/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "osdep/io.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "common/global.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "input/input.h" #include "libmpv/client.h" #include "misc/bstr.h" #include "misc/json.h" #include "options/m_option.h" #include "options/path.h" #include "player/core.h" #include "player/client.h" struct thread_arg { struct MPContext *mpctx; const char *path; pthread_t thread; int death_pipe[2]; }; struct client_arg { struct mp_log *log; struct mpv_handle *client; char *client_name; int client_fd; char *(*encode_event)(mpv_event *event); char *(*execute_command)(struct client_arg *arg, bstr msg); }; static mpv_node *mpv_node_map_get(mpv_node *src, const char *key) { if (src->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP) return NULL; for (int i = 0; i < src->u.list->num; i++) if (!strcmp(key, src->u.list->keys[i])) return &src->u.list->values[i]; return NULL; } static mpv_node *mpv_node_array_get(mpv_node *src, int index) { if (src->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) return NULL; if (src->u.list->num < (index + 1)) return NULL; return &src->u.list->values[index]; } static void mpv_node_array_add(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, mpv_node *val) { if (src->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) return; if (!src->u.list) src->u.list = talloc_zero(ta_parent, mpv_node_list); MP_TARRAY_GROW(src->u.list, src->u.list->values, src->u.list->num); static const struct m_option type = { .type = CONF_TYPE_NODE }; m_option_get_node(&type, ta_parent, &src->u.list->values[src->u.list->num], val); src->u.list->num++; } static void mpv_node_array_add_string(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, const char *val) { mpv_node val_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_STRING, .u.string = (char *)val}; mpv_node_array_add(ta_parent, src, &val_node); } static void mpv_node_map_add(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, const char *key, mpv_node *val) { if (src->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP) return; if (!src->u.list) src->u.list = talloc_zero(ta_parent, mpv_node_list); MP_TARRAY_GROW(src->u.list, src->u.list->keys, src->u.list->num); MP_TARRAY_GROW(src->u.list, src->u.list->values, src->u.list->num); src->u.list->keys[src->u.list->num] = talloc_strdup(ta_parent, key); static const struct m_option type = { .type = CONF_TYPE_NODE }; m_option_get_node(&type, ta_parent, &src->u.list->values[src->u.list->num], val); src->u.list->num++; } static void mpv_node_map_add_null(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, const char *key) { mpv_node val_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_NONE}; mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, src, key, &val_node); } static void mpv_node_map_add_flag(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, const char *key, bool val) { mpv_node val_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_FLAG, .u.flag = val}; mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, src, key, &val_node); } static void mpv_node_map_add_int64(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, const char *key, int64_t val) { mpv_node val_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_INT64, .u.int64 = val}; mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, src, key, &val_node); } static void mpv_node_map_add_double(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, const char *key, double val) { mpv_node val_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE, .u.double_ = val}; mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, src, key, &val_node); } static void mpv_node_map_add_string(void *ta_parent, mpv_node *src, const char *key, const char *val) { mpv_node val_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_STRING, .u.string = (char*)val}; mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, src, key, &val_node); } static void mpv_event_to_node(void *ta_parent, mpv_event *event, mpv_node *dst) { mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "event", mpv_event_name(event->event_id)); if (event->reply_userdata) mpv_node_map_add_int64(ta_parent, dst, "id", event->reply_userdata); if (event->error < 0) mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "error", mpv_error_string(event->error)); switch (event->event_id) { case MPV_EVENT_LOG_MESSAGE: { mpv_event_log_message *msg = event->data; mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "prefix", msg->prefix); mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "level", msg->level); mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "text", msg->text); break; } case MPV_EVENT_SCRIPT_INPUT_DISPATCH: { mpv_event_script_input_dispatch *msg = event->data; mpv_node_map_add_int64(ta_parent, dst, "arg0", msg->arg0); mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "type", msg->type); break; } case MPV_EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE: { mpv_event_client_message *msg = event->data; mpv_node args_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY, .u.list = NULL}; for (int n = 0; n < msg->num_args; n++) mpv_node_array_add_string(ta_parent, &args_node, msg->args[n]); mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, dst, "args", &args_node); break; } case MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE: { mpv_event_property *prop = event->data; mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "name", prop->name); switch (prop->format) { case MPV_FORMAT_NODE: mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, dst, "data", prop->data); break; case MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE: mpv_node_map_add_double(ta_parent, dst, "data", *(double *)prop->data); break; case MPV_FORMAT_FLAG: mpv_node_map_add_flag(ta_parent, dst, "data", *(int *)prop->data); break; case MPV_FORMAT_STRING: mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, dst, "data", *(char **)prop->data); break; default: mpv_node_map_add_null(ta_parent, dst, "data"); } break; } } } static char *json_encode_event(mpv_event *event) { void *ta_parent = talloc_new(NULL); mpv_node event_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP, .u.list = NULL}; mpv_event_to_node(ta_parent, event, &event_node); char *output = talloc_strdup(NULL, ""); json_write(&output, &event_node); output = ta_talloc_strdup_append(output, "\n"); talloc_free(ta_parent); return output; } static char *json_execute_command(struct client_arg *arg, bstr msg) { int rc; const char *cmd = NULL; mpv_node msg_node; mpv_node reply_node = {.format = MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP, .u.list = NULL}; void *ta_parent = talloc_new(NULL); char *src = bstrdup0(ta_parent, msg); rc = json_parse(ta_parent, &msg_node, &src, 3); if (rc < 0) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (msg_node.format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } mpv_node *cmd_node = mpv_node_map_get(&msg_node, "command"); if (!cmd_node || (cmd_node->format != MPV_FORMAT_NODE_ARRAY) || !cmd_node->u.list->num) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } mpv_node *cmd_str_node = mpv_node_array_get(cmd_node, 0); if (!cmd_str_node || (cmd_str_node->format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING)) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } cmd = cmd_str_node->u.string; if (!strcmp("client_name", cmd)) { const char *client_name = mpv_client_name(arg->client); mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, &reply_node, "data", client_name); rc = MPV_ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (!strcmp("get_time_us", cmd)) { int64_t time_us = mpv_get_time_us(arg->client); mpv_node_map_add_int64(ta_parent, &reply_node, "data", time_us); rc = MPV_ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (!strcmp("get_property", cmd)) { mpv_node result_node; if (cmd_node->u.list->num != 2) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[1].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } rc = mpv_get_property(arg->client, cmd_node->u.list->values[1].u.string, MPV_FORMAT_NODE, &result_node); if (rc >= 0) { mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, &reply_node, "data", &result_node); mpv_free_node_contents(&result_node); } } else if (!strcmp("get_property_string", cmd)) { if (cmd_node->u.list->num != 2) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[1].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } char *result = mpv_get_property_string(arg->client, cmd_node->u.list->values[1].u.string); if (!result) { mpv_node_map_add_null(ta_parent, &reply_node, "data"); } else { mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, &reply_node, "data", result); mpv_free(result); } } else if (!strcmp("set_property", cmd)) { if (cmd_node->u.list->num != 3) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[1].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } rc = mpv_set_property(arg->client, cmd_node->u.list->values[1].u.string, MPV_FORMAT_NODE, &cmd_node->u.list->values[2]); } else if (!strcmp("set_property_string", cmd)) { if (cmd_node->u.list->num != 3) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[1].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[2].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } rc = mpv_set_property_string(arg->client, cmd_node->u.list->values[1].u.string, cmd_node->u.list->values[2].u.string); } else if (!strcmp("observe_property", cmd)) { if (cmd_node->u.list->num != 3) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[1].format != MPV_FORMAT_INT64) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[2].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } rc = mpv_observe_property(arg->client, cmd_node->u.list->values[1].u.int64, cmd_node->u.list->values[2].u.string, MPV_FORMAT_NODE); } else if (!strcmp("observe_property_string", cmd)) { if (cmd_node->u.list->num != 3) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[1].format != MPV_FORMAT_INT64) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[2].format != MPV_FORMAT_STRING) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } rc = mpv_observe_property(arg->client, cmd_node->u.list->values[1].u.int64, cmd_node->u.list->values[2].u.string, MPV_FORMAT_STRING); } else if (!strcmp("unobserve_property", cmd)) { if (cmd_node->u.list->num != 2) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (cmd_node->u.list->values[1].format != MPV_FORMAT_INT64) { rc = MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } rc = mpv_unobserve_property(arg->client, cmd_node->u.list->values[1].u.int64); } else if (!strcmp("suspend", cmd)) { mpv_suspend(arg->client); rc = MPV_ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (!strcmp("resume", cmd)) { mpv_resume(arg->client); rc = MPV_ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { mpv_node result_node; rc = mpv_command_node(arg->client, cmd_node, &result_node); if (rc >= 0) mpv_node_map_add(ta_parent, &reply_node, "data", &result_node); } error: mpv_node_map_add_string(ta_parent, &reply_node, "error", mpv_error_string(rc)); char *output = talloc_strdup(NULL, ""); json_write(&output, &reply_node); output = ta_talloc_strdup_append(output, "\n"); talloc_free(ta_parent); return output; } static char *text_execute_command(struct client_arg *arg, bstr msg) { char *cmd_str = bstrdup0(NULL, msg); mpv_command_string(arg->client, cmd_str); talloc_free(cmd_str); return NULL; } static int ipc_write(int fd, const char *buf, size_t count) { while (count > 0) { ssize_t rc = write(fd, buf, count); if (rc <= 0) { if (rc == 0) return ECONNRESET; if (rc == EINTR) continue; if (rc == EAGAIN) return 0; return rc; } count -= rc; buf += rc; } return 0; } static void *client_thread(void *p) { pthread_detach(pthread_self()); int rc; struct client_arg *arg = p; int pipe_fd = mpv_get_wakeup_pipe(arg->client); if (pipe_fd < 0) { MP_ERR(arg, "Could not get wakeup pipe\n"); goto done; } MP_INFO(arg, "Client connected\n"); struct pollfd fds[2] = { {.events = POLLIN, .fd = pipe_fd}, {.events = POLLIN, .fd = arg->client_fd}, }; fcntl(arg->client_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(arg->client_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); bstr client_msg = { talloc_strdup(NULL, ""), 0 }; while (1) { rc = poll(fds, 2, -1); if (rc < 0) { MP_ERR(arg, "Poll error\n"); continue; } if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { char discard[100]; read(pipe_fd, discard, sizeof(discard)); while (1) { mpv_event *event = mpv_wait_event(arg->client, 0); if (event->event_id == MPV_EVENT_NONE) break; if (event->event_id == MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN) goto done; if (!arg->encode_event) continue; char *event_msg = arg->encode_event(event); if (!event_msg) { MP_ERR(arg, "Encoding error\n"); goto done; } rc = ipc_write(arg->client_fd, event_msg, strlen(event_msg)); talloc_free(event_msg); if (rc < 0) { MP_ERR(arg, "Write error\n"); goto done; } } } if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { while (1) { char buf[128]; bstr append = { buf, 0 }; ssize_t bytes = read(arg->client_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytes < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) break; MP_ERR(arg, "Read error\n"); goto done; } if (bytes == 0) { MP_INFO(arg, "Client disconnected\n"); goto done; } append.len = bytes; bstr_xappend(NULL, &client_msg, append); while (bstrchr(client_msg, '\n') != -1) { bstr rest, tmp; bstr line = bstr_getline(client_msg, &rest); if (arg->execute_command) { char *reply_msg = arg->execute_command(arg, line); if (!reply_msg) goto command_done; rc = ipc_write(arg->client_fd, reply_msg, strlen(reply_msg)); talloc_free(reply_msg); if (rc < 0) { MP_ERR(arg, "Write error\n"); talloc_free(client_msg.start); goto done; } } command_done: tmp = bstrdup(NULL, rest); talloc_free(client_msg.start); client_msg = tmp; } } } } done: close(arg->client_fd); mpv_detach_destroy(arg->client); talloc_free(arg); return NULL; } static void ipc_start_client(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct client_arg *client) { client->client = mp_new_client(mpctx->clients, client->client_name), client->log = mp_client_get_log(client->client); pthread_t client_thr; if (pthread_create(&client_thr, NULL, client_thread, client)) { mpv_detach_destroy(client->client); close(client->client_fd); talloc_free(client); } } static void ipc_start_client_json(struct MPContext *mpctx, int id, int fd) { struct client_arg *client = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, client); *client = (struct client_arg){ .client_name = talloc_asprintf(client, "ipc-%d", id), .client_fd = fd, .encode_event = json_encode_event, .execute_command = json_execute_command, }; ipc_start_client(mpctx, client); } static void ipc_start_client_text(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *path) { int mode = O_RDONLY; // Use RDWR for FIFOs to ensure they stay open over multiple accesses. struct stat st; if (stat(path, &st) == 0 && S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) mode = O_RDWR; int client_fd = open(path, mode); if (client_fd < 0) { MP_ERR(mpctx, "Could not open pipe at '%s'\n", path); return; } struct client_arg *client = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, client); *client = (struct client_arg){ .client_name = "input-file", .client_fd = client_fd, .encode_event = NULL, .execute_command = text_execute_command, }; ipc_start_client(mpctx, client); } static void *ipc_thread(void *p) { int rc; int ipc_fd; struct sockaddr_un ipc_un; struct thread_arg *arg = p; MP_INFO(arg->mpctx, "Starting IPC master\n"); ipc_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (ipc_fd < 0) { MP_ERR(arg->mpctx, "Could not create IPC socket\n"); goto done; } size_t path_len = strlen(arg->path); if (path_len >= sizeof(ipc_un.sun_path) - 1) { MP_ERR(arg->mpctx, "Could not create IPC socket\n"); goto done; } ipc_un.sun_family = AF_UNIX, strncpy(ipc_un.sun_path, arg->path, sizeof(ipc_un.sun_path)); unlink(ipc_un.sun_path); if (ipc_un.sun_path[0] == '@') { ipc_un.sun_path[0] = '\0'; path_len--; } size_t addr_len = offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + 1 + path_len; rc = bind(ipc_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &ipc_un, addr_len); if (rc < 0) { MP_ERR(arg->mpctx, "Could not bind IPC socket\n"); goto done; } rc = listen(ipc_fd, 10); if (rc < 0) { MP_ERR(arg->mpctx, "Could not listen on IPC socket\n"); goto done; } int client_num = 0; struct pollfd fds[2] = { {.events = POLLIN, .fd = arg->death_pipe[0]}, {.events = POLLIN, .fd = ipc_fd}, }; while (1) { rc = poll(fds, 2, -1); if (rc < 0) { MP_ERR(arg->mpctx, "Poll error\n"); continue; } if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) goto done; if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { int client_fd = accept(ipc_fd, NULL, NULL); if (client_fd < 0) { MP_ERR(arg->mpctx, "Could not accept IPC client\n"); goto done; } ipc_start_client_json(arg->mpctx, client_num++, client_fd); } } done: if (ipc_fd >= 0) close(ipc_fd); close(arg->death_pipe[0]); arg->death_pipe[0] = -1; close(arg->death_pipe[1]); arg->death_pipe[1] = -1; arg->mpctx->ipc_ctx = NULL; talloc_free(arg); return NULL; } void mp_init_ipc(struct MPContext *mpctx) { if (mpctx->global->opts->input_file && *mpctx->global->opts->input_file) ipc_start_client_text(mpctx, mpctx->global->opts->input_file); if (!mpctx->opts->ipc_path || !*mpctx->opts->ipc_path) return; struct thread_arg *arg = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, arg); *arg = (struct thread_arg){ .mpctx = mpctx, .path = mp_get_user_path(arg, mpctx->global, mpctx->opts->ipc_path), }; if (mp_make_wakeup_pipe(arg->death_pipe) < 0) { talloc_free(arg); return; } mpctx->ipc_ctx = arg; if (pthread_create(&arg->thread, NULL, ipc_thread, arg)) talloc_free(arg); } void mp_uninit_ipc(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct thread_arg *arg = mpctx->ipc_ctx; if (!arg) return; if (arg->death_pipe[1] != -1) write(arg->death_pipe[1], &(char){0}, 1); pthread_join(arg->thread, NULL); mpctx->ipc_ctx = NULL; }