#!/usr/bin/env python # This script simply downloads waf to the current directory from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, stat, hashlib, subprocess WAFRELEASE = "waf-1.8.12" WAFURLS = ["https://waf.io/" + WAFRELEASE, "http://www.freehackers.org/~tnagy/release/" + WAFRELEASE] SHA256HASH = "01bf2beab2106d1558800c8709bc2c8e496d3da4a2ca343fe091f22fca60c98b" if os.path.exists("waf"): wafver = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, './waf', '--version']).decode() if WAFRELEASE.split('-')[1] == wafver.split(' ')[1]: print("Found 'waf', skipping download.") sys.exit(0) try: from urllib.request import urlopen, URLError except: from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError waf = None for WAFURL in WAFURLS: try: print("Downloading {}...".format(WAFURL)) waf = urlopen(WAFURL).read() break except URLError: print("Download failed.") if not waf: print("Could not download {}.".format(WAFRELEASE)) sys.exit(1) if SHA256HASH == hashlib.sha256(waf).hexdigest(): with open("waf", "wb") as wf: wf.write(waf) os.chmod("waf", os.stat("waf").st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR) print("Checksum verified.") else: print("The checksum of the downloaded file does not match!") print(" - got: {}".format(hashlib.sha256(waf).hexdigest())) print(" - expected: {}".format(SHA256HASH)) print("Please download and verify the file manually.") sys.exit(1)