/* * CoreVideo video output driver * Copyright (c) 2005 Nicolas Plourde * * This file is part of MPlayer. * * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #import "vo_corevideo.h" #include #include #include #include #include //MPLAYER #include "config.h" #include "fastmemcpy.h" #include "video_out.h" #include "video_out_internal.h" #include "aspect.h" #include "mp_msg.h" #include "m_option.h" #include "mp_fifo.h" #include "sub/sub.h" #include "subopt-helper.h" #include "input/input.h" #include "input/keycodes.h" #import "cocoa_common.h" //Cocoa NSDistantObject *mplayerosxProxy; id mplayerosxProto; NSAutoreleasePool *autoreleasepool; OSType pixelFormat; //shared memory BOOL shared_buffer = false; #define DEFAULT_BUFFER_NAME "mplayerosx" static char *buffer_name; int screen_id; //CoreVideo CVPixelBufferRef frameBuffers[2]; CVOpenGLTextureCacheRef textureCache; CVOpenGLTextureRef texture; NSRect textureFrame; GLfloat lowerLeft[2]; GLfloat lowerRight[2]; GLfloat upperRight[2]; GLfloat upperLeft[2]; //image unsigned char *image_data; // For double buffering static uint8_t image_page = 0; static unsigned char *image_datas[2]; static uint32_t image_width; static uint32_t image_height; static uint32_t image_depth; static uint32_t image_bytes; static uint32_t image_format; static vo_info_t info = { "Mac OS X Core Video", "corevideo", "Nicolas Plourde and others", "" }; LIBVO_EXTERN(corevideo) static void draw_alpha(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *srca, int stride) { switch (image_format) { case IMGFMT_RGB24: vo_draw_alpha_rgb24(w,h,src,srca,stride,image_data+3*(y0*image_width+x0),3*image_width); break; case IMGFMT_ARGB: case IMGFMT_BGRA: vo_draw_alpha_rgb32(w,h,src,srca,stride,image_data+4*(y0*image_width+x0),4*image_width); break; case IMGFMT_YUY2: vo_draw_alpha_yuy2(w,h,src,srca,stride,image_data + (x0 + y0 * image_width) * 2,image_width*2); break; } } static void free_file_specific(void) { if(shared_buffer) { [mplayerosxProto stop]; mplayerosxProto = nil; [mplayerosxProxy release]; mplayerosxProxy = nil; if (munmap(image_data, image_width*image_height*image_bytes) == -1) mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_FATAL, "[vo_corevideo] uninit: munmap failed. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (shm_unlink(buffer_name) == -1) mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_FATAL, "[vo_corevideo] uninit: shm_unlink failed. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else { free(image_datas[0]); if (vo_doublebuffering) free(image_datas[1]); image_datas[0] = NULL; image_datas[1] = NULL; image_data = NULL; } } static void resize(int width, int height) { int d_width, d_height; mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_V, "[vo_corevideo] New OpenGL Viewport (0, 0, %d, %d)\n", width, height); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, width, height, 0, -1.0, 1.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); aspect(&d_width, &d_height, A_WINZOOM); textureFrame = NSMakeRect((vo_dwidth - d_width) / 2, (vo_dheight - d_height) / 2, d_width, d_height); } static void prepare_opengl(void) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); resize(global_vo->dwidth, global_vo->dheight); } static int config(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height, uint32_t flags, char *title, uint32_t format) { free_file_specific(); //misc mplayer setup image_width = width; image_height = height; switch (image_format) { case IMGFMT_RGB24: image_depth = 24; break; case IMGFMT_ARGB: case IMGFMT_BGRA: image_depth = 32; break; case IMGFMT_YUY2: image_depth = 16; break; } image_bytes = (image_depth ? image_depth : 16 + 7) / 8; if (!shared_buffer) { CVReturn error; image_data = malloc(image_width*image_height*image_bytes); image_datas[0] = image_data; if (vo_doublebuffering) image_datas[1] = malloc(image_width*image_height*image_bytes); image_page = 0; CVPixelBufferRelease(frameBuffers[0]); frameBuffers[0] = NULL; CVPixelBufferRelease(frameBuffers[1]); frameBuffers[1] = NULL; CVOpenGLTextureRelease(texture); texture = NULL; vo_cocoa_create_window(global_vo, d_width, d_height, flags); prepare_opengl(); vo_cocoa_swap_interval(1); error = CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreate(NULL, 0, vo_cocoa_cgl_context(), vo_cocoa_cgl_pixel_format(), 0, &textureCache); if(error != kCVReturnSuccess) mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR,"[vo_corevideo] Failed to create OpenGL texture Cache(%d)\n", error); error = CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(NULL, image_width, image_height, pixelFormat, image_datas[0], image_width*image_bytes, NULL, NULL, NULL, &frameBuffers[0]); if(error != kCVReturnSuccess) mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR,"[vo_corevideo] Failed to create Pixel Buffer(%d)\n", error); if (vo_doublebuffering) { error = CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(NULL, image_width, image_height, pixelFormat, image_datas[1], image_width*image_bytes, NULL, NULL, NULL, &frameBuffers[1]); if(error != kCVReturnSuccess) mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR,"[vo_corevideo] Failed to create Pixel Double Buffer(%d)\n", error); } error = CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(NULL, textureCache, frameBuffers[image_page], 0, &texture); if(error != kCVReturnSuccess) mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR,"[vo_corevideo] Failed to create OpenGL texture(%d)\n", error); } else { int shm_fd; mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_INFO, "[vo_corevideo] writing output to a shared buffer " "named \"%s\"\n",buffer_name); // create shared memory shm_fd = shm_open(buffer_name, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (shm_fd == -1) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_FATAL, "[vo_corevideo] failed to open shared memory. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (ftruncate(shm_fd, image_width*image_height*image_bytes) == -1) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_FATAL, "[vo_corevideo] failed to size shared memory, possibly already in use. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(shm_fd); shm_unlink(buffer_name); return 1; } image_data = mmap(NULL, image_width*image_height*image_bytes, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shm_fd, 0); close(shm_fd); if (image_data == MAP_FAILED) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_FATAL, "[vo_corevideo] failed to map shared memory. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); shm_unlink(buffer_name); return 1; } //connect to mplayerosx mplayerosxProxy=[NSConnection rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:buffer_name] host:nil]; if ([mplayerosxProxy conformsToProtocol:@protocol(MPlayerOSXVOProto)]) { [mplayerosxProxy setProtocolForProxy:@protocol(MPlayerOSXVOProto)]; mplayerosxProto = (id )mplayerosxProxy; [mplayerosxProto startWithWidth: image_width withHeight: image_height withBytes: image_bytes withAspect:d_width*100/d_height]; } else { [mplayerosxProxy release]; mplayerosxProxy = nil; mplayerosxProto = nil; } } return 0; } static void check_events(void) { if (!shared_buffer) { int e = vo_cocoa_check_events(global_vo); if (e & VO_EVENT_RESIZE) resize(global_vo->dwidth, global_vo->dheight); } } static void draw_osd(void) { vo_draw_text(image_width, image_height, draw_alpha); } static void prepare_texture(void) { CVReturn error; CVOpenGLTextureRelease(texture); error = CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(NULL, textureCache, frameBuffers[image_page], 0, &texture); if(error != kCVReturnSuccess) mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR,"[vo_corevideo] Failed to create OpenGL texture(%d)\n", error); CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords(texture, lowerLeft, lowerRight, upperRight, upperLeft); } static void do_render(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(CVOpenGLTextureGetTarget(texture)); glBindTexture(CVOpenGLTextureGetTarget(texture), CVOpenGLTextureGetName(texture)); glColor3f(1,1,1); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(upperLeft[0], upperLeft[1]); glVertex2i(textureFrame.origin.x-(vo_panscan_x >> 1), textureFrame.origin.y-(vo_panscan_y >> 1)); glTexCoord2f(lowerLeft[0], lowerLeft[1]); glVertex2i(textureFrame.origin.x-(vo_panscan_x >> 1), NSMaxY(textureFrame)+(vo_panscan_y >> 1)); glTexCoord2f(lowerRight[0], lowerRight[1]); glVertex2i(NSMaxX(textureFrame)+(vo_panscan_x >> 1), NSMaxY(textureFrame)+(vo_panscan_y >> 1)); glTexCoord2f(upperRight[0], upperRight[1]); glVertex2i(NSMaxX(textureFrame)+(vo_panscan_x >> 1), textureFrame.origin.y-(vo_panscan_y >> 1)); glEnd(); glDisable(CVOpenGLTextureGetTarget(texture)); } static void flip_page(void) { if(shared_buffer) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new]; [mplayerosxProto render]; [pool release]; } else { prepare_texture(); do_render(); if (vo_doublebuffering) { image_page = 1 - image_page; image_data = image_datas[image_page]; } vo_cocoa_swap_buffers(); } } static int draw_slice(uint8_t *src[], int stride[], int w,int h,int x,int y) { return 0; } static int draw_frame(uint8_t *src[]) { return 0; } static uint32_t draw_image(mp_image_t *mpi) { memcpy_pic(image_data, mpi->planes[0], image_width*image_bytes, image_height, image_width*image_bytes, mpi->stride[0]); return 0; } static int query_format(uint32_t format) { const int supportflags = VFCAP_CSP_SUPPORTED | VFCAP_CSP_SUPPORTED_BY_HW | VFCAP_OSD | VFCAP_HWSCALE_UP | VFCAP_HWSCALE_DOWN; image_format = format; switch(format) { case IMGFMT_YUY2: pixelFormat = kYUVSPixelFormat; return supportflags; case IMGFMT_RGB24: pixelFormat = k24RGBPixelFormat; return supportflags; case IMGFMT_ARGB: pixelFormat = k32ARGBPixelFormat; return supportflags; case IMGFMT_BGRA: pixelFormat = k32BGRAPixelFormat; return supportflags; } return 0; } static void uninit(void) { SetSystemUIMode(kUIModeNormal, 0); CGDisplayShowCursor(kCGDirectMainDisplay); free_file_specific(); if (!shared_buffer) vo_cocoa_uninit(global_vo); free(buffer_name); buffer_name = NULL; } static const opt_t subopts[] = { {"device_id", OPT_ARG_INT, &screen_id, NULL}, {"shared_buffer", OPT_ARG_BOOL, &shared_buffer, NULL}, {"buffer_name", OPT_ARG_MSTRZ,&buffer_name, NULL}, {NULL} }; static int preinit(const char *arg) { // set defaults screen_id = -1; shared_buffer = false; buffer_name = NULL; if (subopt_parse(arg, subopts) != 0) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_FATAL, "\n-vo corevideo command line help:\n" "Example: mplayer -vo corevideo:device_id=1:shared_buffer:buffer_name=mybuff\n" "\nOptions:\n" " device_id=<0-...>\n" " Set screen device ID for fullscreen.\n" " shared_buffer\n" " Write output to a shared memory buffer instead of displaying it.\n" " buffer_name=\n" " Name of the shared buffer created with shm_open() as well as\n" " the name of the NSConnection MPlayer will try to open.\n" " Setting buffer_name implicitly enables shared_buffer.\n" "\n" ); return -1; } autoreleasepool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if (!buffer_name) buffer_name = strdup(DEFAULT_BUFFER_NAME); else shared_buffer = true; if (!shared_buffer) vo_cocoa_init(global_vo); return 0; } static int control(uint32_t request, void *data) { switch (request) { case VOCTRL_DRAW_IMAGE: return draw_image(data); case VOCTRL_QUERY_FORMAT: return query_format(*(uint32_t*)data); case VOCTRL_ONTOP: if (!shared_buffer) { vo_cocoa_ontop(global_vo); } else { vo_ontop = !vo_ontop; [mplayerosxProto ontop]; } return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_FULLSCREEN: if (!shared_buffer) { vo_cocoa_fullscreen(global_vo); resize(global_vo->dwidth, global_vo->dheight); } else { [mplayerosxProto toggleFullscreen]; } return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_GET_PANSCAN: return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_SET_PANSCAN: panscan_calc_windowed(); return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_UPDATE_SCREENINFO: if (!shared_buffer) { vo_cocoa_update_xinerama_info(global_vo); return VO_TRUE; } else { return VO_NOTIMPL; } } return VO_NOTIMPL; }