language: c _macbase: - &mac os: osx compiler: clang env: - HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 - HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP=1 before_cache: - brew cleanup -s cache: directories: - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew - /usr/local/Homebrew _mingwbase: - &mingw os: linux addons: apt: packages: - 'autoconf' - 'automake' - 'pkg-config' - 'gcc-mingw-w64' - 'gcc-multilib' - 'nasm' - 'yasm' before_install: | # upgrade MinGW CRT to the one from Ubuntu 20.04 (required for D3D11): wget ""mingw-w64-{common,i686-dev,x86-64-dev}_7.0.0-2_all.deb sudo apt-get install -y ./mingw-w64-*.deb cache: directories: - mingw_prefix/ matrix: include: - <<: *mac osx_image: xcode11.6 - <<: *mac osx_image: xcode10.1 - <<: *mac osx_image: xcode9.2 - os: freebsd compiler: clang - os: linux compiler: gcc env: CI_SCRIPT=ci/ - os: linux compiler: clang env: CI_SCRIPT=ci/ - <<: *mingw env: CI_SCRIPT=ci/ TARGET=i686-w64-mingw32 - <<: *mingw env: CI_SCRIPT=ci/ TARGET=x86_64-w64-mingw32 allow_failures: - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.2 fast_finish: true dist: focal services: - docker env: global: # Coverity token - secure: "H21mSRlMhk4BKS0xHZvCFGJxteCP0hRVUxTuNfM2Z9HBsyutuLEYMtViLO86VtM+Tqla3xXPzUdS4ozLwI72Ax/5ZUDXACROj73yW6QhFB5D6rLut12+FjqC7M33Qv2hl0xwgNBmR5dsm1ToP37+Wn+ecJQNvN8fkTXF+HVzOEw=" # Travis token for - secure: "nlTVLJK6kRhtXvhKCoJ3YdFGHuKaq/eHowfPw25hqRWuBOZd+HjHY5KIYjV7SxuKFDpJE4GpNcvA3Q31nsqomxpkLYgrwjg6TSazN7ZP+x85ZgV1QGFebrPfGm2n5UR5CAPAwFoeF3pZheLi4bajVzwq1fWW+x3grS188P9OZso=" branches: only: - master - ci - coverity_scan - /release\/.*$/ before_install: - if [ "$TRAVIS_COMPILER" = "clang" ]; then export CXX="clang++"; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_COMPILER" = "gcc" ]; then export CXX="g++"; fi - if [ -n "$CONTAINER" ]; then docker pull $CONTAINER; fi - | if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "freebsd" ]; then # Requested in ci/ sudo pkg install -y \ evdev-proto \ ffmpeg \ libplacebo \ libxkbcommon \ luajit \ openal-soft \ pkgconf \ python3 \ sdl2 \ vulkan-headers \ wayland-protocols \ $NULL # Optionally auto-enabled sudo pkg install -y \ alsa-lib \ jackit \ libXv \ libarchive \ libbluray \ libcaca \ libcdio-paranoia \ libdvdnav \ mujs \ pulseaudio \ rubberband \ sekrit-twc-zimg \ uchardet \ v4l_compat \ $NULL fi - | if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then remove=$(brew list) keep="gettext pcre2 git" install="autoconf automake pkg-config libtool python freetype fribidi little-cms2 luajit libass ffmpeg" for formula in ${keep[@]}; do remove=("${remove[@]/$formula}"); done for formula in ${install[@]}; do remove=("${remove[@]/$formula}"); done brew remove --force $remove --ignore-dependencies if [[ "$TRAVIS_OSX_IMAGE" == "xcode9.2" ]]; then brew untap caskroom/cask fi brew update if [[ "$TRAVIS_OSX_IMAGE" == "xcode9.2" ]]; then pushd "/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" git checkout --force 55e02323812604add9a69bab8730319b9255a697 fi brew install $install brew link --overwrite python if [[ "$TRAVIS_OSX_IMAGE" == "xcode9.2" ]]; then git checkout master popd fi fi script: - ./ - | if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then if [ -n "$CONTAINER" ]; then docker run --env CC --env TARGET -v $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:/build $CONTAINER /bin/sh -c "cd /build && $CI_SCRIPT" else $CI_SCRIPT fi fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then ./ci/; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "freebsd" ]; then ./ci/; fi after_failure: cat ./build/config.log after_script: TOOLS/travis-rebuild-website notifications: email: false irc: if: fork = false channels: - "" on_success: change on_failure: always addons: coverity_scan: project: name: "mpv-player/mpv" description: "Build submitted via Travis CI" notification_email: build_command_prepend: "./ && ./waf configure" build_command: "./waf build" branch_pattern: coverity_scan