#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e FFMPEG_SRC_DIR="${HOME}/deps/src/ffmpeg" FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR="${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR}/${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" FFMPEG_SYSROOT="${HOME}/deps/sysroot" FFMPEG_HASH="18928e2bb4568cbe5e9061c3e6b63559392af3d2" # Get the sauce if not around if [[ ! -d "${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR}" ]] ; then git clone "https://git.videolan.org/git/ffmpeg.git" "${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR}" fi # pop into FFmpeg's source dir and clean up & check out our wanted revision pushd "${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR}" git reset --hard HEAD && git clean -dfx git checkout "${FFMPEG_HASH}" popd # If a build dir of the same type is around, clean it up if [[ -d "${FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR}" ]] ; then rm -rf "${FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR}" fi # Create and move into the build dir, configure and build! mkdir -p "${FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR}" && pushd "${FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${FFMPEG_SYSROOT}/lib/pkgconfig/" ../configure \ --disable-{autodetect,stripping} \ --cc="${CC}" \ --cxx="${CXX}" \ --prefix="${FFMPEG_SYSROOT}" \ --enable-{zlib,securetransport,videotoolbox} make -j4 && make install && popd exit 0