path: root/libmpdemux/demux_aac.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Split the aac header parsing out of aac demuxer to allow using libmpmuxalbeu2008-04-091-19/+1
* Fix lots and lots of other demuxers broken by r26301reimar2008-04-051-0/+1
* Use defines to give names to the different seek flags.reimar2008-01-291-1/+1
* Make all demuxer_desc_t const, thus moving them to .rodatareimar2008-01-131-1/+1
* Add explicit location for headers from the stream/ directory.diego2007-03-151-1/+1
* Remove superfluous bswap.h include.diego2006-12-021-1/+0
* Clean up audio pts handling, make audio pts tracking in the audio-onlyuau2006-06-141-1/+0
* fix minor (i.e. unlikely to ever happen) leak when init failsreimar2006-03-091-0/+3
* Second-try commit of this patch.corey2006-02-171-1/+1
* move resync_audio_stream after seeking to demuxer.creimar2005-10-301-3/+0
* Use PRI?64 defines as format strings for 64 bit variables.reimar2005-10-131-1/+1
* Demuxer modularizationrtognimp2005-08-051-8/+24
* demux close gets called automaticallyfaust32005-06-261-1/+0
* remove useless includehenry2005-06-161-1/+0
* added AAC ADTS demuxernicodvb2005-06-131-0/+255