#!/usr/bin/env python """ Generate C definitions for parsing Matroska files. Can also be used to directly parse Matroska files and display their contents. """ # # This file is part of MPlayer. # # MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # for compatibility with Python 2.x from __future__ import print_function elements_ebml = ( 'EBML, 1a45dfa3, sub', ( 'EBMLVersion, 4286, uint', 'EBMLReadVersion, 42f7, uint', 'EBMLMaxIDLength, 42f2, uint', 'EBMLMaxSizeLength, 42f3, uint', 'DocType, 4282, str', 'DocTypeVersion, 4287, uint', 'DocTypeReadVersion, 4285, uint', ), 'CRC32, bf, binary', 'Void, ec, binary', ) elements_matroska = ( 'Segment, 18538067, sub', ( 'SeekHead*, 114d9b74, sub', ( 'Seek*, 4dbb, sub', ( 'SeekID, 53ab, ebml_id', 'SeekPosition, 53ac, uint', ), ), 'Info*, 1549a966, sub', ( 'SegmentUID, 73a4, binary', 'PrevUID, 3cb923, binary', 'NextUID, 3eb923, binary', 'TimecodeScale, 2ad7b1, uint', 'DateUTC, 4461, sint', 'Title, 7ba9, str', 'MuxingApp, 4d80, str', 'WritingApp, 5741, str', 'Duration, 4489, float', ), 'Cluster*, 1f43b675, sub', ( 'Timecode, e7, uint', 'BlockGroup*, a0, sub', ( 'Block, a1, binary', 'BlockDuration, 9b, uint', 'ReferenceBlock*, fb, sint', 'DiscardPadding, 75A2, sint', ), 'SimpleBlock*, a3, binary', ), 'Tracks*, 1654ae6b, sub', ( 'TrackEntry*, ae, sub', ( 'TrackNumber, d7, uint', 'TrackUID, 73c5, uint', 'TrackType, 83, uint', 'FlagEnabled, b9, uint', 'FlagDefault, 88, uint', 'FlagForced, 55aa, uint', 'FlagLacing, 9c, uint', 'MinCache, 6de7, uint', 'MaxCache, 6df8, uint', 'DefaultDuration, 23e383, uint', 'TrackTimecodeScale, 23314f, float', 'MaxBlockAdditionID, 55ee, uint', 'Name, 536e, str', 'Language, 22b59c, str', 'CodecID, 86, str', 'CodecPrivate, 63a2, binary', 'CodecName, 258688, str', 'CodecDecodeAll, aa, uint', 'CodecDelay, 56aa, uint', 'SeekPreRoll, 56bb, uint', 'Video, e0, sub', ( 'FlagInterlaced, 9a, uint', 'PixelWidth, b0, uint', 'PixelHeight, ba, uint', 'DisplayWidth, 54b0, uint', 'DisplayHeight, 54ba, uint', 'DisplayUnit, 54b2, uint', 'FrameRate, 2383e3, float', 'ColourSpace, 2eb524, binary', 'StereoMode, 53b8, uint', 'Colour, 55b0, sub', ( 'MatrixCoefficients, 55B1, uint', 'BitsPerChannel, 55B2, uint', 'ChromaSubsamplingHorz, 55B3, uint', 'ChromaSubsamplingVert, 55B4, uint', 'CbSubsamplingHorz, 55B5, uint', 'CbSubsamplingVert, 55B6, uint', 'ChromaSitingHorz, 55B7, uint', 'ChromaSitingVert, 55B8, uint', 'Range, 55B9, uint', 'TransferCharacteristics, 55BA, uint', 'Primaries, 55BB, uint', 'MaxCLL, 55BC, uint', 'MaxFALL, 55BD, uint', 'MasteringMetadata, 55D0, sub', ( 'PrimaryRChromaticityX, 55D1, float', 'PrimaryRChromaticityY, 55D2, float', 'PrimaryGChromaticityX, 55D3, float', 'PrimaryGChromaticityY, 55D4, float', 'PrimaryBChromaticityX, 55D5, float', 'PrimaryBChromaticityY, 55D6, float', 'WhitePointChromaticityX, 55D7, float', 'WhitePointChromaticityY, 55D8, float', 'LuminanceMax, 55D9, float', 'LuminanceMin, 55DA, float', ), ), ), 'Audio, e1, sub', ( 'SamplingFrequency, b5, float', 'OutputSamplingFrequency, 78b5, float', 'Channels, 9f, uint', 'BitDepth, 6264, uint', ), 'ContentEncodings, 6d80, sub', ( 'ContentEncoding*, 6240, sub', ( 'ContentEncodingOrder, 5031, uint', 'ContentEncodingScope, 5032, uint', 'ContentEncodingType, 5033, uint', 'ContentCompression, 5034, sub', ( 'ContentCompAlgo, 4254, uint', 'ContentCompSettings, 4255, binary', ), ), ), ), ), 'Cues, 1c53bb6b, sub', ( 'CuePoint*, bb, sub', ( 'CueTime, b3, uint', 'CueTrackPositions*, b7, sub', ( 'CueTrack, f7, uint', 'CueClusterPosition, f1, uint', 'CueRelativePosition, f0, uint', 'CueDuration, b2, uint', ), ), ), 'Attachments, 1941a469, sub', ( 'AttachedFile*, 61a7, sub', ( 'FileDescription, 467e, str', 'FileName, 466e, str', 'FileMimeType, 4660, str', 'FileData, 465c, binary', 'FileUID, 46ae, uint', ), ), 'Chapters, 1043a770, sub', ( 'EditionEntry*, 45b9, sub', ( 'EditionUID, 45bc, uint', 'EditionFlagHidden, 45bd, uint', 'EditionFlagDefault, 45db, uint', 'EditionFlagOrdered, 45dd, uint', 'ChapterAtom*, b6, sub', ( 'ChapterUID, 73c4, uint', 'ChapterTimeStart, 91, uint', 'ChapterTimeEnd, 92, uint', 'ChapterFlagHidden, 98, uint', 'ChapterFlagEnabled, 4598, uint', 'ChapterSegmentUID, 6e67, binary', 'ChapterSegmentEditionUID, 6ebc, uint', 'ChapterDisplay*, 80, sub', ( 'ChapString, 85, str', 'ChapLanguage*, 437c, str', 'ChapCountry*, 437e, str', ), ), ), ), 'Tags*, 1254c367, sub', ( 'Tag*, 7373, sub', ( 'Targets, 63c0, sub', ( 'TargetTypeValue, 68ca, uint', 'TargetTrackUID, 63c5, uint', 'TargetEditionUID, 63c9, uint', 'TargetChapterUID, 63c4, uint', 'TargetAttachmentUID, 63c6, uint', ), 'SimpleTag*, 67c8, sub', ( 'TagName, 45a3, str', 'TagLanguage, 447a, str', 'TagString, 4487, str' ), ), ), ), ) import sys from math import ldexp from binascii import hexlify def byte2num(s): return int(hexlify(s), 16) class EOF(Exception): pass def camelcase_to_words(name): parts = [] start = 0 for i in range(1, len(name)): if name[i].isupper() and (name[i-1].islower() or name[i+1:i+2].islower()): parts.append(name[start:i]) start = i parts.append(name[start:]) return '_'.join(parts).lower() class MatroskaElement(object): def __init__(self, name, elid, valtype, namespace): self.name = name self.definename = '{0}_ID_{1}'.format(namespace, name.upper()) self.fieldname = camelcase_to_words(name) self.structname = 'ebml_' + self.fieldname self.elid = elid self.valtype = valtype if valtype == 'sub': self.ebmltype = 'EBML_TYPE_SUBELEMENTS' self.valname = 'struct ' + self.structname else: self.ebmltype = 'EBML_TYPE_' + valtype.upper() try: self.valname = {'uint': 'uint64_t', 'str': 'char *', 'binary': 'bstr', 'ebml_id': 'uint32_t', 'float': 'double', 'sint': 'int64_t', }[valtype] except KeyError: raise SyntaxError('Unrecognized value type ' + valtype) self.subelements = () def add_subelements(self, subelements): self.subelements = subelements self.subids = set(x[0].elid for x in subelements) elementd = {} elementlist = [] def parse_elems(l, namespace): subelements = [] for el in l: if isinstance(el, str): name, hexid, eltype = [x.strip() for x in el.split(',')] multiple = name.endswith('*') name = name.strip('*') new = MatroskaElement(name, hexid, eltype, namespace) elementd[hexid] = new elementlist.append(new) subelements.append((new, multiple)) else: new.add_subelements(parse_elems(el, namespace)) return subelements parse_elems(elements_ebml, 'EBML') parse_elems(elements_matroska, 'MATROSKA') def generate_C_header(): print('// Generated by TOOLS/matroska.py, do not edit manually') print() for el in elementlist: print('#define {0.definename:40} 0x{0.elid}'.format(el)) print() for el in reversed(elementlist): if not el.subelements: continue print() print('struct {0.structname} {{'.format(el)) l = max(len(subel.valname) for subel, multiple in el.subelements)+1 for subel, multiple in el.subelements: print(' {e.valname:{l}} {star}{e.fieldname};'.format( e=subel, l=l, star=' *'[multiple])) print() for subel, multiple in el.subelements: print(' int n_{0.fieldname};'.format(subel)) print('};') for el in elementlist: if not el.subelements: continue print('extern const struct ebml_elem_desc {0.structname}_desc;'.format( el)) print() print('#define MAX_EBML_SUBELEMENTS', max(len(el.subelements) for el in elementlist)) def generate_C_definitions(): print('// Generated by TOOLS/matroska.py, do not edit manually') print() for el in reversed(elementlist): print() if el.subelements: print('#define N', el.fieldname) print('E_S("{0}", {1})'.format(el.name, len(el.subelements))) for subel, multiple in el.subelements: print('F({0.definename}, {0.fieldname}, {1})'.format( subel, int(multiple))) print('}};') print('#undef N') else: print('E("{0.name}", {0.fieldname}, {0.ebmltype})'.format(el)) def read(s, length): t = s.read(length) if len(t) != length: raise EOF return t def read_id(s): t = read(s, 1) i = 0 mask = 128 if ord(t) == 0: raise SyntaxError while not ord(t) & mask: i += 1 mask >>= 1 t += read(s, i) return t def read_vint(s): t = read(s, 1) i = 0 mask = 128 if ord(t) == 0: raise SyntaxError while not ord(t) & mask: i += 1 mask >>= 1 t = bytes((ord(t) & (mask - 1),)) t += read(s, i) return i+1, byte2num(t) def read_str(s, length): return read(s, length) def read_uint(s, length): t = read(s, length) return byte2num(t) def read_sint(s, length): i = read_uint(s, length) mask = 1 << (length * 8 - 1) if i & mask: i -= 2 * mask return i def read_float(s, length): t = read(s, length) i = byte2num(t) if length == 4: f = ldexp((i & 0x7fffff) + (1 << 23), (i >> 23 & 0xff) - 150) if i & (1 << 31): f = -f elif length == 8: f = ldexp((i & ((1 << 52) - 1)) + (1 << 52), (i >> 52 & 0x7ff) - 1075) if i & (1 << 63): f = -f else: raise SyntaxError return f def parse_one(s, depth, parent, maxlen): elid = hexlify(read_id(s)).decode('ascii') elem = elementd.get(elid) if parent is not None and elid not in parent.subids and elid not in ('ec', 'bf'): print('Unexpected:', elid) if 1: raise NotImplementedError size, length = read_vint(s) this_length = len(elid) / 2 + size + length if elem is not None: if elem.valtype != 'skip': print(depth, elid, elem.name, 'size:', length, 'value:', end=' ') if elem.valtype == 'sub': print('subelements:') while length > 0: length -= parse_one(s, depth + 1, elem, length) if length < 0: raise SyntaxError elif elem.valtype == 'str': print('string', repr(read_str(s, length).decode('utf8', 'replace'))) elif elem.valtype in ('binary', 'ebml_id'): t = read_str(s, length) dec = '' if elem.valtype == 'ebml_id': idelem = elementd.get(hexlify(t).decode('ascii')) if idelem is None: dec = '(UNKNOWN)' else: dec = '({0.name})'.format(idelem) if len(t) < 20: t = hexlify(t).decode('ascii') else: t = ''.format(len(t)) print('binary', t, dec) elif elem.valtype == 'uint': print('uint', read_uint(s, length)) elif elem.valtype == 'sint': print('sint', read_sint(s, length)) elif elem.valtype == 'float': print('float', read_float(s, length)) elif elem.valtype == 'skip': read(s, length) else: raise NotImplementedError else: print(depth, 'Unknown element:', elid, 'size:', length) read(s, length) return this_length def parse_toplevel(s): parse_one(s, 0, None, 1 << 63) if sys.argv[1] == '--generate-header': generate_C_header() elif sys.argv[1] == '--generate-definitions': generate_C_definitions() else: s = open(sys.argv[1], "rb") while 1: start = s.tell() try: parse_toplevel(s) except EOF: if s.tell() != start: raise Exception("Unexpected end of file") break