/* * Get path to config dir/file. * * Return Values: * Returns the pointer to the ALLOCATED buffer containing the * zero terminated path string. This buffer has to be FREED * by the caller. * */ #ifdef MACOSX_BUNDLE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif char *get_path(char *filename){ char *homedir; char *buff; #if defined(__MINGW32__) static char *config_dir = "/mplayer"; #else static char *config_dir = "/.mplayer"; #endif int len; #ifdef MACOSX_BUNDLE struct stat dummy; CFIndex maxlen=256; CFURLRef res_url_ref=NULL; CFURLRef bdl_url_ref=NULL; char *res_url_path = NULL; char *bdl_url_path = NULL; #endif if ((homedir = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) #if defined(__MINGW32__)||defined(__CYGWIN__) /*hack to get fonts etc. loaded outside of cygwin environment*/ { int i,imax=0; char exedir[260]; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, exedir, 260); for(i=0; i< strlen(exedir);i++)if(exedir[i] =='\\'){exedir[i]='/';imax=i;} exedir[imax]='\0'; homedir = exedir; } #else return NULL; #endif len = strlen(homedir) + strlen(config_dir) + 1; if (filename == NULL) { if ((buff = (char *) malloc(len)) == NULL) return NULL; sprintf(buff, "%s%s", homedir, config_dir); } else { len += strlen(filename) + 1; if ((buff = (char *) malloc(len)) == NULL) return NULL; sprintf(buff, "%s%s/%s", homedir, config_dir, filename); } #ifdef MACOSX_BUNDLE if(stat(buff, &dummy)) { res_url_ref=CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle()); bdl_url_ref=CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle()); if(res_url_ref&&bdl_url_ref) { res_url_path=malloc(maxlen); bdl_url_path=malloc(maxlen); while(!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(res_url_ref, true, res_url_path, maxlen)) { maxlen*=2; res_url_path=realloc(res_url_path, maxlen); } CFRelease(res_url_ref); while(!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(bdl_url_ref, true, bdl_url_path, maxlen)) { maxlen*=2; bdl_url_path=realloc(bdl_url_path, maxlen); } CFRelease(bdl_url_ref); if( strcmp(res_url_path, bdl_url_path) == 0) res_url_path = NULL; } if(res_url_path&&filename) { if((strlen(filename)+strlen(res_url_path)+2)>maxlen) { maxlen=strlen(filename)+strlen(res_url_path)+2; } free(buff); buff = (char *) malloc(maxlen); strcpy(buff, res_url_path); strcat(buff,"/"); strcat(buff, filename); } } #endif mp_msg(MSGT_GLOBAL,MSGL_V,"get_path('%s') -> '%s'\n",filename,buff); return buff; }