#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import shutil import sys def sh(command): return os.popen(command).read() def dylib_lst(input_file): return sh("otool -L %s | grep -e '\t' | awk '{ print $1 }'" % input_file) sys_re = re.compile("/System") exe_re = re.compile("@executable_path") binary_name = sys.argv[1] def is_user_lib(libname, input_file): return not sys_re.match(libname) and \ not exe_re.match(libname) and \ not "libobjc" in libname and \ not "libSystem" in libname and \ not "libgcc" in libname and \ not os.path.basename(input_file) in libname and \ not libname == '' def user_dylib_lst(input_file): return [lib for lib in dylib_lst(input_file).split("\n") if is_user_lib(lib, input_file)] def bundle_name(): return "%s.app" % binary_name def target_plist(): return os.path.join(bundle_name(), 'Contents', 'Info.plist') def target_directory(): return os.path.join(bundle_name(), 'Contents', 'MacOS') def target_binary(): return os.path.join(target_directory(), binary_name) def copy_bundle(): if os.path.isdir(bundle_name()): shutil.rmtree(bundle_name()) shutil.copytree( os.path.join('TOOLS', 'osxbundle', bundle_name()), bundle_name()) def copy_binary(): shutil.copy(binary_name, target_binary()) def run_install_name_tool(target_file, dylib_path, dest_dir, root=True): new_dylib_path = os.path.join("@executable_path", "lib", os.path.basename(dylib_path)) sh("install_name_tool -change %s %s %s" % \ (dylib_path, new_dylib_path, target_file)) if root: sh("install_name_tool -id %s %s" % \ (new_dylib_path, os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(dylib_path)))) def cp_dylibs(target_file, dest_dir): for dylib_path in user_dylib_lst(target_file): dylib_dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(dylib_path)) try: shutil.copy(dylib_path, dylib_dest_path) except IOError: sys.exit("%s uses library %s which is not available anymore" % \ (target_file, dylib_path) ) os.chmod(dylib_dest_path, 0o755) cp_dylibs(dylib_dest_path, dest_dir) def fix_dylibs_paths(target_file, dest_dir, root=True): for dylib_path in user_dylib_lst(target_file): dylib_dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(dylib_path)) run_install_name_tool(target_file, dylib_path, dest_dir, root) fix_dylibs_paths(dylib_dest_path, dest_dir, False) def apply_plist_template(plist_file, version): sh("sed -i -e 's/{{VERSION}}/%s/g' %s" % (version, plist_file)) version = sh("TOOLS/osxbundle/version.sh").strip() print("Creating Mac OS X application bundle (version: %s)..." % version) copy_bundle() copy_binary() apply_plist_template(target_plist(), version) cp_dylibs(sys.argv[1], os.path.join(target_directory(), "lib")) fix_dylibs_paths(target_binary(), os.path.join(target_directory(), "lib"))