/* * dct36_k7.c - 3DNowEx(DSP)! optimized dct36() * * This code based 'dct36_3dnow.s' by Syuuhei Kashiyama * , only two types of changes have been made: * * - added new opcode PSWAPD * - removed PREFETCH instruction for speedup * - changed function name for support 3DNowEx! automatic detection * * note: because K7 processors are an aggresive out-of-order three-way * superscalar ones instruction order is not significand for them. * * You can find Kashiyama's original 3dnow! support patch * (for mpg123-0.59o) at * http://user.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~g810370/linux-simd/ (Japanese). * * by KIMURA Takuhiro - until 31.Mar.1999 * - after 1.Apr.1999 * * Original disclaimer: * The author of this program disclaim whole expressed or implied * warranties with regard to this program, and in no event shall the * author of this program liable to whatever resulted from the use of * this program. Use it at your own risk. * * Modified by Nick Kurshev * * 2003/06/21: Moved to GCC inline assembly - Alex Beregszaszi */ #define __DCT36_OPTIMIZE_FOR_K7 #include "dct36_3dnow.c"