.\" MPlayer (C) 2000-2001 Arpad Gereoffy .\" This manpage was written, and is maintained by Gabucino .\" .TH MEncoder .SH NAME mencoder \- Movie Encoder for Linux .SH SYNOPSIS .B mencoder .RB [ \-i\ input\ file(s) ] .RB [ \-o\ input\ file ] .RB [ \-video\ mode ] .RB [ \-audio\ mode ] .RB [ \-vbr\ bitrate ] .RB [ \-abr\ bitrate ] .RB [ \-ivc\ codec ] .RB [ \-iac\ codec ] .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .I mencoder Encoder. .LP .SH "GENERAL OPTIONS" .TP .I NOTE Every "flag" option has "noflag" pair, e.g. -fs opposite is -nofs .TP .B \-i\ files specify input file(s) for encoding. Examples: -i /dev/dvd -i video.avi stream1.mp3 stream2.wav .TP .B \-o\ file specify output file. Examples: -o /dev/cdrw ;)) -o - -o output.avi -o video.avi audio.mp3 .TP .B \-video\ encoding mode specify what to do with the video stream(s?): -video copy -video divx4 -video divx42 (2 pass) .TP .B \-audio\ encoding mode specify what to do with the audio stream(s?): -audio copy -audio mp3 -audio vbrmp3 .TP .B \-vbr\ bitrate specify video bitrate to encode at (in kbits). -vbr 910 .TP .B \-abr\ bitrate specify audio bitrate to encode at (in kbits). -abr 128 .TP .B \-ivc\ codec use this codec to decode input video stream(s?) (from codecs.conf) -ivc ffdivx .TP .B \-avc\ codec use this codec to decode input audio stream(s?) (from codecs.conf) -ivc mp3lib .IP .SH BUGS This manpage is under SEVERE construction !!! Probably. Check the documentation. Bugreports should be addressed to the MPlayer-users mailing list (mplayer-users@mplayerhq.hu) ! If you want to submit a bugreport (which we love to receive!), please double-check the bugreports.html, and tell us all that we need to know to identify your problem. .LP .SH AUTHORS Check documentation ! MPlayer is (C) 2000-2001 .I Arpad Gereoffy This manpage is written and maintained by .I Gabucino . .LP .SH STANDARD DISCLAIMER Use only at your own risk! There may be errors and inaccuracies that could be damaging to your system or your eye. Proceed with caution, and although this is highly unlikely, the author doesn't take any responsibility for that! .\" end of file