path: root/stream
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* stream_lavf: minor fixes to HTTP reconnection supportwm42018-01-022-6/+14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Don't drop the stream buffers, because the read call (that must have been failing) might try to extend an existing read buffer in the first place. Just move the messy seek logic to stream_lavf.c. (In theory, stream_lavf should probably make libavformat connect at the correct offset instead of using a seek to reconnect it again. This patch doesn't fix it, but at least it's a good argument to have the messing with the position not in the generic code.) Also update the comment about avio not supporting reconnecting. It has that feature now. Maybe we should use it, but only after it gets fixed.
* stream_libarchive: fix seeking fallbackwm42017-12-241-14/+14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In commit 1199c1e3, we added checks to every libarchive API call to make sure the archive was closed on ARCHIVE_FATAL - otherwise, libarchive could endow us with free CVEs (such as it apparently happens when you continue reading a rar archive that uses features not yet supported by libarchive). This broke the fallback for seeking in unseekable archive formats. Of course libarchive won't tell us directly whether a format implementation has seek support or not - and OF COURSE it returns ARCHIVE_FATAL if it has no seek support. (The error string, which you can retrieve via API, is actually more detailed, and also claims it's an "internal error". I don't think so, libarchive.) Returning ARCHIVE_FATAL means we have to assume free CVEs are ahead, and we have to close the archive. Which breaks the fallback in a dumb way (we have no way of telling which of those cases happened anyway). Fix this by assuming that all seek errors are potentially due to lack of seek support. If the seek call fails, reopen the archive, and set a flag so the seek API is never tried again. (This means we can still skip ahead for forward seeks, which is more efficient than skipping from the start of the archive entry.) Also fix an old typo in an error message.
* cache: propagate underlying stream seek errors in some caseswm42017-12-241-1/+12
| | | | | This just put the cache into an endless loop. This can happen simply if any seek call of the underlying stream returns an error.
* cache: lower default size to 2*10MBwm42017-12-231-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | Reduce it from 75MB in both directions (forward/backwards) to 10MB each. The stream cache is kind of becoming useless in favor of the demuxer cache. Using both doesn't make much sense, because they will contain duplicated data for no reason. Still leave it at 10MB, which may help with mp4 a bit. libavformat's mp4 demuxer tends to seek too much, so we try to avoid triggering network level seeks by having some caching in the stream layer.
* dvb: Add multiple frontends support: MAX_FRONTENDS now 8.rim2017-12-164-88/+99
* msg: reinterpret a bunch of message levelsNiklas Haas2017-12-151-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I've decided that MP_TRACE means “noisy spam per frame”, whereas MP_DBG just means “more verbose debugging messages than MSGL_V”. Basically, MSGL_DBG shouldn't create spam per frame like it currently does, and MSGL_V should make sense to the end-user and provide mostly additional informational output. MP_DBG is basically what I want to make the new default for --log-file, so the cut-off point for MP_DBG is if we probably want to know if for debugging purposes but the user most likely doesn't care about on the terminal. Also, the debug callbacks for libass and ffmpeg got bumped in their verbosity levels slightly, because being external components they're a bit less relevant to mpv debugging, and a bit too over-eager in what they consider to be relevant information. I exclusively used the "try it on my machine and remove messages from MSGL_* until it does what I want it to" approach of refactoring, so YMMV.
* stream_libarchive: Fix locale includes on macOSsfan52017-12-031-0/+5
| | | | Fixes #5108
* stream_libarchive, osdep: use stubs for POSIX 2008 locale on MinGWwm42017-11-121-0/+1
* stream_libarchive: workaround various types of locale braindeathwm42017-11-122-4/+36
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Fix that libarchive fails to return filenames for UTF-8/UTF-16 entries. The reason is that it uses locales and all that garbage, and mpv does not set a locale. Both C locales and wchar_t are shitfucked retarded legacy braindeath. If the C/POSIX standard committee had actually competent members, these would have been deprecated or removed long ago. (I mean, they managed to remove gets().) To justify this emotional outbreak potentially insulting to unknown persons, I will write a lot of text. Those not comfortable with toxic language should pretend this is a religious text. C locales are supposed to be a way to support certain languages and cultures easier. One example are character codepages. Back when UTF-8 was not invented yet, there were only 255 possible characters, which is not enough for anything but English and some european languages. So they decided to make the meaning of a character dependent on the current codepage. The locale (LC_CTYPE specifically) determines what character encoding is currently used. Of course nowadays, this is legacy nonsense. Everything uses UTF-8 for "char", and what doesn't is broken and terrible anyway. But the old ways stayed with us, and the stupidity of it as well. C locales were utterly moronic even when they were invented. The locale (via setlocale()) is global state, and global state is not a reasonable way to do anything. It will break libraries, or well modularized code. (The latter would be forced to strictly guard all entrypoints set set/restore locales, assuming a single threaded world.) On top of that, setting a locale randomly changes the semantics of a bunch of standard functions. If a function respects locale, you suddenly can't rely on it to behave the same on all systems. Some behavior can come as a surprise, and of course it will be dependent on the region of the user (it doesn't help that most software is US-centric, and the US locale is almost like the C locale, i.e. almost what you expect). Idiotically, locales were not just used to define the current character encoding, but the concept was used for a whole lot of things, like e. g. whether numbers should use "," or "." as decimal separaror. The latter issue is actually much worse, because it breaks basic string conversion or parsing of numbers for the purpose of interacting with file formats and such. Much can be said about how retarded locales are, even beyond what I just wrote, or will wrote below. They are so hilariously misdesigned and insufficient, I can't even fathom how this shit was _standardized_. (In any case, that meant everyone was forced to implement it.) Many C functions can't even do it correctly. For example, the character set encoding can be a multibyte encoding (not just UTF-8, but awful garbage like Shift JIS (sometimes called SHIT JIZZ), yet functions like toupper() can return only 1 byte. Or just take the fact that the locale API tries to define standard paper sizes (LC_PAPER) or telephone number formatting (LC_TELEPHONE). Who the fuck uses this, or would ever use this? But the badness doesn't stop here. At some point, they invented threads. And they put absolutely no thought into how threads should interact with locales. So they kept locales as global state. Because obviously, you want to be able to change the semantics of basic string processing functions _while_ they're running, right? (Any thread can call setlocale() at any time, and it's supposed to change the locale of all other threads.) At this point, how the fuck are you supposed to do anything correctly? You can't even temporarily switch the locale with setlocale(), because it would asynchronously fuckup the other threads. All you can do is to enforce a convention not to set anything but the C local (this is what mpv does), or to duplicate standard functions using code that doesn't query locale (this is what e.g. libass does, a close dependency of mpv). Imagine they had done this for certain other things. Like errno, with all the brokenness of the locale API. This simply wouldn't have worked, shit would just have been too broken. So they didn't. But locales give a delicious sweet spot of brokenness, where things are broken enough to cause neverending pain, but not broken enough that enough effort would have spent to fix it completely. On that note, standard C11 actually can't stringify an error value. It does define strerror(), but it's not thread safe, even though C11 supports threads. The idiots could just have defined it to be thread safe. Even if your libc is horrible enough that it can't return string literals, it could just just some thread local buffer. Because C11 does define thread local variables. But hey, why care about details, if you can just create a shitty standard? (POSIX defines strerror_r(), which "solves" this problem, while still not making strerror() thread safe.) Anyway, back to threads. The interaction of locales and threads makes no sense. Why would you make locales process global? Who even wanted it to work this way? Who decided that it should keep working this way, despite being so broken (and certainly causing implementation difficulties in libc)? Was it just a fucked up psychopath? Several decades later, the moronic standard committees noticed that this was (still is) kind of a bad situation. Instead of fixing the situation, they added more garbage on top of it. (Probably for the sake of "compatibility"). Now there is a set of new functions, which allow you to override the locale for the current thread. This means you can temporarily override and restore the local on all entrypoints of your code (like you could with setlocale(), before threads were invented). And of course not all operating systems or libcs implement this. For example, I'm pretty sure Microsoft doesn't. (Microsoft got to fuck it up as usual, and only provides _configthreadlocale(). This is shitfucked on its own, because it's GLOBAL STATE to configure that GLOBAL STATE should not be GLOBAL STATE, i.e. completely broken garbage, because it requires agreement over all modules/libraries what behavior should be used. I mean, sure, makign setlocale() affect only the current thread would have been the reasonable behavior. Making this behavior configurable isn't, because you can't rely on what behavior is active.) POSIX showed some minor decency by at least introducing some variations of standard functions, which have a locale argument (e.g. toupper_l()). You just pass the locale which you want to be used, and don't have to do the set locale/call function/restore locale nonense. But OF COURSE they fucked this up too. In no less than 2 ways: - There is no statically available handle for the C locale, so you have to initialize and store it somewhere, which makes it harder to make utility functions safe, that call locale-affected standard functions and expect C semantics. The easy solution, using pthread_once() and a global variable with the created locale, will not be easily accepted by pedantic assholes, because they'll worry about allocation failure, or leaking the locale when using this in library code (and then unloading the library). Or you could have complicated library init/uninit functions, which bring a big load of their own mess. Same for automagic DLL constructors/destructors. - Not all functions have a variant that takes a locale argument, and they missed even some important ones, like snprintf() or strtod() WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK I would like to know why it took so long to standardize a half-assed solution, that, apart from being conceptually half-assed, is even incomplete and insufficient. The obvious way to fix this would have been: - deprecate the entire locale API and their use, and make it a NOP - make UTF-8 the standard character type - make the C locale behavior the default - add new APIs that explicitly take locale objects - provide an emulation layer, that can be used to transparently build legacy code without breaking them But this wouldn't have been "compatible", and the apparently incompetent standard committees would have never accepted this. As if anyone actually used this legacy garbage, except other legacy garbage. Oh yeah, and let's care a lot about legacy compatibility, and let's not care at all about modern code that either has to suffer from this, or subtly breaks when the wrong locales are active. Last but not least, the UTF-8 locale name is apparently not even standardized. At the moment I'm trying to use "C.UTF-8", which is apparently glibc _and_ Debian specific. Got to use every opportunity to make correct usage of UTF-8 harder. What luck that this commit is only for some optional relatively obscure mpv feature. Why is the C locale not UTF-8? Why did POSIX not standardize an UTF-8 locale? Well, according to something I heard a few years ago, they're considering disallowing UTF-8 as locale, because UTF-8 would violate certain ivnariants expected by C or POSIX. (But I'm not sure if I remember this correctly - probably better not to rage about it.) Now, on to libarchive. libarchive intentionally uses the locale API and all the broken crap around it to "convert" UTF-8 or UTF-16 (as contained in reasonably sane archive formats) to "char*". This is a good start! Since glibc does not think that the C locale uses UTF-8, this fails for mpv. So trying to use archive_entry_pathname() to get the archive entry name fails if the name contains non-ASCII characters. Maybe use archive_entry_pathname_utf8()? Surely that should return UTF-8, since its name seems to indicate that it returns UTF-8. But of fucking course it doesn't! libarchive's horribly convoluted code (that is full of locale API usage and other legacy shit, as well as ifdefs and OS specific code, including Windows and fucking Cygwin) somehow fucks up and fails if the locale is not set to UTF-8. I made a PR fixing this in libarchive almost 2 years ago, but it was ignored. So, would archive_entry_pathname_w() as fallback work? No, why would it? Of course this _also_ involves shitfucked code that calls shitfucked standard functions (or OS specific ifdeffed shitfuck). The truth is that at least glibc changes the meaning of wchar_t depending on the locale. Unlike most people think, wchar_t is not standardized to be an UTF variant (or even unicode) - it's an encoding that uses basic units that can be larger than 8 bit. It's an implementation defined thing. Windows defines it to 2 bytes and UTF-16, and glibc defines it to 4 bytes and UTF-32, but only if an UTF-8 locale is set (apparently). Yes. Every libarchive function dealing with strings has 3 variants: plain, _utf8, and _w. And none of these work if the locale is not set. I cannot fathom why they even have a wchar_t variant, because it's redundant and fucking useless for any modern code. Writing a UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversion routine is maybe 3 pages of code, or a few lines if you use iconv. But libarchive uses all this glorious bullshit, and ends up with 3 not working API functions, and with over 4000 lines of its own string abstraction code with gratuitous amounts of ifdefs and OS dependent code that breaks in a fairly common use case. So what we do is: - Use the idiotic POSIX 2008 API (uselocale() etc.) (Too bad for users who try to build this on a system that doesn't have these - hopefully none are left in 2017. But if there are, torturing them with obscure build errors is probably justified. Might be bad for Windows though, which is a very popular platform except on phones.) - Use the "C.UTF-8" locale, which is probably not 100% standards compliant, but works on my system, so it's fine. - Guard every libarchive call with uselocale() + restoring the locale. - Be lazy and skip some libarchive calls. Look forward to the unlikely and astonishingly stupid bugs this could produce. We could also just set a C UTF-8 local in main (since that would have no known negative effects on the rest of the code), but this won't work for libmpv. We assume that uselocale() never fails. In an unexplainable stroke of luck, POSIX made the semantics of uselocale() nice enough that user code can fail failures without introducing crash or security bugs, even if there should be an implementation fucked up enough where it's actually possible that uselocale() fails even with valid input. With all this shitty ugliness added, it finally works, without fucking up other parts of the player. This is still less bad than that time when libquivi fucked up OpenGL rendering, because calling a libquvi function would load some proxy abstraction library, which in turn loaded a KDE plugin (even if KDE was not used), which in turn called setlocale() because Qt does this, and consequently made the mpv GLSL shader generation code emit "," instead of "." for numbers, and of course only for users who had that KDE plugin installed, and lived in a part of the world where "." is not used as decimal separator. All in all, I believe this proves that software developers as a whole and as a culture produce worse results than drug addicted butt fucked monkeys randomly hacking on typewriters while inhaling the fumes of a radioactive dumpster fire fueled by chinese platsic toys for children and Elton John/Justin Bieber crossover CDs for all eternity.
* stream_libarchive: stop reading on ARCHIVE_FATALwm42017-11-021-4/+41
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | According to we're not allowed to "continue reading" (post above) or performing "more operations" (comments in archive.h header), whatever that means. Assume closing and freeing the archive is still ok. Since the codec already includes logic for closing and reopening the archive for seeking in unseekable archives, this probably isn't too bad. Untested due to lack of crashing sample (I lost my original test case, and as recently user-provided one didn't crash).
* cache: throttle wakeupswm42017-10-201-2/+14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | In the extreme case, reading 1 byte would wake up the cache to make the cache thread read 1 byte. This would be extremely inefficient. This will not normally happen in our cache implementation, but it's still present to some lesser degree. Normally you'd set a predefined "cache too low" boundary, after which you would restart reading. For some reason something like this is already present using a hardcoded value (FILL_LIMIT - I don't even know the deeper reason why this exists). So use that to reduce wakeups. This doesn't fix redundant wakeups on EOFs, which is especially visible should something keep retrying reading on EOF (like in an endless loop).
* Add checks for HAVE_GPL to various GPL-only source fileswm42017-10-109-0/+41
| | | | | | | | This should actually cover all of them, if you take into account that some unchanged GPL source files include header files with such checks. Also this was done already for the libaf derived code. This is only for "safety" and to avoid misunderstandings.
* dvb: SYS_DVBC_ANNEX_B is now supported if ATSC is activated.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-091-0/+2
| | | | Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* dvb: Skip channel if ATSC device does not support cable / terr.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-091-1/+3
| | | | | | | This matches what is done for the other multi-delivery-system cards. Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* dvb: Implement parsing of modulation for VDR-style channels config.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-091-0/+50
| | | | | | This is required for ATSC cable / terrestrial support. Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* dvb: Fixes for ATSC tuning.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-092-2/+19
| | | | | | | | | ATSC is a mix of terrestrial and cable, and depending on modulation is actually using DVBC_ANNEX_B. Thus, we need to override the delivery system depending on the modulation, channel by channel. Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* stream_dvb: Multiply frequency and sample rate by 1000 for VDR.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-091-4/+3
| | | | | | | These values are kept with a different unit in VDR style config for all delivery systems, not only for DVB-S / DVB-S2. Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* dvb_tune: Pull out DVBv5 raw tuning part, add verbosity.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-091-23/+24
| | | | | | | | Dump the complete raw tuning commands to allow for debugging on low level. Also, remove code duplication and some variable shadowing. Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* dvb: Explicitly clear via DVBv5 before reverting to DVBv3.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-091-2/+12
| | | | Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* dvb: Use more elaborate tuning for DVBv5 tuning.Oliver Freyermuth2017-10-091-23/+111
| | | | | | | | | Also, in case tuning fails with timeout even though the ioctl was accepted by the device, fall back to DVBv3 tuning. This may go wrong for multi-delivery-system cards, so issue an error message in that case. Signed-off-by: Oliver Freyermuth <>
* build: switch preliminary LGPL mode from v3 to v2.1wm42017-10-051-8/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | iive agreed to relicense things that are still in mpv to LGPLv2.1. So change the licenses of the affected files, and rename the configure switch for LGPL mode to --enable-preliminary-lgpl2. (The "preliminary" part will probably be removed from the configure switch soon as well.) Also player/main.c hasn't had GPL parts since a few commits ago.
* stream_lavf: use avio_read_partial()wm42017-09-011-0/+4
| | | | Possibly improves latency and such things.
* stream: add an assert() to an obscure seek casewm42017-08-171-0/+1
| | | | | | | | This affects small seeks backwards while within the buffer. Demuxers usually avoid this, so it's probably not triggered very often. (Although demux_mkv.c potentially triggers it often, and it uses stream_peek() to explicitly guarantee that it can use this code to seek back.) The condition is complex enough to warrant an assertion.
* vo_opengl: support loading custom user texturesNiklas Haas2017-07-271-27/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | Parsing the texture data as raw strings makes the textures the most portable and self-contained. In order to facilitate different types of shaders, the parse_user_shader interaction has been changed to instead have it loop through blocks and call the passed functions for each valid block parsed. This is more modular and also cleaner, with better code separation. Closes #4586.
* Avoid calling close(-1)wm42017-06-291-2/+4
| | | | | | | | | | While this is perfectly OK on Unix, it causes annoying valgrind warnings, and might be otherwise confusing to others. On Windows, the runtime can actually abort the process if this is called. push.c part taken from a patch by Pedro Pombeiro.
* stream_bluray: change license to LGPLwm42017-06-261-7/+7
| | | | | | | | While I'm not particularly attached to this, the history is pretty simple, and all relevant authors have agreed. 2f004875: removed in 2c693a47, patch author was not asked. 1ef239a4: removed, author was not asked.
* demux_mf, stream_mf: change license to LGPLwm42017-06-241-7/+7
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cehoyos, who did not agree to the relicensing, added bcb5c78ce3. If there was copyright, we consider it gone, because the table changed. It does not map file extension to a FourCC anymore, and codecs.conf is gone. The new mapping is a libavcodec codec name (happens to be the same as the file extension). The same applies to commits 60ecafec, b749836b, 5b3e3be1. None of these authors were contacted. These were before the code was replaced with a table (in d0326807). The parts outside of demux_mf.c were removed a long time ago. Like in the previous comment, we don't think any copyright applies at least to the new code (at least after the FourCC removal). iive authored 0aa37a0d, which is probably still left in some form, and makes demux_mf.c "LGPL 3 or later". stream_avdevice.c (unrelated) has been marked as LGPL before.
* stream: move cache option declarations to cache.cwm42017-06-231-0/+27
| | | | | | | | If they are copyrightable, iive's changes (commits listed in cache.c) would make them LGPL 3+. To avoid that options.c becoming LGPL 3, move the option declarations to cache.c. struct mp_cache_opts is still in options.h, but we consider that irrelevant, and options.h will become LGPL 2.1+ later.
* build: simplify OSS checks and remove changes by "bugmen0t"wm42017-06-221-8/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The user bugmen0t was apparently a shared github account with publicly available login. Thus, we can't get LGPL relicensing permission from the people who used this account. To relicense successfully, we have to remove all their changes. This commit should remove 20d1fc13, f26fb009, defbe48d. It also should remove whatever test fragments were copied from the ancient configure, as well as some configure logic (potentially that device path stuff). I think this change still preserves the most important use-cases of OSS: BSDs, and the Linux OSS emulation (the latter for testing only). According to an OSS user, the 4front checks were probably broken anyway. The SunAudio stuff was probably for (Open)Solaris, which is dead. ao_oss.c itself will remain GPL, and still contains bugmen0t changes.
* stream: change license to LGPLwm42017-06-192-28/+26
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | All relevant authors have agreed. There are two exceptions, patches by authors who could not be reached. This commit tries to remove their copyright. a0f08fbe: messes with the seeking code corner cases. The EOF flag logic was changed at some point, and always had a flaky history (see e.g. 347cf972 50274ca3 70411f27 5999efb9 0d5e6084 ff08d0c3 2e2f77e3 de5566f0 9554a844, all which happened after that patch, MPlayer ones without that patch). I claim that all of the copyright the patch might have added is gone. Except the message in stream_seek(), which this commit removes. The other code removed/changed in stream_seek() is probably not from that patch, but it doesn't hurt to be sure, and also makes it more readable. (It might change the behavior so that sometimes the eof flag is set after a seek, but it doesn't matter here.) 2aa6acd9: it looks like the seek_forward() modified by this patch was later moved to stream.c and renamed to stream_skip_read() in a790f2133. (Looking closer at it, it was actually modified again a bunch of times, fixing the logic.) I rewrote it in this commit. The code ended up rather similar, which probably could lead to doubts whether this was done properly, but I guess the reader of this will just have to believe me. I knew what stream_skip_read() was supposed to do (which was reinforced when I tried to replace it on the caller side), without reading the pre-existing code in detail. I had to "relearn" the logic how buf_pos and bug_len work - it was actually easy to see from stream_read_char() how to skip the data, essentially by generalizing its logic from 1 byte to N bytes. From the old code I only "used" the fact that it's obviously a while(len>0) look, that has to call stream_fill_buffer repeatedly to make progress. At first I actually didn't use stream_fill_buffer_by(), but the variant without _by, but readded it when I checked why the old code used it (see cd7ec016e7). This has to be good enough. In the end, it's hard to argue that this could be implemented in a way not using such a loop. Other than this, I could add the usual remarks about how this code was not modularized in the past, and how stream.c contained DVD code, and how this was later modularized, moving the copyright to other files, and so on. Also, if someone wrote a stream module, and was not asked about LGPL relicensing, we don't consider the entry in stream_list[] copyrightable.
* Drop/move img_fourcc.hwm42017-06-185-4/+38
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This file is an leftover from when img_format.h was changed from using the ancient FourCCs (based on Microsoft multimedia conventions) for pixel formats to a simple enum. The remaining cases still inherently used FourCCs for whatever reasons. Instead of worrying about residual copyrights in this file, just move it into code we don't want to relicense (the ancient Linux TV code). We have to fix some other code depend