/* * vosub_vidix.c * * Copyright (C) Nick Kurshev - 2002 * * You can redistribute this file under terms and conditions * of GNU General Public licence v2. * * This file contains vidix interface to any mplayer's VO plugin. * (Partly based on vesa_lvo.c from mplayer's package) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "vosub_vidix.h" #include "../vidix/vidixlib.h" #include "fastmemcpy.h" #include "osd.h" #include "video_out.h" #define NUM_FRAMES 10 /* Temporary: driver will overwrite it */ #define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x)) /* Removes warning about unused arguments */ static uint32_t frames[NUM_FRAMES]; static VDL_HANDLE vidix_handler = NULL; static uint8_t *vidix_mem = NULL; static uint8_t next_frame; static unsigned image_bpp,image_height,image_width,src_format; extern int verbose; static vidix_capability_t vidix_cap; static vidix_playback_t vidix_play; static vidix_fourcc_t vidix_fourcc; #define PIXEL_SIZE() ((video_mode_info.BitsPerPixel+7)/8) #define SCREEN_LINE_SIZE(pixel_size) (video_mode_info.XResolution*(pixel_size) ) #define IMAGE_LINE_SIZE(pixel_size) (image_width*(pixel_size)) extern vo_functions_t video_out_vesa; int vidix_preinit(const char *drvname) { int err; if(verbose > 1) printf("vosub_vidix: vidix_preinit(%s) was called\n",drvname); if(vdlGetVersion() != VIDIX_VERSION) { printf("vosub_vidix: You have wrong version of VIDIX library\n"); return -1; } vidix_handler = vdlOpen("/usr/lib/mplayer/vidix/", drvname ? drvname[0] == ':' ? &drvname[1] : NULL : NULL, TYPE_OUTPUT, verbose); if(vidix_handler == NULL) { printf("vosub_vidix: Couldn't find working VIDIX driver\n"); return -1; } if((err=vdlGetCapability(vidix_handler,&vidix_cap)) != 0) { printf("vosub_vidix: Couldn't get capability: %s\n",strerror(err)); return -1; } printf("vosub_vidix: Using: %s\n",vidix_cap.name); /* we are able to tune up this stuff depend on fourcc format */ video_out_vesa.draw_slice=vidix_draw_slice; video_out_vesa.draw_frame=vidix_draw_frame; video_out_vesa.flip_page=vidix_flip_page; video_out_vesa.draw_osd=vidix_draw_osd; return 0; } int vidix_init(unsigned src_width,unsigned src_height, unsigned x_org,unsigned y_org,unsigned dst_width, unsigned dst_height,unsigned format,unsigned dest_bpp, unsigned vid_w,unsigned vid_h) { size_t i,awidth; int err; if(verbose > 1) printf("vosub_vidix: vidix_init() was called\n"); if(vid_w > vidix_cap.maxwidth || vid_w < vidix_cap.minwidth || vid_h > vidix_cap.maxheight || vid_h < vidix_cap.minheight) { printf("vosub_vidix: video server has unsupported resolution by vidix\n"); return -1; } err = 0; switch(dest_bpp) { case 1: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_1BPP) != VID_DEPTH_1BPP); break; case 2: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_2BPP) != VID_DEPTH_2BPP); break; case 4: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_4BPP) != VID_DEPTH_4BPP); break; case 8: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_8BPP) != VID_DEPTH_8BPP); break; case 12:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_12BPP) != VID_DEPTH_12BPP); break; case 16:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_16BPP) != VID_DEPTH_16BPP); break; case 24:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_24BPP) != VID_DEPTH_24BPP); break; case 32:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_32BPP) != VID_DEPTH_32BPP); break; } if(err) { printf("vosub_vidix: video server has unsupported color depth by vidix\n"); return -1; } if((dst_width > src_width || dst_height > src_height) && (vidix_cap.flags & FLAG_UPSCALER) != FLAG_UPSCALER) { printf("vosub_vidix: vidix driver can't upscale image\n"); return -1; } if((dst_width > src_width || dst_height > src_height) && (vidix_cap.flags & FLAG_DOWNSCALER) != FLAG_DOWNSCALER) { printf("vosub_vidix: vidix driver can't downscale image\n"); return -1; } image_width = src_width; image_height = src_height; memset(&vidix_play,0,sizeof(vidix_playback_t)); vidix_play.fourcc = format; vidix_play.capability = vidix_cap.flags; /* every ;) */ vidix_play.blend_factor = 0; /* for now */ vidix_play.src.x = vidix_play.src.y = 0; vidix_play.src.w = src_width; vidix_play.src.h = src_height; vidix_play.dest.x = x_org; vidix_play.dest.y = y_org; vidix_play.dest.w = dst_width; vidix_play.dest.h = dst_height; vidix_play.num_frames=NUM_FRAMES; if((err=vdlConfigPlayback(vidix_handler,&vidix_play))!=0) { printf("vosub_vidix: Can't configure playback: %s\n",strerror(err)); return -1; } if((err=vdlPlaybackOn(vidix_handler))!=0) { printf("vosub_vidix: Can't start playback: %s\n",strerror(err)); return -1; } frames[0] = vidix_play.offsets[0]; for(i=1;i 1) printf("vosub_vidix: vidix_term() was called\n"); vdlPlaybackOff(vidix_handler); vdlClose(vidix_handler); } uint32_t vidix_draw_slice_420(uint8_t *image[], int stride[], int w,int h,int x,int y) { uint8_t *src; uint8_t *dest; unsigned bespitch; int i; bespitch = (vidix_play.dest.w + (vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1)) & ~(vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1); dest = vidix_mem + frames[next_frame] + vidix_play.offset.y; dest += bespitch*y + x; src = image[0]; for(i=0;i 1) printf("vosub_vidix: vidix_draw_slice() was called\n"); if(src_format == IMGFMT_YV12 || src_format == IMGFMT_I420 || src_format == IMGFMT_IYUV) vidix_draw_slice_420(image,stride,w,h,x,y); else vidix_draw_slice_422(image,stride,w,h,x,y); return 0; } uint32_t vidix_draw_frame(uint8_t *image[]) { if(verbose > 1) printf("vosub_vidix: vidix_draw_frame() was called\n"); /* Note it's very strange but sometime for YUY2 draw_frame is called */ if(src_format == IMGFMT_YV12 || src_format == IMGFMT_I420 || src_format == IMGFMT_IYUV) { printf("vosub_vidix: draw_frame for i420 is called\nExiting...\n"); vidix_term(); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } else { int stride[1]; stride[0] = vidix_play.src.w*2; vidix_draw_slice_422(image,stride,vidix_play.src.w,vidix_play.src.h, vidix_play.src.x,vidix_play.src.y); } return 0; } void vidix_flip_page(void) { if(verbose > 1) printf("vosub_vidix: vidix_flip_page() was called\n"); if(vo_doublebuffering) { next_frame=(next_frame+1)%vidix_play.num_frames; vdlPlaybackFrameSelect(vidix_handler,next_frame); } } static void draw_alpha_null(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride) { UNUSED(x0); UNUSED(y0); UNUSED(w); UNUSED(h); UNUSED(src); UNUSED(srca); UNUSED(stride); } static void draw_alpha(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride) { uint32_t bespitch = vidix_play.src.w + ((vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1) & ~(vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1)); void *lvo_mem; lvo_mem = vidix_mem + frames[next_frame] + vidix_play.offset.y; switch(vidix_play.fourcc){ case IMGFMT_YV12: case IMGFMT_IYUV: case IMGFMT_I420: vo_draw_alpha_yv12(w,h,src,srca,stride,lvo_mem+bespitch*y0+x0,bespitch); break; case IMGFMT_YUY2: vo_draw_alpha_yuy2(w,h,src,srca,stride,lvo_mem+2*(bespitch*y0+x0),bespitch); break; case IMGFMT_UYVY: vo_draw_alpha_yuy2(w,h,src,srca,stride,lvo_mem+2*(bespitch*y0+x0)+1,bespitch); break; default: draw_alpha_null(x0,y0,w,h,src,srca,stride); } } void vidix_draw_osd(void) { if(verbose > 1) printf("vosub_vidix: vidix_draw_osd() was called\n"); /* TODO: hw support */ #if 0 /* disable this stuff until new fbvid.h interface will be implemented because in different fourcc radeon_vid and rage128_vid have different width alignment */ vo_draw_text(vidix_play.src.w,vidix_play.src.h,draw_alpha); #endif } uint32_t vidix_query_fourcc(uint32_t format) { if(verbose > 1) printf("vosub_vidix: query_format was called: %x (%s)\n",format,vo_format_name(format)); vidix_fourcc.fourcc = format; vdlQueryFourcc(vidix_handler,&vidix_fourcc); return vidix_fourcc.depth != VID_DEPTH_NONE; }