static char* banner_text= "\n\n" "MPlayer v0.10 [AVI parser] (C) 2000. Arpad Gereoffy \n" "\n"; static char* help_text= "Usage: aviparse [options] [path/]name\n" "\n" " Options:\n" //" -o select output driver (see '-o help' for driver list)\n" //" -vcd play video cd track from device instead of plain file\n" //" -bg play in background (X11 only!)\n" //" -sb seek to byte position\n" //" -ss seek to second position (with timestamp)\n" //" -nosound don't play sound\n" //" -abs audio buffer size (in bytes, default: measuring)\n" //" -delay audio delay in seconds (may be +/- float value)\n" //" -alsa enable timing code (works better with ALSA)\n" " -aid <1-99> select audio channel\n" " -afile dump raw audio data to file\n" " -vfile dump raw video data to file\n" //" -vid <0-15> select video channel\n" //" -fps force frame rate (if value is wrong in mpeg header)\n" //" -mc maximum sync correction per 5 frames (in seconds)\n" //" -afm <1-3> force audio format 1:MPEG 2:PCM 3:AC3 4:Win32\n" //"\n" //" Keys:\n" //" <- or -> seek backward/forward 10 seconds\n" //" up or down seek backward/forward 1 minute\n" //" p or SPACE pause movie (press any key to continue)\n" //" q or ^C stop playing and quit program\n" "\n";