SLAVE MODE PROTOCOL ------------------- If the -slave option is given, playback is controlled by a line-based protocol. Each line must contain one of the following commands: seek [] Seek to some place in the movie. 0 is a relative seek of +/- seconds (default). 1 is a seek to % in the movie. 2 is a seek to an absolute position of seconds. edl_mark ??? audio_delay Adjust the audio delay of value seconds. quit Quit MPlayer. pause Pause/unpause the playback. grab_frames ??? pt_step [] Go to next/previous entry in the playtree. pt_up_step [] Like pt_step but it jumps to next/previous in the parent list. alt_src_step When more than one source is available it selects the next/previous one (only supported by ASX playlist). sub_delay [] Adjust the subtitles delay of +/- seconds or set it to seconds when abs is nonzero. osd [] Toggle OSD mode or set it to level when level >= 0. osd_show_text volume Increase/decrease volume. use_master Switch volume control between master and PCM. mute Mute/unmute sound output. [contrast|gamma|brightness|hue|saturation] <-100 - 100> [] Set/Adjust video parameters. frame_drop [] Toggle/Set frame dropping mode. sub_pos Adjust subtitles position. sub_alignment Set subtitle alignment. sub_visibility Toggle subtitle visibility. get_sub_visibility Print out subtitle visibility (1 == on, 0 == off). sub_select Cycle through the subtitle set. Supported subtitle sources are -sub options on the command line, VOBSubs, DVD subtitles, and OGG text streams. vobsub_lang This is a stub linked to sub_select for backwards compatibility. get_percent_pos Print out the current position in the file, in integer percentage [0-100). get_time_length Print out the length of the current file in seconds. vo_fullscreen Switch to fullscreen mode. get_vo_fullscreen Print out fullscreen status (1 == fullscreened, 0 == windowed). vo_ontop Toggle stay-on-top. Supported by drivers which use X11, except SDL, as well as directx and gl2 under Windows. panscan [value2] ??? loadfile Load the given file/url. loadlist Load the given playlist file. change_rectangle Change the position of the rectangle filter rectangle. Must be one of the following: 0 = width 1 = height 2 = x position 3 = y position For values of 0 or 1 for : Integer amount to add/subtract from the width/height. Positive values add to width/height and negative values subtract from it. For values of 2 or 3 for : Relative integer amount by which to move the upper left corner of the rectangle. Positive values move the rectangle right/down and negative values move the rectangle left/up. dvdnav