#ifndef DS_OUTPUTPIN_H #define DS_OUTPUTPIN_H /* "output pin" - the one that connects to output of filter. */ #include "allocator.h" typedef struct _COutputPin COutputPin; typedef struct _COutputMemPin COutputMemPin; struct _COutputMemPin { IMemInputPin_vt* vt; DECLARE_IUNKNOWN(); char** frame_pointer; long* frame_size_pointer; MemAllocator* pAllocator; COutputPin* parent; }; struct _COutputPin { IPin_vt* vt; DECLARE_IUNKNOWN(); COutputMemPin* mempin; AM_MEDIA_TYPE type; IPin* remote; void ( *SetFramePointer )(COutputPin*, char** z); void ( *SetPointer2 )(COutputPin*, char* p); void ( *SetFrameSizePointer )(COutputPin*, long* z); void ( *SetNewFormat )(COutputPin*, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* a); }; COutputPin* COutputPinCreate(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* vhdr); #endif /* DS_OUTPUTPIN_H */