/* Quicktime Animation (RLE) Decoder for MPlayer (C) 2001 Mike Melanson */ #include "config.h" #include "bswap.h" #define BE_16(x) (be2me_16(*(unsigned short *)(x))) #define BE_32(x) (be2me_32(*(unsigned int *)(x))) // 256 RGB entries; 25% of these bytes will be unused, but it's faster // to index 4-byte entries static unsigned char palette[256 * 4]; void qt_decode_rle24( unsigned char *encoded, int encoded_size, unsigned char *decoded, int width, int height, int bytes_per_pixel) { int stream_ptr; int header; int start_line; int lines_to_change; signed char rle_code; int row_ptr, pixel_ptr; int row_inc = bytes_per_pixel * width; unsigned char r, g, b; // check if this frame is even supposed to change if (encoded_size < 8) return; // start after the chunk size stream_ptr = 4; // fetch the header header = BE_16(&encoded[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; // if a header is present, fetch additional decoding parameters if (header & 0x0008) { start_line = BE_16(&encoded[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 4; lines_to_change = BE_16(&encoded[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 4; } else { start_line = 0; lines_to_change = height; } row_ptr = row_inc * start_line; while (lines_to_change--) { pixel_ptr = row_ptr + ((encoded[stream_ptr++] - 1) * bytes_per_pixel); while (stream_ptr < encoded_size && (rle_code = (signed char)encoded[stream_ptr++]) != -1) { if (rle_code == 0) // there's another skip code in the stream pixel_ptr += ((encoded[stream_ptr++] - 1) * bytes_per_pixel); else if (rle_code < 0) { // decode the run length code rle_code = -rle_code; r = encoded[stream_ptr++]; g = encoded[stream_ptr++]; b = encoded[stream_ptr++]; while (rle_code--) { decoded[pixel_ptr++] = b; decoded[pixel_ptr++] = g; decoded[pixel_ptr++] = r; if (bytes_per_pixel == 4) pixel_ptr++; } } else { // copy pixels directly to output while (rle_code--) { decoded[pixel_ptr++] = encoded[stream_ptr + 2]; decoded[pixel_ptr++] = encoded[stream_ptr + 1]; decoded[pixel_ptr++] = encoded[stream_ptr + 0]; stream_ptr += 3; if (bytes_per_pixel == 4) pixel_ptr++; } } } row_ptr += row_inc; } } void qt_decode_rle( unsigned char *encoded, int encoded_size, unsigned char *decoded, int width, int height, int encoded_bpp, int bytes_per_pixel) { switch (encoded_bpp) { case 24: qt_decode_rle24( encoded, encoded_size, decoded, width, height, bytes_per_pixel); break; } }