#!/usr/bin/python # Tool to compare MPlayer translation files against a base file. Reports # conflicting arguments, extra strings not present in the base file and # (optionally) missing strings. # Written by Uoti Urpala import sys import re def parse(filename): r = {} f = open(filename) it = iter(f) cur = '' for line in it: line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('#define'): while line and line[-1] == '\\': line = it.next().strip() continue _, name, value = line.split(None, 2) value = value.strip('"') while line[-1] == '\\': line = it.next().strip() value += line.rstrip('\\').strip('"') r[name] = value f.close() return r def compare(base, other, show_missing=False): r = re.compile('%[^diouxXeEfFgGaAcsPn%]*[diouxXeEfFgGaAcsPn%]') missing = [] for key in base: if key not in other: missing.append(key) continue if re.findall(r, base[key]) != re.findall(r, other[key]): print 'Mismatch: ', key print base[key] print other[key] print del other[key] if other: extra = other.keys() extra.sort() print 'Extra: ', ' '.join(extra) if show_missing and missing: missing.sort() print 'Missing: ', ' '.join(missing) if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'Usage:\n'+sys.argv[0]+' [--missing] base_helpfile otherfile1 '\ '[otherfile2 ...]' sys.exit(1) i = 1 show_missing = False if sys.argv[i] == ( '--missing' or '-missing' ): show_missing = True i = 2 base = parse(sys.argv[i]) for filename in sys.argv[i+1:]: print '*****', filename compare(base, parse(filename), show_missing) print '\n'