/* TV subsystem for libMPDemux by Alex API idea based on libvo2's UNDER HEAVY DEVELOPEMENT, DO NOT USE! :) */ #include #include #include #include "config.h" #ifdef USE_TV #include "mp_msg.h" #include "help_mp.h" #include "stream.h" #include "demuxer.h" #include "stheader.h" #include "tv.h" /* some default values */ unsigned long tv_param_freq = 0; char *tv_param_channel = "0"; char *tv_param_norm = "pal"; int tv_param_on = 0; char *tv_param_device = NULL; char *tv_param_driver = "dummy"; int tv_param_width = -1; int tv_param_height = -1; int tv_param_input = 0; /* used in v4l and bttv */ /* ================== DEMUX_TV ===================== */ /* Return value: 0 = EOF(?) or no stream 1 = successfully read a packet */ /* fill demux->video and demux->audio */ int demux_tv_fill_buffer(demuxer_t *demux, tvi_handle_t *tvh) { int seq = tvh->seq++; demux_packet_t* dp; int len; printf("demux_tv_fill_buffer(sequence:%d) called!\n", seq); // demux->filepos = -1; // seq++; // tvh->seq++; /* ================== ADD VIDEO PACKET =================== */ len = tvh->functions->get_video_framesize(tvh->priv); dp=new_demux_packet(len); tvh->functions->grab_video_frame(tvh->priv, dp->buffer, len); dp->pts=seq/25.0; //(float)pts/90000.0f; //dp->pos=pos; //dp->flags=flags; // append packet to DS stream: ds_add_packet(demux->video,dp); /* ================== ADD AUDIO PACKET =================== */ if (tvh->functions->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_IS_AUDIO, 0) != TVI_CONTROL_TRUE) return 1; /* no audio, only video */ len = tvh->functions->get_audio_framesize(tvh->priv); dp=new_demux_packet(len); tvh->functions->grab_audio_frame(tvh->priv, dp->buffer, len); //dp->pts=pts; //(float)pts/90000.0f; //dp->pos=pos; //dp->flags=flags; // append packet to DS stream: ds_add_packet(demux->audio,dp); return 1; } int demux_open_tv(demuxer_t *demuxer, tvi_handle_t *tvh) { sh_video_t *sh_video = NULL; sh_audio_t *sh_audio = NULL; tvi_functions_t *funcs = tvh->functions; if (funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_IS_VIDEO, 0) != TVI_CONTROL_TRUE) { printf("Error: no video input present!\n"); return; } sh_video = new_sh_video(demuxer, 0); /* hack to use YUV 4:2:0 format ;) */ sh_video->format = IMGFMT_UYVY; funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_SET_FORMAT, &sh_video->format); /* get IMGFMT_ */ funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_GET_FORMAT, &sh_video->format); // if (IMGFMT_IS_RGB(sh_video->format) || IMGFMT_IS_BGR(sh_video->format)) sh_video->format = 0x0; /* set FPS and FRAMETIME */ if(!sh_video->fps) { if (funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_GET_FPS, &sh_video->fps) != TVI_CONTROL_TRUE) sh_video->fps = 24.0f; } sh_video->frametime = 1.0f/sh_video->fps; /* set width */ if (tv_param_width != -1) { if (funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_CHK_WIDTH, &tv_param_width) == TVI_CONTROL_TRUE) { funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_SET_WIDTH, &tv_param_width); sh_video->disp_w = tv_param_width; } else { printf("Unable set requested width: %d\n", tv_param_width); funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_GET_WIDTH, &sh_video->disp_w); tv_param_width = sh_video->disp_w; } } else funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_GET_WIDTH, &sh_video->disp_w); /* set height */ if (tv_param_height != -1) { if (funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_CHK_HEIGHT, &tv_param_height) == TVI_CONTROL_TRUE) { funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_SET_HEIGHT, &tv_param_height); sh_video->disp_h = tv_param_height; } else { printf("Unable set requested height: %d\n", tv_param_height); funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_GET_HEIGHT, &sh_video->disp_h); tv_param_height = sh_video->disp_h; } } else funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_VID_GET_HEIGHT, &sh_video->disp_h); printf("Output size: %dx%d\n", sh_video->disp_w, sh_video->disp_h); demuxer->video->sh = sh_video; sh_video->ds = demuxer->video; demuxer->video->id = 0; /* here comes audio init */ if (funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_IS_AUDIO, 0) == TVI_CONTROL_TRUE) { int audio_format; sh_audio = new_sh_audio(demuxer, 0); sh_audio->wf = malloc(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); memset(sh_audio->wf, 0, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); /* yeah, audio is present */ if (funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_AUD_GET_FORMAT, &audio_format) != TVI_CONTROL_TRUE) goto no_audio; switch(audio_format) { case AFMT_U8: case AFMT_S8: case AFMT_U16_LE: case AFMT_U16_BE: case AFMT_S16_LE: case AFMT_S16_BE: case AFMT_S32_LE: case AFMT_S32_BE: sh_audio->format = 0x1; /* PCM */ break; case AFMT_IMA_ADPCM: case AFMT_MU_LAW: case AFMT_A_LAW: case AFMT_MPEG: case AFMT_AC3: default: printf("%s unsupported!\n", audio_out_format_name(audio_format)); goto no_audio; } funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_AUD_GET_CHANNELS, &sh_audio->wf->nChannels); funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_AUD_GET_SAMPLERATE, &sh_audio->wf->nSamplesPerSec); funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_AUD_GET_SAMPLESIZE, &sh_audio->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec); demuxer->audio->sh = sh_audio; sh_audio->ds = demuxer->audio; demuxer->audio->id = 0; } no_audio: /* set some params got from cmdline */ funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_SPC_SET_INPUT, &tv_param_input); /* set freq in MHz - change this to float ! */ funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_TUN_SET_FREQ, &tv_param_freq); funcs->control(tvh->priv, TVI_CONTROL_TUN_GET_FREQ, &tv_param_freq); printf("freq: %lu\n", tv_param_freq); /* also start device! */ funcs->start(tvh->priv); } /* ================== STREAM_TV ===================== */ tvi_handle_t *tv_begin(void) { if (!strcmp(tv_param_driver, "dummy")) return (tvi_handle_t *)tvi_init_dummy(tv_param_device); if (!strcmp(tv_param_driver, "v4l")) return (tvi_handle_t *)tvi_init_v4l(tv_param_device); mp_msg(MSGT_TV, MSGL_ERR, "No such driver: %s\n", tv_param_driver); return(NULL); } int tv_init(tvi_handle_t *tvh) { tvi_param_t *params; printf("Selected driver: %s\n", tvh->info->short_name); printf(" name: %s\n", tvh->info->name); printf(" author: %s\n", tvh->info->author); if (tvh->info->comment) printf(" comment: %s\n", tvh->info->comment); params = malloc(sizeof(tvi_param_t)*2); params[0].opt = malloc(strlen("input")); sprintf((char *)params[0].opt, "input"); params[0].value = malloc(sizeof(int)); (int)*(void **)params[0].value = tv_param_input; params[1].opt = params[1].value = NULL; return tvh->functions->init(tvh->priv, params); } #endif /* USE_TV */