/* * This file is part of mpv. * * Original author: Jonathan Yong <10walls@gmail.com> * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "audio/out/ao_wasapi.h" #include "audio/out/ao_wasapi_utils.h" #include "audio/format.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "osdep/io.h" static HRESULT get_device_delay(struct wasapi_state *state, double *delay) { UINT64 sample_count = atomic_load(&state->sample_count); UINT64 position, qpc_position; HRESULT hr; hr = IAudioClock_GetPosition(state->pAudioClock, &position, &qpc_position); /* GetPosition succeeded, but the result may be inaccurate due to the length of the call */ /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd370889%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ if (hr == S_FALSE) { MP_DBG(state, "Possibly inaccurate device position.\n"); hr = S_OK; } EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); LARGE_INTEGER qpc_count; QueryPerformanceCounter(&qpc_count); double qpc_diff = (qpc_count.QuadPart * 1e7 / state->qpc_frequency.QuadPart) - qpc_position; position += state->clock_frequency * (uint64_t) (qpc_diff / 1e7); /* convert position to the same base as sample_count */ position = position * state->format.Format.nSamplesPerSec / state->clock_frequency; double diff = sample_count - position; *delay = diff / state->format.Format.nSamplesPerSec; MP_TRACE(state, "Device delay: %g samples (%g ms)\n", diff, *delay * 1000); return S_OK; exit_label: MP_ERR(state, "Error getting device delay: %s (0x%"PRIx32")\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr), (uint32_t) hr); return hr; } static void thread_feed(struct ao *ao) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; HRESULT hr; UINT32 frame_count = state->bufferFrameCount; if (state->share_mode == AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED) { UINT32 padding = 0; hr = IAudioClient_GetCurrentPadding(state->pAudioClient, &padding); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); frame_count -= padding; MP_TRACE(ao, "Frame to fill: %"PRIu32". Padding: %"PRIu32"\n", frame_count, padding); } double delay; hr = get_device_delay(state, &delay); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); BYTE *pData; hr = IAudioRenderClient_GetBuffer(state->pRenderClient, frame_count, &pData); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); BYTE *data[1] = {pData}; ao_read_data(ao, (void**)data, frame_count, (int64_t) ( mp_time_us() + delay * 1e6 + frame_count * 1e6 / state->format.Format.nSamplesPerSec)); hr = IAudioRenderClient_ReleaseBuffer(state->pRenderClient, frame_count, 0); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr); atomic_fetch_add(&state->sample_count, frame_count); return; exit_label: MP_ERR(state, "Error feeding audio: %s (0x%"PRIx32")\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr), (uint32_t) hr); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "Requesting ao reload\n"); ao_request_reload(ao); return; } static void thread_reset(struct ao *ao) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; HRESULT hr; MP_DBG(state, "Thread Reset\n"); hr = IAudioClient_Stop(state->pAudioClient); /* we may get S_FALSE if the stream is already stopped */ if (hr != S_OK && hr != S_FALSE) { MP_ERR(state, "IAudioClient_Stop returned: %s (0x%"PRIx32")\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr), (uint32_t) hr); } /* we may get S_FALSE if the stream is already reset */ hr = IAudioClient_Reset(state->pAudioClient); if (hr != S_OK && hr != S_FALSE) { MP_ERR(state, "IAudioClient_Reset returned: %s (0x%"PRIx32")\n", wasapi_explain_err(hr), (uint32_t) hr); } atomic_store(&state->sample_count, 0); return; } static DWORD __stdcall ThreadLoop(void *lpParameter) { struct ao *ao = lpParameter; struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); state->init_ret = wasapi_thread_init(ao); SetEvent(state->init_done); if (state->init_ret != S_OK) goto exit_label; DWORD waitstatus; HANDLE playcontrol[] = {state->hUninit, state->hFeed, state->hForceFeed, state->hReset, NULL}; MP_DBG(ao, "Entering dispatch loop\n"); while (true) { /* watch events */ waitstatus = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(4, playcontrol, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_POSTMESSAGE | QS_SENDMESSAGE); switch (waitstatus) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: /*shutdown*/ MP_DBG(ao, "Thread shutdown\n"); goto exit_label; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1): /* feed */ thread_feed(ao); break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2): /* force feed */ thread_feed(ao); SetEvent(state->hFeedDone); break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 3): /* reset */ thread_reset(ao); break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 4): /* messages to dispatch (COM marshalling) */ MP_DBG(ao, "Dispatch\n"); wasapi_dispatch(); break; default: MP_ERR(ao, "Unhandled case in thread loop\n"); goto exit_label; } } exit_label: wasapi_thread_uninit(ao); CoUninitialize(); MP_DBG(ao, "Thread return\n"); return 0; } static void closehandles(struct ao *ao) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; if (state->init_done) CloseHandle(state->init_done); if (state->hUninit) CloseHandle(state->hUninit); if (state->hFeed) CloseHandle(state->hFeed); if (state->hForceFeed) CloseHandle(state->hForceFeed); if (state->hFeedDone) CloseHandle(state->hFeedDone); if (state->hReset) CloseHandle(state->hReset); if (state->threadLoop) CloseHandle(state->threadLoop); } static void uninit(struct ao *ao) { MP_DBG(ao, "Uninit wasapi\n"); struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; wasapi_release_proxies(state); if (state->hUninit) SetEvent(state->hUninit); /* wait up to 10 seconds */ if (WaitForSingleObject(state->threadLoop, 10000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { MP_ERR(ao, "Audio loop thread refuses to abort\n"); return; } if (state->VistaBlob.hAvrt) FreeLibrary(state->VistaBlob.hAvrt); closehandles(ao); CoUninitialize(); MP_DBG(ao, "Uninit wasapi done\n"); } static int init(struct ao *ao) { MP_DBG(ao, "Init wasapi\n"); CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); ao->format = af_fmt_from_planar(ao->format); struct mp_chmap_sel sel = {0}; mp_chmap_sel_add_waveext(&sel); if (!ao_chmap_sel_adjust(ao, &sel, &ao->channels)) { MP_ERR(ao, "Error adjusting channel map to waveext channel order\n"); return -1; } struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; state->log = ao->log; if(!wasapi_fill_VistaBlob(state)) MP_WARN(ao, "Error loading thread priority functions\n"); if (state->opt_list) { if(!wasapi_enumerate_devices(state->log, NULL, NULL)) MP_WARN(ao, "Error enumerating devices\n"); } if (state->opt_exclusive) { state->share_mode = AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE; } else { state->share_mode = AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED; } state->init_done = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); state->hUninit = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); state->hFeed = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); /* for wasapi event mode */ state->hForceFeed = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); state->hFeedDone = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); state->hReset = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!state->init_done || !state->hFeed || !state->hUninit || !state->hForceFeed || !state->hFeedDone || !state->hReset) { MP_ERR(ao, "Error initing events\n"); uninit(ao); /* failed to init events */ return -1; } state->init_ret = E_FAIL; state->threadLoop = (HANDLE) CreateThread(NULL, 0, &ThreadLoop, ao, 0, NULL); if (!state->threadLoop) { /* failed to init thread */ MP_ERR(ao, "Failed to create thread\n"); uninit(ao); return -1; } WaitForSingleObject(state->init_done, INFINITE); /* wait on init complete */ if (state->init_ret != S_OK) { if (!ao->probing) MP_ERR(ao, "Received failure from audio thread\n"); uninit(ao); return -1; } wasapi_setup_proxies(state); MP_DBG(ao, "Init wasapi done\n"); return 0; } static int control(struct ao *ao, enum aocontrol cmd, void *arg) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; ao_control_vol_t *vol = (ao_control_vol_t *)arg; BOOL mute; switch (cmd) { case AOCONTROL_GET_VOLUME: if (state->opt_exclusive) IAudioEndpointVolume_GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(state->pEndpointVolumeProxy, &state->audio_volume); else ISimpleAudioVolume_GetMasterVolume(state->pAudioVolumeProxy, &state->audio_volume); /* check to see if user manually changed volume through mixer; this information is used in exclusive mode for restoring the mixer volume on uninit */ if (state->audio_volume != state->previous_volume) { MP_VERBOSE(state, "Mixer difference: %.2g now, expected %.2g\n", state->audio_volume, state->previous_volume); state->initial_volume = state->audio_volume; } vol->left = vol->right = 100.0f * state->audio_volume; return CONTROL_OK; case AOCONTROL_SET_VOLUME: state->audio_volume = vol->left / 100.f; if (state->opt_exclusive) IAudioEndpointVolume_SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(state->pEndpointVolumeProxy, state->audio_volume, NULL); else ISimpleAudioVolume_SetMasterVolume(state->pAudioVolumeProxy, state->audio_volume, NULL); state->previous_volume = state->audio_volume; return CONTROL_OK; case AOCONTROL_GET_MUTE: if (state->opt_exclusive) IAudioEndpointVolume_GetMute(state->pEndpointVolumeProxy, &mute); else ISimpleAudioVolume_GetMute(state->pAudioVolumeProxy, &mute); *(bool*)arg = mute; return CONTROL_OK; case AOCONTROL_SET_MUTE: mute = *(bool*)arg; if (state->opt_exclusive) IAudioEndpointVolume_SetMute(state->pEndpointVolumeProxy, mute, NULL); else ISimpleAudioVolume_SetMute(state->pAudioVolumeProxy, mute, NULL); return CONTROL_OK; case AOCONTROL_HAS_PER_APP_VOLUME: return CONTROL_TRUE; case AOCONTROL_UPDATE_STREAM_TITLE: { MP_VERBOSE(state, "Updating stream title to \"%s\"\n", (char*)arg); wchar_t *title = mp_from_utf8(NULL, (char*)arg); wchar_t *tmp = NULL; /* There is a weird race condition in the IAudioSessionControl itself -- it seems that *sometimes* the SetDisplayName does not take effect and it still shows the old title. Use this loop to insist until it works. */ do { IAudioSessionControl_SetDisplayName(state->pSessionControlProxy, title, NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(tmp, CoTaskMemFree(tmp)); IAudioSessionControl_GetDisplayName(state->pSessionControlProxy, &tmp); } while (lstrcmpW(title, tmp)); SAFE_RELEASE(tmp, CoTaskMemFree(tmp)); talloc_free(title); return CONTROL_OK; } default: return CONTROL_UNKNOWN; } } static void audio_reset(struct ao *ao) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; SetEvent(state->hReset); } static void audio_resume(struct ao *ao) { struct wasapi_state *state = (struct wasapi_state *)ao->priv; SetEvent(state->hForceFeed); WaitForSingleObject(state->hFeedDone, INFINITE); IAudioClient_Start(state->pAudioClientProxy); } static void list_devs(struct ao *ao, struct ao_device_list *list) { CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if(!wasapi_enumerate_devices(mp_null_log, ao, list)) MP_WARN(ao, "Error enumerating devices\n"); CoUninitialize(); } #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct wasapi_state const struct ao_driver audio_out_wasapi = { .description = "Windows WASAPI audio output (event mode)", .name = "wasapi", .init = init, .uninit = uninit, .control = control, .reset = audio_reset, .resume = audio_resume, .list_devs = list_devs, .priv_size = sizeof(wasapi_state), .options = (const struct m_option[]) { OPT_FLAG("exclusive", opt_exclusive, 0), OPT_FLAG("list", opt_list, 0), OPT_STRING_VALIDATE("device", opt_device, 0, wasapi_validate_device), {NULL}, }, };