path: root/stream/cache2.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stream/cache2.c')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stream/cache2.c b/stream/cache2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ad33d8664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stream/cache2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#include "config.h"
+// Initial draft of my new cache system...
+// Note it runs in 2 processes (using fork()), but doesn't requires locking!!
+// TODO: seeking, data consistency checking
+#define READ_USLEEP_TIME 10000
+#define FILL_USLEEP_TIME 50000
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "osdep/timer.h"
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include "osdep/shmem.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(void* s);
+#include "mp_msg.h"
+#include "help_mp.h"
+#include "stream.h"
+int stream_fill_buffer(stream_t *s);
+int stream_seek_long(stream_t *s,off_t pos);
+extern int mp_input_check_interrupt(int time);
+typedef struct {
+ // constats:
+ unsigned char *buffer; // base pointer of the alllocated buffer memory
+ int buffer_size; // size of the alllocated buffer memory
+ int sector_size; // size of a single sector (2048/2324)
+ int back_size; // we should keep back_size amount of old bytes for backward seek
+ int fill_limit; // we should fill buffer only if space>=fill_limit
+ int seek_limit; // keep filling cache if distanse is less that seek limit
+ // filler's pointers:
+ int eof;
+ off_t min_filepos; // buffer contain only a part of the file, from min-max pos
+ off_t max_filepos;
+ off_t offset; // filepos <-> bufferpos offset value (filepos of the buffer's first byte)
+ // reader's pointers:
+ off_t read_filepos;
+ // commands/locking:
+// int seek_lock; // 1 if we will seek/reset buffer, 2 if we are ready for cmd
+// int fifo_flag; // 1 if we should use FIFO to notice cache about buffer reads.
+ // callback
+ stream_t* stream;
+} cache_vars_t;
+static int min_fill=0;
+int cache_fill_status=0;
+void cache_stats(cache_vars_t* s){
+ int newb=s->max_filepos-s->read_filepos; // new bytes in the buffer
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_INFO,"0x%06X [0x%06X] 0x%06X ",(int)s->min_filepos,(int)s->read_filepos,(int)s->max_filepos);
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_INFO,"%3d %% (%3d%%)\n",100*newb/s->buffer_size,100*min_fill/s->buffer_size);
+int cache_read(cache_vars_t* s,unsigned char* buf,int size){
+ int total=0;
+ while(size>0){
+ int pos,newb,len;
+ //printf("CACHE2_READ: 0x%X <= 0x%X <= 0x%X \n",s->min_filepos,s->read_filepos,s->max_filepos);
+ if(s->read_filepos>=s->max_filepos || s->read_filepos<s->min_filepos){
+ // eof?
+ if(s->eof) break;
+ // waiting for buffer fill...
+ usec_sleep(READ_USLEEP_TIME); // 10ms
+ continue; // try again...
+ }
+ newb=s->max_filepos-s->read_filepos; // new bytes in the buffer
+ if(newb<min_fill) min_fill=newb; // statistics...
+// printf("*** newb: %d bytes ***\n",newb);
+ pos=s->read_filepos - s->offset;
+ if(pos<0) pos+=s->buffer_size; else
+ if(pos>=s->buffer_size) pos-=s->buffer_size;
+ if(newb>s->buffer_size-pos) newb=s->buffer_size-pos; // handle wrap...
+ if(newb>size) newb=size;
+ // check:
+ if(s->read_filepos<s->min_filepos) mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_ERR,"Ehh. s->read_filepos<s->min_filepos !!! Report bug...\n");
+ // len=write(mem,newb)
+ //printf("Buffer read: %d bytes\n",newb);
+ memcpy(buf,&s->buffer[pos],newb);
+ buf+=newb;
+ len=newb;
+ // ...
+ s->read_filepos+=len;
+ size-=len;
+ total+=len;
+ }
+ cache_fill_status=(s->max_filepos-s->read_filepos)/(s->buffer_size / 100);
+ return total;
+int cache_fill(cache_vars_t* s){
+ int back,back2,newb,space,len,pos;
+ off_t read=s->read_filepos;
+ if(read<s->min_filepos || read>s->max_filepos){
+ // seek...
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_DBG2,"Out of boundaries... seeking to 0x%"PRIX64" \n",(int64_t)read);
+ // streaming: drop cache contents only if seeking backward or too much fwd:
+ if(s->stream->type!=STREAMTYPE_STREAM ||
+ read<s->min_filepos || read>=s->max_filepos+s->seek_limit)
+ {
+ s->offset= // FIXME!?
+ s->min_filepos=s->max_filepos=read; // drop cache content :(
+ if(s->stream->eof) stream_reset(s->stream);
+ stream_seek(s->stream,read);
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_DBG2,"Seek done. new pos: 0x%"PRIX64" \n",(int64_t)stream_tell(s->stream));
+ }
+ }
+ // calc number of back-bytes:
+ back=read - s->min_filepos;
+ if(back<0) back=0; // strange...
+ if(back>s->back_size) back=s->back_size;
+ // calc number of new bytes:
+ newb=s->max_filepos - read;
+ if(newb<0) newb=0; // strange...
+ // calc free buffer space:
+ space=s->buffer_size - (newb+back);
+ // calc bufferpos:
+ pos=s->max_filepos - s->offset;
+ if(pos>=s->buffer_size) pos-=s->buffer_size; // wrap-around
+ if(space<s->fill_limit){
+// printf("Buffer is full (%d bytes free, limit: %d)\n",space,s->fill_limit);
+ return 0; // no fill...
+ }
+// printf("### read=0x%X back=%d newb=%d space=%d pos=%d\n",read,back,newb,space,pos);
+ // reduce space if needed:
+ if(space>s->buffer_size-pos) space=s->buffer_size-pos;
+// if(space>32768) space=32768; // limit one-time block size
+ if(space>4*s->sector_size) space=4*s->sector_size;
+// if(s->seek_lock) return 0; // FIXME
+#if 1
+ // back+newb+space <= buffer_size
+ back2=s->buffer_size-(space+newb); // max back size
+ if(s->min_filepos<(read-back2)) s->min_filepos=read-back2;
+ s->min_filepos=read-back; // avoid seeking-back to temp area...
+ // ....
+ //printf("Buffer fill: %d bytes of %d\n",space,s->buffer_size);
+ //len=stream_fill_buffer(s->stream);
+ //memcpy(&s->buffer[pos],s->stream->buffer,len); // avoid this extra copy!
+ // ....
+ len=stream_read(s->stream,&s->buffer[pos],space);
+ if(!len) s->eof=1;
+ s->max_filepos+=len;
+ if(pos+len>=s->buffer_size){
+ // wrap...
+ s->offset+=s->buffer_size;
+ }
+ return len;
+cache_vars_t* cache_init(int size,int sector){
+ int num;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ cache_vars_t* s=shmem_alloc(sizeof(cache_vars_t));
+ cache_vars_t* s=malloc(sizeof(cache_vars_t));
+ if(s==NULL) return NULL;
+ memset(s,0,sizeof(cache_vars_t));
+ num=size/sector;
+ if(num < 16){
+ num = 16;
+ }//32kb min_size
+ s->buffer_size=num*sector;
+ s->sector_size=sector;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ s->buffer=shmem_alloc(s->buffer_size);
+ s->buffer=malloc(s->buffer_size);
+ if(s->buffer == NULL){
+#ifndef WIN32
+ shmem_free(s,sizeof(cache_vars_t));
+ free(s);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ s->fill_limit=8*sector;
+ s->back_size=s->buffer_size/2;
+ return s;
+void cache_uninit(stream_t *s) {
+ cache_vars_t* c = s->cache_data;
+ if(!s->cache_pid) return;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ kill(s->cache_pid,SIGKILL);
+ waitpid(s->cache_pid,NULL,0);
+ TerminateThread((HANDLE)s->cache_pid,0);
+ free(c->stream);
+ if(!c) return;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ shmem_free(c->buffer,c->buffer_size);
+ shmem_free(s->cache_data,sizeof(cache_vars_t));
+ free(c->buffer);
+ free(s->cache_data);
+static void exit_sighandler(int x){
+ // close stream
+ exit(0);
+int stream_enable_cache(stream_t *stream,int size,int min,int seek_limit){
+ cache_vars_t* s;
+ if (stream->type==STREAMTYPE_STREAM && stream->fd < 0) {
+ // The stream has no 'fd' behind it, so is non-cacheable
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_STATUS,"\rThis stream is non-cacheable\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ s=cache_init(size,ss);
+ if(s == NULL) return 0;
+ stream->cache_data=s;
+ s->stream=stream; // callback
+ s->seek_limit=seek_limit;
+ //make sure that we won't wait from cache_fill
+ //more data than it is alowed to fill
+ if (s->seek_limit > s->buffer_size - s->fill_limit ){
+ s->seek_limit = s->buffer_size - s->fill_limit;
+ }
+ if (min > s->buffer_size - s->fill_limit) {
+ min = s->buffer_size - s->fill_limit;
+ }
+#ifndef WIN32
+ if((stream->cache_pid=fork())){
+ {
+ DWORD threadId;
+ stream_t* stream2=malloc(sizeof(stream_t));
+ memcpy(stream2,s->stream,sizeof(stream_t));
+ s->stream=stream2;
+ stream->cache_pid = CreateThread(NULL,0,ThreadProc,s,0,&threadId);
+ // wait until cache is filled at least prefill_init %
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_V,"CACHE_PRE_INIT: %"PRId64" [%"PRId64"] %"PRId64" pre:%d eof:%d \n",
+ (int64_t)s->min_filepos,(int64_t)s->read_filepos,(int64_t)s->max_filepos,min,s->eof);
+ while(s->read_filepos<s->min_filepos || s->max_filepos-s->read_filepos<min){
+ 100.0*(float)(s->max_filepos-s->read_filepos)/(float)(s->buffer_size),
+ (int64_t)s->max_filepos-s->read_filepos
+ );
+ if(s->eof) break; // file is smaller than prefill size
+ if(mp_input_check_interrupt(PREFILL_SLEEP_TIME))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_STATUS,"\n");
+ return 1; // parent exits
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(void*s){
+// cache thread mainloop:
+ signal(SIGTERM,exit_sighandler); // kill
+ while(1){
+ if(!cache_fill((cache_vars_t*)s)){
+ usec_sleep(FILL_USLEEP_TIME); // idle
+ }
+// cache_stats(s->cache_data);
+ }
+int cache_stream_fill_buffer(stream_t *s){
+ int len;
+ if(s->eof){ s->buf_pos=s->buf_len=0; return 0; }
+ if(!s->cache_pid) return stream_fill_buffer(s);
+// cache_stats(s->cache_data);
+ if(s->pos!=((cache_vars_t*)s->cache_data)->read_filepos) mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_ERR,"!!! read_filepos differs!!! report this bug...\n");
+ len=cache_read(s->cache_data,s->buffer, ((cache_vars_t*)s->cache_data)->sector_size);
+ //printf("cache_stream_fill_buffer->read -> %d\n",len);
+ if(len<=0){ s->eof=1; s->buf_pos=s->buf_len=0; return 0; }
+ s->buf_pos=0;
+ s->buf_len=len;
+ s->pos+=len;
+// printf("[%d]",len);fflush(stdout);
+ return len;
+int cache_stream_seek_long(stream_t *stream,off_t pos){
+ cache_vars_t* s;
+ off_t newpos;
+ if(!stream->cache_pid) return stream_seek_long(stream,pos);
+ s=stream->cache_data;
+// s->seek_lock=1;
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_DBG2,"CACHE2_SEEK: 0x%"PRIX64" <= 0x%"PRIX64" (0x%"PRIX64") <= 0x%"PRIX64" \n",s->min_filepos,pos,s->read_filepos,s->max_filepos);
+ newpos=pos/s->sector_size; newpos*=s->sector_size; // align
+ stream->pos=s->read_filepos=newpos;
+ s->eof=0; // !!!!!!!
+ cache_stream_fill_buffer(stream);
+ pos-=newpos;
+ if(pos>=0 && pos<=stream->buf_len){
+ stream->buf_pos=pos; // byte position in sector
+ return 1;
+ }
+// stream->buf_pos=stream->buf_len=0;
+// return 1;
+ mp_msg(MSGT_CACHE,MSGL_V,"cache_stream_seek: WARNING! Can't seek to 0x%"PRIX64" !\n",(int64_t)(pos+newpos));
+ return 0;