/* * audio encoding using libavformat * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Rudolf Polzer * NOTE: this file is partially based on ao_pcm.c by Atmosfear * * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "options/options.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "audio/format.h" #include "audio/fmt-conversion.h" #include "mpv_talloc.h" #include "ao.h" #include "internal.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "common/encode_lavc.h" struct priv { struct encoder_context *enc; int pcmhack; int aframesize; int aframecount; int64_t savepts; int framecount; int64_t lastpts; int sample_size; const void *sample_padding; double expected_next_pts; AVRational worst_time_base; bool shutdown; }; static void encode(struct ao *ao, double apts, void **data); static bool supports_format(const AVCodec *codec, int format) { for (const enum AVSampleFormat *sampleformat = codec->sample_fmts; sampleformat && *sampleformat != AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE; sampleformat++) { if (af_from_avformat(*sampleformat) == format) return true; } return false; } static void select_format(struct ao *ao, const AVCodec *codec) { int formats[AF_FORMAT_COUNT + 1]; af_get_best_sample_formats(ao->format, formats); for (int n = 0; formats[n]; n++) { if (supports_format(codec, formats[n])) { ao->format = formats[n]; break; } } } static void on_ready(void *ptr) { struct ao *ao = ptr; struct priv *ac = ao->priv; ac->worst_time_base = encoder_get_mux_timebase_unlocked(ac->enc); ao_add_events(ao, AO_EVENT_INITIAL_UNBLOCK); } // open & setup audio device static int init(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *ac = ao->priv; ac->enc = encoder_context_alloc(ao->encode_lavc_ctx, STREAM_AUDIO, ao->log); if (!ac->enc) return -1; talloc_steal(ac, ac->enc); AVCodecContext *encoder = ac->enc->encoder; const AVCodec *codec = encoder->codec; int samplerate = af_select_best_samplerate(ao->samplerate, codec->supported_samplerates); if (samplerate > 0) ao->samplerate = samplerate; encoder->time_base.num = 1; encoder->time_base.den = ao->samplerate; encoder->sample_rate = ao->samplerate; struct mp_chmap_sel sel = {0}; mp_chmap_sel_add_any(&sel); if (!ao_chmap_sel_adjust2(ao, &sel, &ao->channels, false)) goto fail; mp_chmap_reorder_to_lavc(&ao->channels); encoder->channels = ao->channels.num; encoder->channel_layout = mp_chmap_to_lavc(&ao->channels); encoder->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE; select_format(ao, codec); ac->sample_size = af_fmt_to_bytes(ao->format); encoder->sample_fmt = af_to_avformat(ao->format); encoder->bits_per_raw_sample = ac->sample_size * 8; if (!encoder_init_codec_and_muxer(ac->enc, on_ready, ao)) goto fail; ac->pcmhack = 0; if (encoder->frame_size <= 1) ac->pcmhack = av_get_bits_per_sample(encoder->codec_id) / 8; if (ac->pcmhack) { ac->aframesize = 16384; // "enough" } else { ac->aframesize = encoder->frame_size; } // enough frames for at least 0.25 seconds ac->framecount = ceil(ao->samplerate * 0.25 / ac->aframesize); // but at least one! ac->framecount = MPMAX(ac->framecount, 1); ac->savepts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; ac->lastpts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; ao->untimed = true; ao->period_size = ac->aframesize * ac->framecount; if (ao->channels.num > AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS) goto fail; return 0; fail: pthread_mutex_unlock(&ao->encode_lavc_ctx->lock); ac->shutdown = true; return -1; } // close audio device static void uninit(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *ac = ao->priv; struct encode_lavc_context *ectx = ao->encode_lavc_ctx; if (!ac->shutdown) { double outpts = ac->expected_next_pts; pthread_mutex_lock(&ectx->lock); if (!ac->enc->options->rawts) outpts += ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ectx->lock); outpts += encoder_get_offset(ac->enc); encode(ao, outpts, NULL); } } // return: how many samples can be played without blocking static int get_space(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *ac = ao->priv; return ac->aframesize * ac->framecount; } // must get exactly ac->aframesize amount of data static void encode(struct ao *ao, double apts, void **data) { struct priv *ac = ao->priv; struct encode_lavc_context *ectx = ao->encode_lavc_ctx; AVCodecContext *encoder = ac->enc->encoder; double realapts = ac->aframecount * (double) ac->aframesize / ao->samplerate; ac->aframecount++; pthread_mutex_lock(&ectx->lock); if (data) ectx->audio_pts_offset = realapts - apts; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ectx->lock); if(data) { AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc(); frame->format = af_to_avformat(ao->format); frame->nb_samples = ac->aframesize; size_t num_planes = af_fmt_is_planar(ao->format) ? ao->channels.num : 1; assert(num_planes <= AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS); for (int n = 0; n < num_planes; n++) frame->extended_data[n] = data[n]; frame->linesize[0] = frame->nb_samples * ao->sstride; frame->pts = rint(apts * av_q2d(av_inv_q(encoder->time_base))); int64_t frame_pts = av_rescale_q(frame->pts, encoder->time_base, ac->worst_time_base); while (ac->lastpts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && frame_pts <= ac->lastpts) { // whatever the fuck this code does? MP_WARN(ao, "audio frame pts went backwards (%d <- %d), autofixed\n", (int)frame->pts, (int)ac->lastpts); int64_t prets = frame->pts; frame_pts = ac->lastpts + 1; ac->lastpts = frame_pts; frame->pts = av_rescale_q(frame_pts, ac->worst_time_base, encoder->time_base); frame_pts = av_rescale_q(frame->pts, encoder->time_base, ac->worst_time_base); } ac->lastpts = frame_pts; frame->quality = encoder->global_quality; encoder_encode(ac->enc, frame); av_frame_free(&frame); } else { encoder_encode(ac->enc, NULL); } } // this should round samples down to frame sizes // return: number of samples played static int play(struct ao *ao, void **data, int samples, int flags) { struct priv *ac = ao->priv; struct encoder_context *enc = ac->enc; struct encode_lavc_context *ectx = ao->encode_lavc_ctx; int bufpos = 0; double nextpts; int orig_samples = samples; // for ectx PTS fields pthread_mutex_lock(&ectx->lock); double pts = ectx->last_audio_in_pts; pts += ectx->samples_since_last_pts / (double)ao->samplerate; size_t num_planes = af_fmt_is_planar(ao->format) ? ao->channels.num : 1; void *tempdata = NULL; void *padded[MP_NUM_CHANNELS]; if ((flags & AOPLAY_FINAL_CHUNK) && (samples % ac->aframesize)) { tempdata = talloc_new(NULL); size_t bytelen = samples * ao->sstride; size_t extralen = (ac->aframesize - 1) * ao->sstride; for (int n = 0; n < num_planes; n++) { padded[n] = talloc_size(tempdata, bytelen + extralen); memcpy(padded[n], data[n], bytelen); af_fill_silence((char *)padded[n] + bytelen, extralen, ao->format); } data = padded; samples = (bytelen + extralen) / ao->sstride; } double outpts = pts; if (!enc->options->rawts) { // Fix and apply the discontinuity pts offset. nextpts = pts; if (ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset == MP_NOPTS_VALUE) { ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset = ectx->next_in_pts - nextpts; } else if (fabs(nextpts + ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset - ectx->next_in_pts) > 30) { MP_WARN(ao, "detected an unexpected discontinuity (pts jumped by " "%f seconds)\n", nextpts + ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset - ectx->next_in_pts); ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset = ectx->next_in_pts - nextpts; } outpts = pts + ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ectx->lock); // Shift pts by the pts offset first. outpts += encoder_get_offset(enc); while (samples - bufpos >= ac->aframesize) { void *start[MP_NUM_CHANNELS] = {0}; for (int n = 0; n < num_planes; n++) start[n] = (char *)data[n] + bufpos * ao->sstride; encode(ao, outpts + bufpos / (double) ao->samplerate, start); bufpos += ac->aframesize; } // Calculate expected pts of next audio frame (input side). ac->expected_next_pts = pts + bufpos / (double) ao->samplerate; pthread_mutex_lock(&ectx->lock); // Set next allowed input pts value (input side). if (!enc->options->rawts) { nextpts = ac->expected_next_pts + ectx->discontinuity_pts_offset; if (nextpts > ectx->next_in_pts) ectx->next_in_pts = nextpts; } talloc_free(tempdata); int taken = MPMIN(bufpos, orig_samples); ectx->samples_since_last_pts += taken; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ectx->lock); if (flags & AOPLAY_FINAL_CHUNK) { if (bufpos < orig_samples) MP_ERR(ao, "did not write enough data at the end\n"); } else { if (bufpos > orig_samples) MP_ERR(ao, "audio buffer overflow (should never happen)\n"); } return taken; } static void drain(struct ao *ao) { // pretend we support it, so generic code doesn't force a wait } const struct ao_driver audio_out_lavc = { .encode = true, .description = "audio encoding using libavcodec", .name = "lavc", .initially_blocked = true, .reports_underruns = true, // not a thing .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv), .init = init, .uninit = uninit, .get_space = get_space, .play = play, .drain = drain, }; // vim: sw=4 ts=4 et tw=80