path: root/sub/ass_mp.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sub/ass_mp.c')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/sub/ass_mp.c b/sub/ass_mp.c
index 2f9b39740f..84a706b681 100644
--- a/sub/ass_mp.c
+++ b/sub/ass_mp.c
@@ -32,9 +32,12 @@
#include "common/msg.h"
#include "options/path.h"
#include "ass_mp.h"
+#include "img_convert.h"
#include "osd.h"
#include "stream/stream.h"
#include "options/options.h"
+#include "video/out/bitmap_packer.h"
+#include "video/mp_image.h"
// res_y should be track->PlayResY
// It determines scaling of font sizes and more.
@@ -97,37 +100,6 @@ void mp_ass_configure_fonts(ASS_Renderer *priv, struct osd_style_opts *opts,
-void mp_ass_render_frame(ASS_Renderer *renderer, ASS_Track *track, double time,
- struct sub_bitmaps *res)
- int changed;
- ASS_Image *imgs = ass_render_frame(renderer, track, time, &changed);
- if (changed)
- res->change_id++;
- assert(res->format == 0 || res->format == SUBBITMAP_LIBASS);
- res->format = SUBBITMAP_LIBASS;
- int num_parts_alloc = MP_TALLOC_AVAIL(res->parts);
- for (struct ass_image *img = imgs; img; img = img->next) {
- if (img->w == 0 || img->h == 0)
- continue;
- if (res->num_parts >= num_parts_alloc) {
- num_parts_alloc = MPMAX(num_parts_alloc * 2, 32);
- res->parts = talloc_realloc(NULL, res->parts, struct sub_bitmap,
- num_parts_alloc);
- }
- struct sub_bitmap *p = &res->parts[res->num_parts];
- p->bitmap = img->bitmap;
- p->stride = img->stride;
- p->libass.color = img->color;
- p->dw = p->w = img->w;
- p->dh = p->h = img->h;
- p->x = img->dst_x;
- p->y = img->dst_y;
- res->num_parts++;
- }
static const int map_ass_level[] = {
MSGL_ERR, // 0 "FATAL errors"
@@ -177,3 +149,228 @@ void mp_ass_flush_old_events(ASS_Track *track, long long ts)
track->events[i] = track->events[i+n];
+static void draw_ass_rgba(unsigned char *src, int src_w, int src_h,
+ int src_stride, unsigned char *dst, size_t dst_stride,
+ int dst_x, int dst_y, uint32_t color)
+ const unsigned int r = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
+ const unsigned int g = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
+ const unsigned int b = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
+ const unsigned int a = 0xff - (color & 0xff);
+ dst += dst_y * dst_stride + dst_x * 4;
+ for (int y = 0; y < src_h; y++, dst += dst_stride, src += src_stride) {
+ uint32_t *dstrow = (uint32_t *) dst;
+ for (int x = 0; x < src_w; x++) {
+ const unsigned int v = src[x];
+ int rr = (r * a * v);
+ int gg = (g * a * v);
+ int bb = (b * a * v);
+ int aa = a * v;
+ uint32_t dstpix = dstrow[x];
+ unsigned int dstb = dstpix & 0xFF;
+ unsigned int dstg = (dstpix >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ unsigned int dstr = (dstpix >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ unsigned int dsta = (dstpix >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ dstb = (bb + dstb * (255 * 255 - aa)) / (255 * 255);
+ dstg = (gg + dstg * (255 * 255 - aa)) / (255 * 255);
+ dstr = (rr + dstr * (255 * 255 - aa)) / (255 * 255);
+ dsta = (aa * 255 + dsta * (255 * 255 - aa)) / (255 * 255);
+ dstrow[x] = dstb | (dstg << 8) | (dstr << 16) | (dsta << 24);
+ }
+ }
+struct mp_ass_packer {
+ struct sub_bitmap *cached_parts; // only for the array memory
+ struct mp_image *cached_img;
+ struct sub_bitmaps cached_subs;
+ bool cached_subs_valid;
+ struct sub_bitmap rgba_imgs[MP_SUB_BB_LIST_MAX];
+ struct bitmap_packer *packer;
+// Free with talloc_free().
+struct mp_ass_packer *mp_ass_packer_alloc(void *ta_parent)
+ struct mp_ass_packer *p = talloc_zero(ta_parent, struct mp_ass_packer);
+ p->packer = talloc_zero(p, struct bitmap_packer);
+ return p;
+static bool pack(struct mp_ass_packer *p, struct sub_bitmaps *res, int imgfmt)
+ packer_set_size(p->packer, res->num_parts);
+ for (int n = 0; n < res->num_parts; n++)
+ p->packer->in[n] = (struct pos){res->parts[n].w, res->parts[n].h};
+ if (p->packer->count == 0 || packer_pack(p->packer) < 0)
+ return false;
+ struct pos bb[2];
+ packer_get_bb(p->packer, bb);
+ res->packed_w = bb[1].x;
+ res->packed_h = bb[1].y;
+ if (!p->cached_img || p->cached_img->w < res->packed_w ||
+ p->cached_img->h < res->packed_h)
+ {
+ talloc_free(p->cached_img);
+ p->cached_img = mp_image_alloc(imgfmt, p->packer->w, p->packer->h);
+ if (!p->cached_img)
+ return false;
+ talloc_steal(p, p->cached_img);
+ }
+ res->packed = p->cached_img;
+ for (int n = 0; n < res->num_parts; n++) {
+ struct sub_bitmap *b = &res->parts[n];
+ struct pos pos = p->packer->result[n];
+ b->src_x = pos.x;
+ b->src_y = pos.y;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool pack_libass(struct mp_ass_packer *p, struct sub_bitmaps *res)
+ if (!pack(p, res, IMGFMT_Y8))
+ return false;
+ for (int n = 0; n < res->num_parts; n++) {
+ struct sub_bitmap *b = &res->parts[n];
+ int stride = res->packed->stride[0];
+ void *pdata =
+ (uint8_t *)res->packed->planes[0] + b->src_y * stride + b->src_x;
+ memcpy_pic(pdata, b->bitmap, b->w, b->h, stride, b->stride);
+ b->bitmap = pdata;
+ b->stride = stride;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool pack_rgba(struct mp_ass_packer *p, struct sub_bitmaps *res)
+ struct mp_rect bb_list[MP_SUB_BB_LIST_MAX];
+ int num_bb = mp_get_sub_bb_list(res, bb_list, MP_SUB_BB_LIST_MAX);
+ struct sub_bitmaps imgs = {
+ .change_id = res->change_id,
+ .format = SUBBITMAP_RGBA,
+ .parts = p->rgba_imgs,
+ .num_parts = num_bb,
+ };
+ for (int n = 0; n < imgs.num_parts; n++) {
+[n].w = bb_list[n].x1 - bb_list[n].x0;
+[n].h = bb_list[n].y1 - bb_list[n].y0;
+ }
+ if (!pack(p, &imgs, IMGFMT_BGRA))
+ return false;
+ for (int n = 0; n < num_bb; n++) {
+ struct mp_rect bb = bb_list[n];
+ struct sub_bitmap *b = &[n];
+ b->x = bb.x0;
+ b->y = bb.y0;
+ b->w = b->dw = bb.x1 - bb.x0;
+ b->h = b->dh = bb.y1 - bb.y0;
+ b->stride = imgs.packed->stride[0];
+ b->bitmap = (uint8_t *)imgs.packed->planes[0] +
+ b->stride * b->src_y + b->src_x * 4;
+ memset_pic(b->bitmap, 0, b->w * 4, b->h, b->stride);
+ for (int i = 0; i < res->num_parts; i++) {
+ struct sub_bitmap *s = &res->parts[i];
+ // Assume mp_get_sub_bb_list() never splits sub bitmaps
+ // So we don't clip/adjust the size of the sub bitmap
+ if (s->x > bb.x1 || s->x + s->w < bb.x0 ||
+ s->y > bb.y1 || s->y + s->h < bb.y0)
+ continue;
+ draw_ass_rgba(s->bitmap, s->w, s->h, s->stride,
+ b->bitmap, b->stride,
+ s->x - bb.x0, s->y - bb.y0,
+ s->libass.color);
+ }
+ }
+ *res = imgs;
+ return true;
+// Pack the contents of image_lists[0] to image_lists[num_image_lists-1] into
+// a single image, and make *out point to it. *out is completely overwritten.
+// If libass reported any change, image_lists_changed must be set (it then
+// repacks all images). preferred_osd_format can be set to a desired
+// sub_bitmap_format. Currently, only SUBBITMAP_LIBASS is supported.
+void mp_ass_packer_pack(struct mp_ass_packer *p, ASS_Image **image_lists,
+ int num_image_lists, bool image_lists_changed,
+ int preferred_osd_format, struct sub_bitmaps *out)
+ int format = preferred_osd_format == SUBBITMAP_RGBA ? SUBBITMAP_RGBA
+ if (p->cached_subs_valid && !image_lists_changed &&
+ p->cached_subs.format == format)
+ {
+ *out = p->cached_subs;
+ return;
+ }
+ *out = (struct sub_bitmaps){.change_id = 1};
+ p->cached_subs_valid = false;
+ struct sub_bitmaps res = {
+ .change_id = image_lists_changed,
+ .parts = p->cached_parts,
+ };
+ for (int n = 0; n < num_image_lists; n++) {
+ for (struct ass_image *img = image_lists[n]; img; img = img->next) {
+ if (img->w == 0 || img->h == 0)
+ continue;
+ MP_TARRAY_GROW(p, p->cached_parts, res.num_parts);
+ = p->cached_parts;
+ struct sub_bitmap *b = &[res.num_parts];
+ b->bitmap = img->bitmap;
+ b->stride = img->stride;
+ b->libass.color = img->color;
+ b->dw = b->w = img->w;
+ b->dh = b->h = img->h;
+ b->x = img->dst_x;
+ b->y = img->dst_y;
+ res.num_parts++;
+ }
+ }
+ bool r = false;
+ if (format == SUBBITMAP_RGBA) {
+ r = pack_rgba(p, &res);
+ } else {
+ r = pack_libass(p, &res);
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ return;
+ *out = res;
+ p->cached_subs = res;
+ p->cached_subs.change_id = 0;
+ p->cached_subs_valid = true;