-- zones.lua: mpv script for handling commands depending on where the mouse pointer is at, -- mostly for mouse wheel handling, by configuring it via input.conf, e.g.: -- -- Ported from avih's ( https://github.com/avih ) zones.js -- -- Vertical positions can be top, middle, bottom or "*" to represent the whole column. -- Horizontal positions can be left, middle, bottom or "*" to represent the whole row. -- "default" will be the fallback command to be used if no command is assigned to that area. -- -- input.conf example of use: -- # wheel up/down with mouse -- MOUSE_BTN3 script_message_to zones commands "middle-right: add brightness 1" "*-left: add volume 5" "default: seek 10" -- MOUSE_BTN4 script_message_to zones commands "middle-right: add brightness -1" "*-left: add volume -5" "default: seek -10" local ZONE_THRESH_PERCENTAGE = 20; -- sides get 20% each, mid gets 60%, same vertically local msg = mp.msg function getMouseZone() -- returns the mouse zone as two strings [top/middle/bottom], [left/middle/right], e.g. "middle", "right" local screenW, screenH = mp.get_osd_resolution() local mouseX, mouseY = mp.get_mouse_pos() local threshY = screenH * ZONE_THRESH_PERCENTAGE / 100 local threshX = screenW * ZONE_THRESH_PERCENTAGE / 100 local yZone = (mouseY < threshY) and "top" or (mouseY < (screenH - threshY)) and "middle" or "bottom" local xZone = (mouseX < threshX) and "left" or (mouseX < (screenW - threshX)) and "middle" or "right" return yZone, xZone end function main (...) local arg={...} msg.debug('commands: \n\t'..table.concat(arg,'\n\t')) local keyY, keyX = getMouseZone() msg.debug("mouse at: " .. keyY .. '-' .. keyX) local fallback = nil for i, v in ipairs(arg) do cmdY = v:match("^([%w%*]+)%-?[%w%*]*:") cmdX = v:match("^[%w%*]*%-([%w%*]+)%s*:") cmd = v:match("^[%S]-%s*:%s*(.+)") msg.debug('cmdY: '..tostring(cmdY)) msg.debug('cmdX: '..tostring(cmdX)) msg.debug('cmd : '..tostring(cmd)) if (cmdY == keyY and cmdX == keyX) then msg.verbose("running cmd: "..cmd) mp.command(cmd) return elseif (cmdY == "*" and cmdX == keyX) or (cmdY == keyY and cmdX == "*") then msg.verbose("running cmd: "..cmd) mp.command(cmd) return elseif cmdY == "default" then fallback = cmd end end if fallback ~= nil then msg.verbose("running cmd: "..fallback) mp.command(fallback) return else msg.debug("no command assigned for "..keyY .. '-' .. keyX) return end end mp.register_script_message("commands", main)