-- This script adds control to the dynamic range compression ffmpeg -- filter including key bindings for adjusting parameters. -- -- See https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#acompressor for explanation -- of the parameteres. -- -- Default key bindings: -- n: Toggle dynamic range compression on or off -- F1/Shift+F1: Increase/Decrease threshold parameter -- F2/Shift+F2: Increase/Decrease ratio parameter -- F3/Shift+F3: Increase/Decrease knee parameter -- F4/Shift+F4: Increase/Decrease makeup gain parameter -- F5/Shift+F5: Increase/Decrease attack parameter -- F6/Shift+F6: Increase/Decrease release parameter -- -- To change key bindings in input.conf use: -- BINDING script-message-to acompressor toggle-acompressor -- BINDING script-message-to acompressor update-param PARAM INCREMENT -- BINDING is the key binding to use, PARAM is either 'attack', 'release', -- 'threshold', 'ratio', 'knee' or 'makeup' and INCREMENT is a signed floating -- point value to add to the current parameter value. -- -- You may also just adjust default parameters to your liking in this table. local params = { -- 'hide' defines wether the parameter should be hidden from OSD display (it will still be included in ffmpeg filter graph). -- 'input_format' is used to parse the value back from a obtained filter graph. -- 'output_format' defines how the value shall be formatted for creating the filter graph. { name = 'Attack', value= 20, min=0.01, max=2000, hide= 20, input_format='attack=(%d+[.%d+]*)', output_format='%g' }, { name = 'Release', value=250, min=0.01, max=9000, hide=250, input_format='release=(%d+[.%d+]*)', output_format='%g' }, { name = 'Threshold', value=-25, min= -30, max= 0, hide=nil, input_format='threshold=(-%d+[.%d+]*)dB', output_format='%gdB' }, { name = 'Ratio', value= 3, min= 1, max= 20, hide=nil, input_format='ratio=(%d+[.%d+]*)', output_format='%g' }, { name = 'Knee', value= 2, min= 1, max= 10, hide= 2, input_format='knee=(%d+[.%d+]*)dB', output_format='%gdB' }, { name = 'Makeup', value= 8, min= 0, max= 24, hide=nil, input_format='makeup=(%d+[.%d+]*)dB', output_format='%gdB' } } -- Defines the mpv filter label to be used. This allows us to easily add/replace/remove it, so -- it should be left so something meaningful and unique. local filter_label = 'acompressor' local function update_filter() local graph = {} local pretty = {} for _,param in pairs(params) do graph[#graph+1] = string.format('%s=' .. param.output_format, string.lower(param.name), param.value) if param.hide ~= param.value then pretty[#pretty+1] = string.format('%s: ' .. param.output_format, param.name, param.value) end end if #pretty == 0 then pretty = '' else pretty = '\n(' .. table.concat(pretty, ', ') .. ')' end mp.command(string.format('no-osd af add @%s:lavfi=[acompressor=%s]; show-text "Dynamic range compressor: enabled%s" 4000', filter_label, table.concat(graph, ':'), pretty)) end local function read_filter() local graph = nil local af = mp.get_property_native('af', {}) for i = 1, #af do if af[i]['name'] == 'lavfi' and af[i]['label'] == 'acompressor' then graph = af[i]['params']['graph'] break end end if graph == nil then return false end for _,param in pairs(params) do local value = tonumber(string.match(graph, param.input_format)) if value ~= nil and value >= param.min and value <= param.max then param.value = value end end return true end local function toggle_acompressor() if read_filter() then mp.command(string.format('no-osd af del @%s; show-text "Dynamic range compressor: disabled"', filter_label)) else update_filter() end end local function update_param(name, increment) -- The current filter values could come from a watch_later config. -- read_filter() will parse them, so that we don't clobber those with our default values. read_filter() for _,param in pairs(params) do if string.lower(param.name) == string.lower(name) then param.value = math.max(param.min, math.min(param.value + increment, param.max)) update_filter() return end end mp.msg.error('Unknown parameter "' .. name .. '"') end mp.add_key_binding("n", "toggle-acompressor", toggle_acompressor) mp.register_script_message('update-param', update_param) mp.add_key_binding("F1", 'acompressor-inc-threshold', function() update_param('threshold', -5); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("Shift+F1", 'acompressor-dec-threshold', function() update_param('Threshold', 5); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("F2", 'acompressor-inc-ratio', function() update_param('Ratio', 1); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("Shift+F2", 'acompressor-dec-ratio', function() update_param('Ratio', -1); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("F3", 'acompressor-inc-knee', function() update_param('Knee', 1); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("Shift+F3", 'acompressor-dec-knee', function() update_param('Knee', -1); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("F4", 'acompressor-inc-makeup', function() update_param('Makeup', 1); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("Shift+F4", 'acompressor-dec-makeup', function() update_param('Makeup', -1); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("F5", 'acompressor-inc-attack', function() update_param('Attack', 10); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("Shift+F5", 'acompressor-dec-attack', function() update_param('Attack', -10); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("F6", 'acompressor-inc-release', function() update_param('Release', 10); end, { repeatable = true }) mp.add_key_binding("Shift+F6", 'acompressor-dec-release', function() update_param('Release', -10); end, { repeatable = true })