_property_osd("video") if not r or r == "no" or r == "" then return end local fn = mp.get_property_osd("video-codec") s.video = s.video .. b("Video:") .. o.kv_sep .. no_ASS(fn) append_property(s, "video", "avsync", "A-V:") if append_property(s, "video", "drop-frame-count", "Dropped:") then append_property_inline(s, "video", "vo-drop-frame-count", " VO:") end if append_property(s, "video", "fps", "FPS:", " (specified)") then append_property_inline(s, "video", "estimated-vf-fps", "", " (estimated)", true, true) end if append_property(s, "video", "video-params/w", "Native Resolution:") then append_property_inline(s, "video", "video-params/h", " x ", "", true, true, true) end append_property(s, "video", "window-scale", "Window Scale:") append_property(s, "video", "video-params/aspect", "Aspect Ratio:") append_property(s, "video", "video-params/pixelformat", "Pixel format:") append_property(s, "video", "video-params/colormatrix", "Colormatrix:") append_property(s, "video", "video-params/primaries", "Primaries:") append_property(s, "video", "video-params/colorlevels", "Levels:") append_property(s, "video", "packet-video-bitrate", "Bitrate:", " kbps") s.video = s.video .. o.nl .. o.nl end function add_audio(s) s.audio = "" local r = mp.get_property_osd("audio-codec") if not r or r == "no" or r == "" then return end s.audio = s.audio .. b("Audio:") .. o.kv_sep .. no_ASS(r) append_property(s, "audio", "audio-samplerate", "Sample Rate:") append_property(s, "audio", "audio-channels", "Channels:") append_property(s, "audio", "packet-audio-bitrate", "Bitrate:", " kbps") s.audio = s.audio .. o.nl .. o.nl end function add_header(s) if o.custom_header and o.custom_header ~= "" then s.header = set_ASS(true) .. o.custom_header else s.header = string.format([[%s{\\fs%d}{\\fn%s}{\\bord%f}{\\3c&H%s&}{\\1c&H%s&} {\\alpha&H%s&}{\\xshad%f}{\\yshad%f}{\\4c&H%s&}]], set_ASS(true), o.font_size, o.font, o.border_size, o.border_color, o.font_color, o.alpha, o.shadow_x_offset, o.shadow_y_offset, o.shadow_color) end end function append_property(s, sec, prop, prefix, suffix) local ret = mp.get_property_osd(prop) if ret == nil or ret == "" then return false end local suf = suffix or "" local desc = prefix or "" desc = no_prefix_markup and desc or b(desc) s[sec] = s[sec] .. o.nl .. o.prop_indent .. b(desc) .. o.kv_sep .. no_ASS(ret) .. suf return true end -- one could merge this into append_property, it's just a bit more verbose this way imo function append_property_inline(s, sec, prop, prefix, suffix, no_prefix_markup, no_prefix_sep, no_indent) local ret = mp.get_property_osd(prop) if ret == nil or ret == "" then return false end local suf = suffix or "" local prefix_sep = no_prefix_sep and "" or o.kv_sep local indent = no_indent and "" or o.kv_sep local desc = prefix or "" desc = no_prefix_markup and desc or b(desc) s[sec] = s[sec] .. indent .. desc .. prefix_sep .. no_ASS(ret) .. suf return true end function no_ASS(t) return set_ASS(false) .. t .. set_ASS(true) end function set_ASS(b) return mp.get_property_osd("osd-ass-cc/" .. (b and "0" or "1")) end function join_stats(s) return s.header .. s.file .. s.video .. s.audio end function b(t) return "{\\b1}" .. t .. "{\\b0}" end function i(t) return "{\\i1}" .. t .. "{\\i0}" end function u(t) return "{\\u1}" .. t .. "{\\u0}" end mp.add_key_binding("i", "stats", main, {repeatable=true})